amelia earhart park covid testing address

The City of Hialeah will be taking the following community measures as a precaution to help prevent the spread of COVID-19: The City of Hialeah encourages the community to continue practicing social distancing by putting space between yourself and others, continue to practice healthy habits, like washing your hands for at least 20 seconds, and staying home if youre sick, to help slow the spread of COVID-19, as recommended by the CDC. 7. 1. During the period of such curfew, no person shall make use of any street or sidewalk for any purpose, except police, fire rescue, first responder, medical, health care, media, and utility repair service personnel. In terms of nutrition assistance, the measure would provide $500 million in emergency funding for the WIC program and $400 million for the Commodity Assistance Program for the emergency food assistance program (TEFAP), $100 million of which could be used for costs related to the distribution of goods. 6. Where to Find COVID-19 Testing in South Florida Para reservar una cita para hacerse la prueba del coronavirus (COVID-19): Miami-Dade County Emergency Order 16-20 orders Adult Day Cares within the unincorporated and incorporated areas of the County to close, or otherwise cease all programs to deliver personal services to the elderly, effective April 3, 2020 at 11:59 PM. If you experience price gouging or scams related to COVID-19 commodities, call 1-(866)-9NO-SCAM, or 1-(866)-966-7226 to file a report. PDF Information regarding COVID-19 for international scholars COVID-19 Testing Sites in Miami-Dade & Broward Counties, pdf These Procedures shall take effect concurrent with the execution of this Order and remain in effect until this Order is rescinded. 1. Restaurants in the City of Hialeah are ordered to close at 11 p.m. Kitchens may remain open for takeout and delivery orders. Private sector employers with fewer than 500 workers and government entities would have to provide as many as 12 weeks of job-protected leave under the Family and Medical Leave Act (FMLA) for employees who have to: comply with a requirement or recommendation to quarantine because of exposure to or symptoms of coronavirus, provide care to a family member whos complying with such a requirement or recommendation, or provide care for child younger than 18 whose school or day care has closed because of coronavirus. All essential retail and commercial establishments are strongly encouraged to implement policies for employees to use personal protective equipment such as gloves, subject to the availability of such items. Parking is free Monday through Friday, but costs $7 per vehicle on weekends and holidays. 4. This is especially important for people who are at higher risk of getting very sick. Florida National Guard assists local partner with CBTS Amelia Earhart Park As a result of the public health emergency caused by Coronavirus (COVID-19), the restrictions on person-to-person contact, social distancing guidelines, and stay-athome orders to stop the spread of COVID-19 promulgated by national, state, local authorities and as authorized by Governor Ronald DeSantiss Executive Order 2069 (March 20, 2020), this Special Public Meeting will be held utilizing communications media technology, including video and telephonic conferencing. Now, the park is named in honor of famed female pilot Amelia Earhart, who took her last flight from Hialeah, Fla., in1937. No puede ser un centro mdico, oficina (de leyes, bienes races, clrigo), escuela pequea, guardera o institucin de enseanza, Esta oportunidad no est disponible para las empresas que ya estn recibiendo, NOTICE OF PUBLIC VIRTUAL MEETING IMPACT BARGAINING BETWEEN CITY OF HIALEAH AND IAFF LOCAL 1102. La programacin en los parques tambin se ha pospuesto hasta nuevo aviso. Casinos will also be allowed to re-open, following the same rules they previously followed, but adding the restriction that consumption of food and beverages can only take place in areas designated for eating. La Oficina de la Secretaria de la Ciudad tambin puede enviar una copia de la agenda por correo electrnico a cualquiera que solicite una copia por telfono al (305) 883-5820 o por correo electrnico a 611. 2 to Miami-Dade CountyEmergency Order 27-20. This Emergency Curfew Order shall be strictly adhered to at all times and enforceable pursuant to Florida law. Si llama antes de las 9 a.m., no podr conectarse. You must be in a vehicle to receive the unemployment application. Si usted aplico previamente para unos de los permisos mencionado y ha sido aprobado, por favor contctenos para preguntarnos sobre la posibilidad de pagar su permiso por internet y recibir sus planos aprobados por correo electrnico. The department of public works is closed to the public due to the covid-19 crisis until further notice. 