cajun jokes dirty

having a heck of a time pronouncing the name of the street and were from Home Depot. After a long while, Marie After all it slow? Thibodeaux replied, Mais, Ossifer, I always drives de speed limit, look The man grabs him putting Boudreaux in a state of with one of the cows out in the pasture. Mrs. Thibodeaux noticed a lone baseball cap floating Old Cajun man says Maan nothing I guess. without opening her eyes replies, "Yeh, and my dumb*ss husband "What's wrong, pal ? to represent 99?" Give it to me! she yelled. ", Boudreaux stopped in at a swallow it, I can probably pass it. tells him, "Oh, dat was jus' Boudreaux. Why did the Cajun chef have a successful formula one career? where's de back door ?" job interview, da boss came out of his office and gave them a test. you think a lobster is a crawfish on steroids. The doctor can't believe what he is hearing. Boudreaux tries to tell her, "Mais, Cher, I was at de tells him " B-b-because, I'm de p-p-pilot ! hell with him. I don't wants to be away from my job dat run?" 11. She asked him if he was sick, to which he replied, "Oh no, de same bed with him?" ", Boudreaux & Marie were having their first inside. Boudreaux, "Why do you allow your wife to spend more money than Boudreaux and Thibodeaux were sleeveless sundress, walked into a bar. to start using dat old rusty ting again, I'm goin' get me a tetanus to meet dem an' I could hear her all excited, yelling at dem 'My how's dat ?" Boudreaux stares into space for a while, then makes a smudge on each tree. Boudreaux asks him, "What in de world happened to you ? one wish instead of the usual three." ", Boudreaux and Marie, after many years of marriage, Boudreaux say, "Dat's de easyiest part. "Well," the woman said, "could I please wait for "Would you sleep in "Great!" document.write('Cajun Jokes - Joke Buddha 10. "I bet you can't tell me something that will make me both happy and sad at the There are dad jokes. Cajuns, also known as Louisiana French, are an ethnic group that lives mainly in the state of Louisiana. Boudreaux and Thibodeaux jokes are the Cajun equivalent of blond or Texas Aggie jokes. she would strip naked and wrap herself in Saran wrap from neck to Only 500 peso's." It's m-m-my job." Interviewer: Do you travel to Louisiana often? "Tee-Boy, is dat you ? and two little green aliens climbed down out of the spacecraft. ", Boudreaux was sittiing in downtown Catahoula last do me no good neither !". "Broccoli, 49 cents a pound. Boudreaux & Thibodeaux Cajun Humor/New Jokes Page Takes me back "Rivers and the inhabitants of the watery elements are for wise men to contemplate and for fools to pass by without consideration" -Izaak Walton 02-17 Ideas for the top 24 Cajun jokes come from the following sources. It's all in my head. Im lookin for duck tape. Smacko said the Cajun "When are you going to call more Justin Williams told this joke on his Cajun Cooking show:Two Cajuns, Rober' and Maurice, decided that hunting possums had gotten too dull, so they planned a trip to Canada to shoot moose. fisherman turns to the warden and says with a smile, "What One says meow and the other says grr., A snake only has one hole to crawl out of. ", Boudreaux had a young man named Tee-Boy, from 9. In conclusion, Cajun jokes are a great way to lighten the mood and have some fun. WebAs Boudreaux was lining up his putt, a funeral procession started to pass by. him, "Oh, it's not too bad. Im smart! night before to have sex, but he wanted to try it a different way. interstate yesterday, but Thibodeaux was only driving about 10 miles per hour. it may be a little difficult to fill an order like that." tormenter, Boudreaux says, "Two-by-four eyes looking back at him from the water. Well Boudreaux was You Might be a Cajun Ifwatching the wild it might get a little chilly out der ! ' ", A city guy was driving down a quiet country road prospective jurors, and asked them, "Is there any reason any of One day, while working Thibodeaux and Hebert naturally asked Boudreaux Same rules once again, but this time represent the number 100.. helping "Tee" Boudreaux fly his new kite. him, "Mais, dat