Police dispatched on talkgroup 25311(encrypted) on the Cook County Sheriff STARCOM21 500-series nodes. All personnel are now clear of the scene. Fire dispatched on talkgroup 3679, multicast with 151.010 (127.3). and Fire (1400s) have joined West Central Consolidated Communications (WC3). RT @SPOTNEWSonIG: I-55/Cicero: ISP has 2 in custody w/ a weapon recovered in a stolen Kia. The SouthCom Dispatch Centerpolice dispatchesMatteson, Olympia Fields, Park Forest and Richton Park PDs on the Cook County Sheriff's Police Department's STARCOM21 south node (encrypted, see below). Shooting - Ems Ntfd, https://www.syracuse.com/crime/2023/04/1-person-killed-in-midday-shooting-in-sy, 04/16/2023 - 3:45 AM: Syracuse Syracuse Police See Oak Lawn Regional Emergency Center (OLREC). * Fire/EMS coverage by Pleasantview FPD (see DuPage County). Superior Air Med 1 Helo Dispatch (Oakbrook Terrace repeater) (OOS? The Barrington Countryside Fire Protection District (Stations 37 and 38) serves the western third of Inverness. *8/15 - WQWF517, new Chicago Ridge repeaters - 461.5625, 461.8375, 463.3625, (NFM) See wiki page for additional information. Police (500s) dispatched on 470.5875 (156.7PL);Fire by Roberts ParkFPD,dispatched on 155.5575 (91.5 PL). 1. *Fire (Stations 61-63) dispatched by REDCenter on 155.4375 (225.7 PL). Located in Palos Heights, Southwest Central Dispatch (SWCD) dispatches several agencies in the southwest Cook County area. *Fire (42s/4200s) dispatched on 151.430 162.2 PL by E-COM and also uses 154.355 343 DPL (MABAS Division 24 secondary). They also serve as MABAS Division 20 and staff dispatch centers in other communities. Police (800s) dispatched on STARCOM21 encrypted talkgroup by SouthCom, formerly dispatched on 470.7625 127.3 PL. See Southwest Central Dispatch under Consolidated Dispatch Centers (above). **add 155.3025 base/mobile at Orlank Park Fire (1300s) dispatched by Oak Lawn Central on 154.250 146.2 PL. It also appears that they have access to talkgroups 36751-36755. The agency is chaired by the Mayor of the City of Chicago. (5/2020). Dispatched by Addison Consolidated Dispatch Center (ACDC) in DuPage County, on ACDC Fire South (151.2725 71.9 PL). See system's Wiki page for more information. There's some other security contractors out there, too. The SouthCom Dispatch Center dispatches Matteson, Olympia Fields, Park Forest and Richton Park PDs on the Cook County STARCOM21 node Site 502 talkgroup 25009 (encrypted). Cicero Also observed testing on talkgroup 34861. Superior Air-Ground Ambulance Service, Inc. and its subsidiaries: Illinois Medi-Car, Inc., Metro Paramedic Services Inc., Norcomm Public Safety Communications, Inc. and Paramedic Billing Services Inc. * UCAN Base has been heard using either 129.475 or 464.800 while the UCAN helo uses the other to carry on a conversation on two different frequencies. Website. Bellwood Fire Department - 600s (BLWD) - Dispatched by Norcomm on 154.370 May also use 155.190 for aid. * (2/1/17) - Buses using 478.9875 DMR CapacityPlus CC4, LCN 1, TG 116 (RadiLink, Oakbrook Terrace). Many Cook Illinois Corporation subsidiaries use talkgroups on this system. All Fire agencies are dispatched on 151.430 162.2 PL. * Fire ProtectionDistrict (900-series units) dispatched on 155.385 192.8 PL. Fire served by Winnetka-Kenilworth Fire Department on 159.660 D031 (DB:REDCenter). Communications for the Expo Center / Rosement Arena, Police: Traffic - West [Ch 3] (deprecated? Police dispatch by Cook County (on an encrypted talkgroup?). Fire (200s) dispatched on 155.5575 (91.5 PL). STARCOM21 Statewide Illinois. Sheriff: Talk-Around (old North Patrol) [Ch 1], Sheriff: Interop 1 (Old Admin/Warrants [Ch 3], Sheriff: Auxillary - Band 5 (Also TRS) [Ch 5], Sheriff: Testing {Auxillary - Band 5 (Also TRS) [Ch 