5. El Programa de Prstamos Puente, administrado por el Departamento de Oportunidades Econmicas de la Florida (DEO, por sus siglas en ingls), proporcionar prstamos a corto plazo y sin intereses a las pequeas empresas que sufrieron daos econmicos por COVID-19. Effective 10:00 p.m., Tuesday, April 14, 2020, City of Hialeah Mayor Carlos Hernandez hereby orders: 1. Notwithstanding the provisions of paragraph 1 and 2, all individuals must cover their nose and mouth with a mask in restaurants, food service business establishments, pharmacies, supermarkets, groceries and all other essential retail business establishments that sell to the general public (a) human food, animal/pet food, pet supplies or beverage products; (b) hardware or building materials, consumer electronics, technology or appliances, telecommunication devices; or (c) office supplies or products. Due to the current situation with COVID-19 the Planning & Zoning Department is closed to the public. The measure heads to the Senate, which will consider the bill the week of March 16, and the President has indicated that he will sign it. You must have it to be tested. 1401 79th Street Causeway A COVID-19 drive-thru testing site is opening Thursday at a park in Hialeah, county officials announced. New drive-thru COVID-19 testing sites on Miami Beach and in Hialeah's Amelia Earhart Park are by appointment only, with those appointments spaced well apart. By appointment only.To book an appointment to get tested for the coronavirus (COVID-19):CALL 305-COVID19 305-268-4319 En colaboracin con el Comisionado Esteban Bovo, Jr. y el ex Senador Ren Garca, un centro de pruebas gratuito para realizar examenes del coronavirus va abrir a partir del 2 de abril de 2020 a las 9:00 a.m en Amelia Earhart Park (401 E 65th St, Hialeah, FL 33013). Long Lines at Covid-19 Testing Sites Again - NBC 6 South Florida 2. El perodo de solicitud comienza hoy, 17 de marzo de 2020 y se extiende hasta el 8 de mayo de 2020. The provisions of this Order shall supersede any inconsistent provisions in any prior emergency order. Programming in the parks have also been postponed until further notice. Only two people are allowed in the car, and an appointment has to be made prior to arrival. At the same time while we protect the health of our residents, Hialeah respects freedom. All employees, contractors, operators, or agents of essential services business establishments permitted to remain open pursuant to Governor DeSantiss Executive Order 20-91 and 20-89 and Miami-Dade County Emergency Order 07-20, as amended, must cover their nose and mouth with a mask when the performance of their employment duties or business activities in providing an essential service to the public involves person-to-person contact with the public and a minimum six-foot distance cannot be maintained. Coronavirus rules as of 31 January 2023 Test verification requirement Employees (min. found all over Stuttgart usually offer only rapid (antigen) tests . The cost of testing in most cases is now a minimum of 3. Si cumple con estos criterios, asegrese de traer su identificacin, debe tenerla para ser probado. Puede encontrar una lista de prestamistas participantes, as como informacin adicional y trminos completos en 2 new coronavirus testing sites open in South Florida El Gobernador Ron Desantis ha anunciado hoy que habr un nuevo sitio de pruebas para atender a los residentes de la Ciudad de Hialeah en los prximos das, la ubicacin se anunciar pronto. notification of results from a health representative. Should you have any further questions please contact the Department of Parks & Recreation at (305) 687-2650.Tenga en cuenta que a partir del mircoles 18 de marzo de 2020, todos los Parques e Instalaciones de Recreacin de la Ciudad de Hialeah estarn cerrados hasta nuevo aviso. In an attempt to slow the spread and mitigate the potential impact of Coronavirus Disease; MAYOR CARLOS HERNANDEZ HEREBY ORDERS: 1. The Miami- Dade County Emergency Order 13-20 orders that all establishments defined as essential commercial or retail establishment in Emergency Order 07-20, as amended from time to time, shall use reasonable efforts to ensure that customers and employees on site maintain appropriate social distancing (6ft), as recommended by the current CDC guidance, particularly in checkout, pick-up or take-out areas, and also in employee breakrooms and common use areas. For more information on this site, please read our Privacy Policy, and Terms of Service. Address: 401 E 65 St., Hialeah. How can I find the closest bus route/stop? M-DC Community Based Testing Vaccine Sites (Updated as of 02/17/2021) The Citys use of face masks is governed by COVID-19-COH-EO-7, issued on April 9, 2020 and amended on May 12, 2020 by COVID-19-COH-EO-7A. COVID-19 can spread from person to person through small droplets from the nose or mouth, including when an individual coughs or sneezes. The agenda for this Special Meeting is available to the public on the Citys website and can be accessed at Newsroom: (305) 795-2777. A list of participating lenders as well as additional information and full terms can be found at The Special Meeting of the City Council is called to approve the appropriation or expenditure of public funds and approve other measures deemed essential to continue the citys operations, functions and services during the pendency of the public health emergency. Las exhibiciones y eventos para Arte y Entretenimiento del Centro Milander han sido cancelados / pospuestos y permanecern cerrados para visitas hasta el 1 de mayo de 2020.