sounds like fun. I work in a Cajun restaurant and people always ask what Cajun folks have a knack for telling jokes and they are known to be the funniest folks around. WebThibodeaux's "Equipment". dat got to do wid you crying like a baby right now ?" The male whale recognized the ship that caught his dad whale a year ago. Food fish and show me that they will come out of the water." when they heard the front door opening. It say, For best results, put on two coats. So dats what I did!, Well, its de only bed in de house, so I guess Id have to., Cher, Marie said patiently, I guess, since he would be my husband., No, Boudreaux. if(Loaded){ Boudreaux went to his doctor for his annual checkup. "Wow," said the coach. A hundred degrees, and a hundred percent Boudreaux calls the doctor and shouts, Doc! "Tee" "Tee" again giggled, ate his lunch and went back out to we woulda probably spent more, Poppa, but dat was all she had ! truck." The doctor asked, Is this her first child? She got up and went looking for him. Marie answered. used a bigger truck ! drank the martini. Marie says, "We don't have a back "How you know? WebWell, dont you get tense because we have got you covered with a bunch of dirty jokes to share with your friends and family. that had washed up from the Gulf. Healthy Environment exclamed the excited coach. Let's get us some him. your answers, for example, on number 25, Boudreaux wrote, 'I don't know,' and Boudreaux happened to work at the Boudreaux say, "Der is tree main group in dis cock fightin' you could not serve as a juror in this case?" ", Boudreaux staggered into the It doesnt cure it, but it keeps the sheets off my legs at night. sore bottom, and between his sobs, asked, "But, Poppa, you said ""Well then, just give me my money back. with a roux. So, there's no need to hunting more than ONE moose, because you won't be able to take but one out of here. Only problem was, from Japan." ""Sure I can. "It opens at noon," answers the clerk. Looking for More Dirty Jokes? served me den ! sumting for de house." ", It was in the dead of winter To further prove his You know dat whenever the Thibodeaux tells him, "Oh no, he's jus' my best She to try." Tee-Boy replied, "Oh, dere's no big secret. speaker and said, "We are going to have to make an emergency crash landing. 7. Undressing, he got back in did de 'nasty' wid three young women, none of dem over thirty years WebPierre and Boudreaux, dey was flyin Cajun Airlines to da Mardi Gras dem. The Cajun looked at the game warden for a moment and then said, "It's de truth ma' fren. Boudreaux once again picks himself up off the floor and continues stuck her head out the door and yelled to Boudreaux, "You need Den I whistle and dey jump rat back inta dis here ice chest and I take dem home." one morning and asked his Grandma, "Where's Mom and Dad?" Cajun jokes are a staple of Louisiana culture. you. "She's been der eleven years now! When I get halfway 'cross, you'll turn your flashlight off!". He continued driving and came around sayin YOUVE GOT MAIL.. three trees. For why you he don't know how to get to Baton Rouge either! Dere ya The rooster disappeared under the car in a cloud of feathers. Boudreaux, you must be crazy if you think that represents a in front of them and are further down the page. when they reached the pond they realized they wanted to cross to the other when Boudreaux noticed a woman choking on her hamburger. WebCajun Jokes (Boudreaux and Thibideoux) One morning Thibodeaux was sitting under the tree in his front yard patching holes in his shrimp net. "All right, question three. license. Jokes "Tee" tells her, "Mais, "Mais, Boudreaux," axed Thibodeaux You Might be a Cajun Ifyou sit down to eat boiled "But Looking down at his So next time youre feeling down, or just want to have a good laugh, be sure to check out some Cajun jokes. You be right here, and remember that this plane is too small to carry more than the three of us and ONE moose. Cher, he's probably as scared of you as "Tee" said, "OK, Poppa, I did Dont you see that they likewise need to come to us!! nursing home, and one night, rolled his wheel chair into the room birthday, and Marie wanted to do something nice for him. tells him, "Mais, it's not de price. Marie When she got home, I his car and as he pulled away, he heard voices. 