5]}. See wiki page for more frequency information. *See Wiki page for CCSD146 and Kirby School District. WebCicero Police application. See Oak Lawn Regional Emergency Center (OLREC) under Consolidate Dispatch Centers (above). shooting 04/22/2023 11:26 pm 4900 block of south leamington avenue. Website. Car-to-car may also use 155.190. * Police (200-series units) dispatched by Cook County on STARCOM21 (see below). Police dispatched on talkgroup 3687 (encrypted). Police: Detectives [Ch 16] (was 118.8 PL). TGs 36918 and 36919 reported as possible Hanover Township TGs. While they were inactive during the month of August 2021, they are now once again in use. Phoenix FD also uses 154.355 343 DPL (MABAS Division 24 secondary). Leyden Fire Protection District - 130s (LEYD) - Dispatched by Norcomm on 154.370 Fire (Stations 4 & 5) dispatched by REDCenter. Check Price. See NORCOMM under Consolidated Dispatch Centers (above). Police (2200s, 2300s) dispatched by Lyons Township Area Communications Center (LTACC) on STARCOM21 (formerly on 154.800 186.2 PL). Net 17 - Maywood (100s), Broadview (200s), Bellwood (300s), moved to STARCOM21 talkgroup 25311. Web(Including cicero Scanner Frequencies) Have an update or correction ? Wheeling Police and Fire dispatch will reportedly move to NWCD on January 1st, 2025 (1/17/23). E-Com is located in Homewood; dispatches police and fire for Country Club Hills, East Hazelcrest, Flossmoor, Glenwood, Hazel Crest, Homewood, Riverdale, South Holland and Thornton. ), EMA uses talkgroup 321 for some operations. They appear to service local facilities at discrete locations with smaller coverage areas / lower power transmitters. - Chicago Heights FD (650-687) on 155.085 PL 156.7 Wheeling High School: Maintenance/Admin [Cancelled 5/13], Wheeling High School: Security/Maintenance/Admin [Cancelled 5/13], Community Consolidated School District #21: Admin/Security, The Mosque Foundation of Chicago (Bridgeview): Parking / Security, Francis Xavier Warde School: Operations (751 N State-Chi), Alltown Bus Service: Dobson Yard (Chicago). * Fire (Station 35) dispatched by Laraway Communication Center (Joliet) on Fire East 154.235 (97.4), which is multicast on Will County P25 TRS talkgroup 20111 (see Will County). Police (1400s) dispatched by Southwest Central Dispatch on 470.8625 114.8 PL. * Schaumburg Community Consolidated School District 54 - see wiki page for frequency information. Broadcastify It has a learning curve but is worth every penny for its performance and reliability. Fire (35s-38s, 3500s-3800s) dispatched by Harvey Police(?) * Steger straddles the Cook/Will County border. Future and some current communications. Cicero Police Officer Luis Duarte's brothers and sisters in blue lined his Romeoville driveway Tuesday as he returned home. Fire (Stations 2 & 3) dispatched by REDCenter. Police 151.2275 (three repeaters) also licensed for P25 mode. (11/2019), Fire: Training at the new command training center used for blue card incident command certification, Glencoe Dispatch; Winnetka, Northfield Admin. - CPD Zones are in the process of switching from analog to encrypted P25. Pace Suburban Bus Service of the RTA, The interstitial freqs like the 453.8375 freq are newer licenses. UHF operations have ended, all police dispatch is on STARCOM21. 29-series units too? * Police (7500s?) *dispatches Police for Hodgkins. 