*. 5. This Order shall not be interpreted to restrict any employee or customer from accessing any essential retail or commercial establishment to address any emergency or other exigent circumstance, even if a mask is not readily available at the time such emergency or other exigent circumstance occurs. El establecimiento de servicio de alimentos no permitir que los clientes esperen cerca de la ventana del servicio de atencin o en las instalaciones del establecimiento de negocios de servicio de alimentos mientras se prepara el pedido del cliente. Solo por cita.Para reservar una cita para hacerse la prueba del coronavirus (COVID-19): LLAME AL 305-COVID19305-268-4319. Food service business establishments shall require all customers using walk-up service windows for the purposes allowed and in the manner mandated by this Order to wear masks. Park hours shall be from 7:00 a.m. to 8:00 p.m. on Monday through Friday only. Ian Margol, Reporter. In collaboration with Commissioner Esteban Bovo, Jr. and Former Senator Ren Garca, a free Coronavirus testing site is opening April 2, 2020 at 9:00am in Amelia Earhart Park (401 E 65th St, Hialeah, FL 33013). Objetivo: Ayudar a 1,000 hogares de alquiler pagando $ 1,000 por alquiler, por hasta 3 meses, $1,000 por 1,000 inquilinos que residen en HialeahPagamos al arrendador directamente, Save Our Business Fund (APPLICATION CLOSED), The City of Hialeah has $2 Million available to help small businesses affected by COVID-19, Goal: To assist 400 businesses with Rent for up to 3 months or up to $5,000, Rent for 400 Hialeah Businesses We Pay the Landlord Directly, Completed Application by the Business Owner, Uploaded Lease Agreement (Lease must be current and fully executed), Other documents may be required after you are approved, Must be a for-profit business in Hialeah, Must be a small business (25 or fewer employees), Must have been active for more than one (1) year, Must be current with business licenses and taxes, Must ensure the retention of at least one (1) employee. Must Keep Employees on the Payrollor Rehire Quickly. The use of face masks at all times pursuant to City COVID-19-COH-EO-7 and 7A is mandatory while at city parks. Miami-Dade Amelia Earhart Park 401 E 65th Street, Hialeah, FL 33054 Drive . Hialeah is not planning to slow down the progress and lives of our residents by shutting down. WSVN-TVSunbeam Television Corp This includes tables, doorknobs, light switches, countertops, handles, desks, phones, keyboards, toilets, faucets, and sinks. Information regarding COVID-19 for international scholars . Appointments are required, please call 305-268-4319 to be scheduled. Notwithstanding Miami-Dade County Order 21-20, all city owned parks, tennis courts, basketball courts, playgrounds, gymnasiums and other recreational facilities shall remain closed. A mask required by this Order may be homemade of cloth as recommended by the CDC. 2. Orden de emergencia 13-20 del condado de Miami Dade ordena que todos los establecimientos definidos como establecimientos comerciales o minoristas esenciales en la Orden de emergencia 07-20, modificada peridicamente, hagan esfuerzos razonables para garantizar que los clientes y empleados en el sitio mantengan un distanciamiento social adecuado (6 pies), segn lo recomendado por la gua actual del CDC, particularmente en las reas de recogida, pago, retiro y tambin en salas de descanso para empleados y reas de uso comn. Create a Website Account - Manage notification subscriptions, save form progress and more. State-imposed work requirements wouldnt be changed, but a persons participation in SNAP during the emergency couldnt be counted for determining compliance with work requirements. This Order shall be enforced pursuant to Florida law. 8. Todos los programas de educacin y servicios comunitarios han sido suspendidos hasta nuevo aviso. Servicio de Reparaciones de Emergencia. WSVN broadcast educational and informational programming for children, and file quarterly reports with the FCC detailing the station's outreach to children. Organized, team sports, or competitive play of any kind is prohibited. Residents must be 65 years of age or older and showing symptoms of COVID-19. 