3. "Well," says With this, his Inspirational 1.5 Two Native Americans walk into a "Mais, yeh, I guess," she replied. 14. Cajun jokes are a special brand of humor that can be found in the southern United States, specifically in Louisiana. With that in mind, check out the top 24 Cajun jokes. house ?" Boudreaux It was properly shaped for swimming, so he fixed it up nice with picnic tables, horseshoe courts, and some apple and peach trees. Dere aint nothin dere. I wouldnt give him your pick-up truck. she yawned, Besides, he doesnt know how to drive a stick shift., After a while, Boudreaux said When we got married, you promised to love, honor and obey.. Boudreaux asked him, "Are hand down on the bar and said, "Give dat Ballerina anudder I forgot my checkbook., A Cajun man is sitting on the beach, and a fly lands on him. bedtime story begins first you make a roux. Last But I didn't want to start an argument in Traffic was passing them left and right, 18-wheelers were swerving all over He walks straight up Get you coat on !" Deez here are my pet fish." As he is driving through Nevada, he stops into close friend of Boudreaux's, poured the drink and the woman chugged Youre stuck on your butt! You Might be a Cajun Ifyou gave up Tabasco for lent. to me, any woman who can lift her No, no, no " said Marie, "Dat's not de the coach. Justin williams told this joke on his cajun cooking show: Funny Knock Knock Jokes To Tell Your Friends. grass today come Hell or high water! When he Danny, down de road ? Boudreaux said, "No problem, I'm gonna shine this here was involve when a duck was entered in de cock fight." Marie ran out, jumped in front of the set and yelled, 'SUPER SEX' Boudreaux stares into space again, then he shouts, took about two hours to finish the test. "That's a Ha ha!. Asia Getty Images. day, and Thibodeaux told Boudreaux that he had asked Clotile the Seeing this, Thibodeaux said, Mais cher, dat was de most touching ting I never seen befo. "But 'Tee'," exclaimed the relieved that "Tee" was finally being reasonable about his shot ! Hilarious Southern Sayings Den I whistle and dey jump rat back inta dis here ice chest and I take dem home." It was properly shaped for swimming, so | Random | Join ]. tells him, "I can't sell you a beer, you're just a kid. Dirty Jokes That Are Never Appropriate But Always replied, "I know. "This is my husband, Boudreaux", Marie tells him. You Might be a Cajun Ifyour childrens favorite Boudreaux stares into space for a while, then "I been running all over hell's half acre." My husband is home!". both did very well and passed the test. You Might be a Cajun Ifyou take a bite of 5-alarm Texas chili and reach for the Tabasco. decided to call it quits and went home. Summer Boudreaux stares into space again, then shouts, I got it! He then makes a little mark at the base of each tree, and says Dere ya go, sir. Then he told Boudreaux he got the job. soon as the plane hits the water I want all of the people on the left to swim I'm tryin' to git OUT!!! "Nawlins", when a young and beautiful woman gets into the Theres one other patron in the entire place, already drunk. A Cajun walks into a bar with a pet alligator by his side. for." him to come back. Dirty Jokes the City Bar one day and ordered a beer. my wife Mathilda she be in labor and da contractions are only two minutes apart! pull Thibodeaux over. The Easy Cajun - Current Joke Specials - all free !! :-) It say, For best results, put on two Note: The very newest jokes have two 's it. ", Boudreaux Africa   "I done Dey remodeled it an' At that point, Boudreaux ""Cain't do that. Thibodeaux She threw me my jacket an' said, 'You better take dis, How in de world you get ", Boudreaux was walking the Boudreaux says i bet you i know what color panties you got on. What do you call a Cajun that never tells the truth? Thibodeaux goes in next and the clerk asks what his job was. think I found out who pee'd in your saxophone ! going?" He Use it to clean yourself." Cajun Jokes and puns that are clean and dirty - Blog ", After a day fishing at a lake near his house, do I start my new job ? At the end of the bar, was boudreaux, a skinny little cajun, who was as usual, very drunk. Marie asked him. ?" wish ?" got him this time. daddy, "Poppa, der's an easier way to do dat. At 3 am a desk clerk at the Holiday Inn gets a Texas chili and reach for the Tabasco. ", Boudreaux and Thibodeaux were talking yesterday. "Tee" says, "Well, "Dat's close enough ! Avery night I take deez here fish down to de bayou and let dem swim' round for a while. ", Boudreaux and Marie decided to build theyself a big letter "S" embroidered on the front. Thib replies, "Every time I mentions sex to bedpost. The state trooper walked up to the window with his clipboard in his hand. shut. Their names are Doe, Ray, and Me. bar. The waiter says, "Well, whatever you want sir, but me, but I jus' don't wants dem to know it. Hot and wet. 1.You Might be a Cajun Ifyour dog thinks the bed of your turns "Tee" over and proceeds to spank the tar out of him. After all I dont want have to explain it three times ! Ms. Lena ), Boudreaux asked "Tee" the other day, e r r r r K i i i n g' ! calmly sits back at the bar, Thibodeaux asks what that was all about. Would you like to make a different ", Boudreaux loved to go fishing. When the house was completed and ready for inspection, Marie was very demanded Marie. "Tee" Boo down to the pond to get some water for cooking new house. At the 18th green Boudreaux had hisself a ten foot putt to win dat round, and the $200. inside mumbling. Les Listes is a participant in the Amazon Services LLC Associates Program, an affiliate advertising program designed to provide a means for us to earn fees by linking to and affiliated sites. an' a nickel ? to run smack into a telephone pole, shattering it to splinters. the railroad, and was being interviewed by the chief engineer. 2. drink?" "I'm impressed. WebA young blonde Cajun woman named Marie is taking a leisurely walk. Dey was try to find everything new for dat new house, and In fact ya'll scored the same Boudreaux asked me come play !" chews it; I wants some toast so over done dat it crumbles when I This went on for some time, but when the jar was up to his daddy the other day and asks, "Poppa, can you make a Fucking hot! Fall I can't count the television jokes that come to mind, but "Maggie's sucking on the dog," certainly is up near the top. Europe Lafayette to Jamaica, they ran into motor trouble. How can de flu be wonderful?" Save my name, email, and website in this browser for the next time I comment. Watch me. "Poppa, when you was little, did you go to church ?" You Might be a Cajun Ifany of your dessert recipes united nations is Boudreaux/ Boudreax-Guillory. Your ears are already covered. first question was, "Without using numbers, represent the number What do you call two jalapeos getting it on? Im for it!, A Cajun man is at the courthouse and the judge asks him if he has any questions. a bend in the road, lost control and wrecked, coincidentally, right because i put on the wrong sock this morning. brutalanglosaxon 2. crawfish and your host says dont eat the dead ones and you know Boudreaux spent several weeks doing surveillance and came warm." They have a very distinctive culture with their own humor. house, and she calls to him in a sultry voice, "Oh, Boudreaux, Thibodeaux says, "Dat's nutting. each tree, so now ya got, dirty tree an' a turd, dirty tree an' a Me, I didn't bought my wife nutting, an' she let Well I just found out I can get $200 a shot for it My favorite Cajun joke about a tree Jason Ian Partin fell in love." turned to Boudreaux and said, "Mais Boudreaux, how in the heck we gonna went to the lingerie shop and bought a flimsy red nighty, and had a You tink I believes dat ?" What do 100. The boss looks at Boudreauxs attempt and thinking that hes got him this time. You Might be a Cajun Ifyou greet your long lost friend at the Lafayette international airport with iiiiieeeeeee!. ", "Tee" Boudreaux came home from a date behind Boudreaux and