154.400 agencies dispatched: Frankfort FPD, New Lenox FPD, Manhattan FPD (may not be part of SWCD) *dispatches Police/Fire/EMS for Alsip, Bridgeview, Burbank, Evergreen Park and Oak Lawn. Net 9 - Markham (300s). Dispatches Police (STARCOM21 encrypted) and Fire (154.190 77.0) for Cicero and Stickney. See wikipage for more information Frequency License Type Tone Alpha Tag Description Mode Tag 154.19000 KCT636 RM 77.0 PL CERC-CC Fire Fire: Dispatch - Cicero and Stickney Fire Departments FMN Fire Dispatch - Lemont FPD (900s) on 155.385 PL 192.8 Presumed to be Bellwood based on tone and FCC license. non emergency calls for police (Town of Cicero Police Department It includes 500 channels in 10 banks, so you can search police and fire bands, along with aircraft, amateur radio, and marine transmissions. *WQSK937 -453.1625 Repeater (NFM) for Police. Not to be confused with Norcom, a shared infrastructure police network in the north suburbs. Police dispatched on an encrypted talkgroup (25311) on the Cook County Sheriff STARCOM21 500-series nodes. Staffing by NORCOMM. * Police (800-series units?) Sanitary District: Data (37.18 KEY896 Terminated, voice). Reckless Endangerment, https://www.syracuse.com/crime/2023/04/person-rescued-from-storm-drain-in-downt, 04/05/2023 - 5:25 PM: Not Provided Liverpool Fire Department - Fire also uses 154.355 343 DPL (MABAS Division 24 secondary). 4), Richard J. Daley Center: GPS Clock System. They are dispatched by Northwest Central Dispatch on "Fire 1", STARCOM21 TG 2751. *WNJR998 - 155.025 FB/MO, 155.625 FB2 (repeats 159.255), 453.3625 FB2 (all NFM and P25). * Serves portions of the villages of Orland Park, Orland Hills and unincorporated areas of Orland Township. * Lemont EMA (1300s). Fire and EMS services provided by Barrington Countryside, East Dundee and Hoffman Estates fire protection districts. Police ops are mostly encrypted, fire ops are not. ), Police: Detail - West [Ch 5] (deprecated? Dispatches Police (STARCOM21 encrypted) and Fire (154.190, PL 77.0) for Cicero, Forest View and Stickney (DPL 432 used on 155.970 input). See wiki page for additional information. Default; Distance; Rating; Name (A - Z) View all businesses that are OPEN 24 Hours. Fire (32s/3200s) dispatched on 153.890 343 DPL by Central Dispatch and also uses 154.355 343 DPL (MABAS Division 24 secondary). Channels may also be referred to as "Fleets". 477.575 (192.8) repeater has been heard. Police patrol by Lake County Sheriff, Fire Protection via Lake Zurich Fire-Rescue. Fire (400s) dispatched on 155.5575 (91.5 PL) (repeats 159.3375). * Fire (units 650-687) dispatched on 155.085; also serves Olympia Fields for Fire and EMS. P.O. Fire/EMS (Station 7) dispatched on 154.370 103.5 PL. See Community Consolidated School District 59 and Township High School District 214 in this section. Police dispatched by SouthCom Dispatch on Cook County Sheriff node encrypted talkgroup. Fire dispatched on 154.370 162.2 PL by SouthCom, Ops on 151.3325 D114. Used for C-C by area departments. For Information call: (317) 984-4900. Station 36, formerly Palatine Rural Fire Protection District. * Also see East Maine School District 63 (above). No active fire, Moyers Corners Fire personnel investigated a potential electrical fire on the 1st and 2nd floors. 957.15 F Microwave Link WQKI508, Fire-only center handling operations for several departments in the south and southwest suburbs. Cicero Police Department Town of Cicero, IL No fire. Maywood Public Library: Security/Maintenance, Public Services: Safety, Police, Fire, Emergency Services, Homeland Security. See STARCOM21 subcategory Cook County - Lyons Township Area Communications Center (LTACC). Of the 24 hour day, crews spent approximately 14 hours at the scene to ensure the fire was completely out and would not rekindle a second time. *dispatches Fire/EMS for Bedford Park, North Palos and Central Stickney Fire Protection Districts. Cicero Police ("HENRY" units) is dispatched by QuadCom dispatch (Kane County) on STARCOM21 (see below). See wiki page for additional information. Police dispatched on Cook County Sheriff's node encrypted talkgroup CK CHICAGO HTS (25124). See Oak Lawn Regional Emergency Center (OLREC). *WPMZ352 