3. You may also visit the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC) website regarding COVID-19 by visiting the following link: Several COVID-19 testing centers are up and running in South Florida, with more expected to open in coming weeks. 2. Working at essential establishments listed in attached exhibit A;b. Amendment No. Food service business establishments shall not allow social gathering at, near or in the vicinity of the walk-up service window or on the premises of the food service business establishment. All Emergency Orders issued to date by the City of Hialeah in response to the COVID-19 pandemic are hereby numbered sequentially in the order issued and in the manner provided in the following table: First Extension of Declaration of State of Local Emergenc through March 30, 2020, Second Extension of Declaration of State of Local Emergency through A ril 6, 2020, Third Extension of Declaration of State of Local Emergenc through April 13, 2020, Meeting Guidelines and Procedures for Virtual Council Meetings, Restrictions on Use of Walk-up Service Windows, Fourth Extension of Declaration of State of Local Emergency through April 20, 2020, Post-Suspension/Revocation Virtual Hearings, Fifth Extension of Declaration of State of Local Emer enc through April 27, 2020, Sixth Extension of Declaration of State of, Order Numbering All Emergency Orders Issued by the City of Hialeah in Response to COVID-19 for Ease of Reference, NOTICE OF VIRTUAL SPECIAL PUBLIC MEETING OF THE CITY COUNCIL. Starting April 10, 2020, independent contractors and self-employed individuals can apply. The White House and CDC have also published the following informational webpage in English and in Spanish. 7. Effective 12:01 a.m. Wednesday, May 27, 2020, I hereby suspend all ordinances regulating outdoor dining in the City of Hialeah to the extent they are inconsistent with the operating guidelines outlined in the New Normal Handbook and promulgated by Miami-Dade County Emergency Order 23-20 (May 15, 2020) until further order. Debido a la situacin actual con COVID-19, el Departamento de Building de la Ciudad de Hialeah estar cerrado al pblico comenzando el 30 de marzo del 2020. If you meet these criteria, be sure to bring your ID. All special events in the city will be postponed until further notice. Members of the public wishing to participate in the virtual public meeting will be able to participate by registering with the Office of the City Clerk. This is not a full list of COVID-19 testing locations. Town Hall 6601 Main Street Miami Lakes, FL 33014 t 305.364.6100 f 305.558.6066, E-Mail Disclaimer: Under Florida law, e-mail addresses are public records. Miami-Dade County Emergency Order 16-20PDF Download, Governor Ron Desantis announces new COVID-19 testing site in the City of Hialeah. 6. Beginning Wednesday, April 8, 2020, the new schedule for collecting unemployment and assistance applications will be from 10:00am to 3:00pm until further notice. An appointment will be needed there too and can be made by. 2. Please contact us at 305-883-8075 or email the Planning & Zoning Official at THEREFORE, in response to the impending risk to the life, health, safety and welfare posed by Coronavirus Disease 2019 (COVID-19) to our citizenry and pursuant to the authority set forth in Florida Statutes 952.38 and in furtherance of all national, state, county and local emergency orders issued to date not inconsistent with this order; In order to safeguard the life, health, safety and welfare of the residents of the City of Hialeah; and In order to safeguard the life, health, safety and welfare of the residents of the City of Hialeah; and. 3. All City of Hialeah Parks & Recreation facilities will be closed effective Wednesday, March 18. *. All owners or operators of retail and commercial establishments and any facility or other establishment permitted to open shall abide by the most stringent requirement on the use of face masks by employees and patrons of the establishment. (281 KB), pdf In collaboration with Commissioner Esteban Bovo, Jr. and Former Senator Ren Garca, a free Coronavirus testing site is opening April 2, 2020 at 9:00am in Amelia Earhart Park (401 E 65th St, Hialeah, FL 33013).This location is for Northwest Dade residents aged 65 or older who are experiencing symptoms of the Coronavirus. Notice is hereby given that the Board of Trustees of the City of Hialeah Employees Retirement System will hold a VIRTUAL Special Public Meeting at 9:30 a.m. on Thursday, April 23, 2020. All retail and commercial establishments and any other establishment or facility permitted to open as of 12:01a.m. All Hialeah Public Library programs have been postponed until further notice. Alert Center Hialeah, FL CivicEngage A portion of Amelia Earhart Park is currently being utilized as a drive-in COVID-19 testing site. THEREFORE, in response to the impending risk to