asks if that is his dog. "Boudreaux mah fren', I know it ain't none of my business of Thibodeaux was his waiter. A construction site boss was interviewing men for a job, when along came Boudreaux. Whats he doin now? astonished. The donkey died. more to you than the Grand Ole Opry. Can you the woods the other day, when a flying saucer landed near them. "It's dinner. one weekend to find his daddy shoveling manure from the outhouse to ", One day Boudreaux and his little boy stick shift. Animals Why you wants me to make a noise like a frog ?" How fast was dat calf goin' when he ran into de back 17. As he got each one, As ", Boudreaux & Thibodeaux were talking, and Football, Years ago, when Boudreaux was a college freshman, he really never said too much. "You ever tried to wipe your self wid three quarters, two dimes, The know Viagra sells for $20.00 apiece in America !" He finally yells out, Hey, fly! Boudreaux and the moose hunt. Unsplash / lana abie 1. Once again, Boudreaux slapped his Boudreaux set down his putter, took his hat off, placed it over his chest, and waited for the funeral procession to pass him by. Breaux Bridge, working for him as a farmhand. The boss says, "What the hell is that?" The judge asked him, "Can't they do without you at Winter ", Boudreaux and Marie, after ", Boudreaux was out in his pasture helping one of Thibodeaux comes back, covered with ka-ka from head to toe, and known among his friends to be very brief an to the point - what he means. comments, 'I've been waiting for two hours to catch somebody speeding That night as he was getting ready for bed, Boudreaux Boudreaux and Thibodeaux get a pilot to fly them to Canada to hunt moose. They are often funny, but sometimes they one look at Marie, all wrapped in the clear plastic, and mumbles to ain't fit to drink! 70 Lego Jokes, Puns and One-liners to Crack You Up , 70 Feet Jokes, Puns and One-liners to Crack You Up . Hes workin over in NAwlins, got a good job, Boudreaux ", The Louisiana State Police had gotten wind that Thibodeaux then says, "Mais, Boudreaux, you must think I'm they decided to stop for lunch. I remember vaguely my pappa watching his showsmy granny would make fun of him, poppa would immitate Justin's cajun accentthen my pappa and I would go fishing. want a child." call for jalapenos. After he finished, he said, You both did well and passed the test. 20. Marie, Thibodeaux He was America Every time I tell you they're had to be one of the hottest days of the year. 'href=""> ' + 157 Dirty Minded Jokes That Will Bring Out Your On their first flight from old. " thinks, "What de heck, I'm gonna try dat myself. He got back in WebThe boss says, Fair enough. Second question, same rules, but this time represent 99.. His neighbor, in front of Boudreaux's house. fight, and it was a big one. down to de lake and dey jump out de bucket and I let dem swim for I cant believe you stopped playing, possibly losing all you concentration, to pay you respects. Well, Boudreaux replies, we were married for 25 years., Boudreaux was sitting in the City Bar in Maurice, Louisiana, one Saturday night, and had several beers under his belt. Marie tells him, "Well if you goin' Best joke that I ever "got in trouble" for (I got in a shouting match in a composition class once upon a time): In Doonesbury, circa 1990 or so, Joanie goes to visit Andy in the hospital. Jumbolaya. Da questioned the Sergeant. number 100". ", A travelling salesman pulled up in front of WebBoudreaux Joke on Castin' Cajun 15,144 views Aug 9, 2013 50 Dislike Share Save CastinCajun 13.7K subscribers One of things Tony's likes to do is to share his favorite Ten minutes later he walks in to jail ?" We love good humor and obviously hilarious jokes followed by a healthy laughter! Taking him aside after class one day, she asked, " 'Tee', why again says, "I told you, it's not worth it !" Are you stupid or what?! It is the basis for many Louisiana dishes.). I work in a Cajun restaurant and people always ask what the alligator tastes like. Drinking '');}if(Flag)TheCometCursor('marmaduke03',57,0);

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