the life, health, safety and welfare posed by Coronavirus Disease 2019 (COVID-19) to our citizenry and pursuant to the authority set forth in Florida Statutes 5252.38 and in furtherance of all national, state, county and local emergency orders issued to date not inconsistent with this order; Emergency Order Reopening All City Parks For Limited Use in The City Of Hialeah (COVID-19-COH-EO-19), EMERGENCY ORDER DELAYING PHASE 1 REOPENING OF NON-ESSENTIAL BUSINESSES IN THE CITY OF HIALEAH. Se le enviara por correo electrnico sus planos aprobados y tarjeta de permiso. Stay home if you are sick, except to get medical care. The cost-sharing prohibition would also apply to Medicaid, Medicare, TRICARE, veterans health programs, the Indian Health Service, and coverage provided to federal civilian employees. The Office of the City Clerk can also email a copy of the agenda to anyone who requests a copy by telephone at (305) 883-5820 or by email at 2 to Miami-Dade County Emergency Order 26-20. Debe estar al da con las licencias comerciales y los impuestos. 1. The food service establishment shall not allow customers to wait at, near or in the vicinity of the walk-up service window or on the premises of the food service business establishment while the customers order is being prepared. All retail and commercial establishments allowed to operate as permitted by Miami-Dade County Emergency Order 07-20, as amended, shall continue to operate. Floridas Price Gouging Hotline has been activated. Miami-Dade County Public Schools partners with the University of Miami Health System Pediatric Mobile Clinic to offer FREE COVID-19 Testing for all children in Miami-Dade County Ages 4-18 (326 KB) (Updated 4/5/2021) MEDIA CONTACT: Clarisell De Cardenas Tel: 305-364-6100 E-mail: Share with a Friend! Coronavirus Testing: Marlins Park Site Lowers Age To 18 And Up Todos los prstamos tendrn los mismos trminos independientemente del prestamista o prestatario. 7. Goal: To assist 1,000 renting households by paying $1,000 for Rent, for up to 3 months, $1,000 for 1,000 Renters Residing in Hialeah We Pay the Landlord Directly,, Fondo de ayuda para propietarios e inquilinos, La ciudad de Hialeah tiene $1 milln disponible para ayudar a los inquilinos afectados por COVID-19. In addition to the mandatory use of face mask, all park patrons should continue to practice physical distancing and other prevention measures. We thank you for your attention and patience. Alentamos a los residentes a utilizar los servicios de entrega o conducir en establecimientos de comida rpida, que permanecern abiertos, ya que continuaran tomando precauciones para garantizar la seguridad de los alimentos. Contine enviando sus pedidos de inspecciones a como de costumbre. Effective September 14, 2020, this amendment sets the Countywide curfew at 11:00 p.m. instead of 10:00 p.m. Coronavirus Relief Fund (CRF) Mortgage Assistance Program. (Information Provided by Centers of Disease Control and Prevention), Centers for Disease Control and Prevention,,, COVID Testing. PROGRAMA DE PROTECCIN DE CHEQUES DE PEQUEAS EMPRESAS (PPP). No estaremos haciendo inspecciones overtime, tampoco estaremos revisando planos de manera acelerada. Benny Babcock Park- 651 East 4TH Avenue, Hialeah, FL 33010 (Allied Health), Bucky Dent Park- 2250 West 60 Street, Hialeah, FL 33016 (Allied Health), Amelia Earhart Park 401 E 65 Street, Hialeah, Miami, FL, 33013. Coronavirus Updates | Opa-Locka, FL All places of business, commerce, worship, recreation or entertainment shall require all patrons or all persons entering the premises to wear masks at all times while on the premises. COVID-19 Testing in Miami-Dade County Community Health of South Florida - Doris Ison Health Center Address: 10300 SW 216th Street, Miami, FL 33190 Testing Hours: Monday through Friday, from 9 A.M. to noon Last day of testing at this location is April 8 due to new site at the South Dade Government Center (see below) Who can be tested? The provisions of this order shall serve as minimum standards. You must call first to get an appointment. HIALEAH, FLA. (WSVN) - The minimum age requirement to get tested for COVID-19 at Amelia Earhart Park in Hialeah has been lowered to 18 years old. ORDER ON EMERGENCY ACTION CLOSING BUSINESS PREMISES AND POST-SUSPENSION OR POST-REVOCATION HEARING PURSUANT TO HIALEAH, FLA. CODE 86-56; DELEGATION OF POWERS; MEETING GUIDELINES AND PROCEDURES USING COMMUNICATIONS MEDIA TECHNOLOGY IN RESPONSE TO COVID19. HIALEAH, FLA. (WSVN) - As coronavirus cases spike across South Florida, another drive-thru testing site has opened at Amelia Earhart Park in Hialeah. Los esfuerzos razonables pueden incluir, entre otros, marcar pisos a intervalos apropiados o proporcionar otros sistemas visibles para permitir que las personas mantengan un distanciamiento social adecuado.

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