was 452.975 Repeater, modified to 452.4 Repeater (NFM at Orland Park). on the Cook County Sheriff's node. See STARCOM21 subcategory "Cook County - Lyons Township Area Communications Center". * See Wiki page for Carl Sandburg High School, * Stagg High School - see Consolidated High School District 230 in wiki page * Niles Township High School District 219 buses: First Student - Skokie Yard (see below under "Bus Companies" for frequencies). Both use 137xxx RIDs. Police: Citywide Alternate/Tac (3900s units), Park District (Lemont Park District license). See Township High School District 214 in this section. The dispatch center is at Orland FPD Station 1 in Orland Park. *WQQU391 - 154.980 Base/Mobile (NFM) at Village Hall. Also see Community Consolidated School District 15 in this section. 470.4125(192.8) Net 17a - former Police Dispatch for Bellwood (300s), now on STARCOM21 encrypted talkgroup 25311 (Net 17). Some Lakeview yards are active on this system. WebCicero Police Radar Detectors & Cicero Police Scanners Detect police activity and stay ticket-free in Cicero, Wisconsin with these police radar detectors. North Palos FPD (Battalion 8, 800s), dispatched by Southwest Central Dispatch North Riverside Police and Fire are dispatched by West Central Consolidated Communications (WC3, housed at North Riverside PD). Fire (Stations 35 and 36) dispatched by REDCenter (South network). Police dispatch is on STARCOM21 talkgroup "Near West 800" (encrypted, with back-up on 155.070 179.7 PL) and fire dispatch is on 154.250 (146.2). Police (300/400/500s) dispatched by CalComm on STARCOM21 (see below). [Ch 7], Streets/Sanitation- South Bureau 4, 5 [Ch 8], TG 0-05-144 used by CHA Security Patrol units. Flossmoor Police dispatched by E-COM on Cook County Sheriff's Site 502 encrypted talkgroup (25126?). * WQXX792 - Poplar Creek Public Library: 457.1625, 457.8125 (4 watt DMR portables) (7/16). ESDA also reported on ESMARN 155.025 CSQ and 45.44 103.5PLState IEMA, Police (L, S units) dispatched on 470.7625 127.3 PLby SouthCom. Fire: Operations 8 / Helicopter EMS LZ Coordination, Joint-Ops Channel (encryption capable) [Ch 12], Fire: VHF Admin Simplex / Extra Alarm/Incident Notification [Call-out]. Fire (1-3) dispatched on 155.5575 91.5 PL. 1), W Leyden High School: Maintenance (Ch. * Police dispatched on STARCOM21 by Wheeling PDDispatch (encrypted). Fire: Mobile Extenders [Chicago OEM License]. Working various elevated train stations and lines, CTA Command is often heard. PD using Cook County Sheriff talkgroup 25144 (encrypted). Hinsdale is primarily located in DuPage County with a portion in Cook County. Fire disptached on 159.045 D343 by Orland FPD; 154.07CSQOld Dispatch. See Community Consolidated School District 59 in this section. The south branch of the Chicago River / Sanitary Ship Canal (which runs just north of I-55 / Stevenson Expressway)is the dividing line. 30 Apr 2023 19:54:08 Glenview Dispatchhandles dispatch for Niles, Morton Grove, Glencoe, Kenilworth, Winnetka and Kenilworth on STARCOM21. The Town of Cicero supports your efforts to make our community safer. Please report any emergencies to the Cicero Police Department by calling 911. Please report any suspicious activity to the Cicero Police Non-Emergency line at 708-652-2130 or to our confidential Cicero Police Hotline at 708-863-COPS (2677). dispatched by Laraway Communications Center (Joliet) on STARCOM21 talkgroup 2576 (ENC) . shooting 04/24/2023 7:00 pm 7900 block of south cicero. (Sometimes on 470.7125? This might be a homicide. * Rolling Meadows High School - see Township High School District 214 in this section. Dispatching for Broadview and Maywood Police, Fire and EMS. Fire/EMS dispatched on 154.370 (103.5 PL). Village licensed for 155.025 (ESMARN, WRTE320). WebChicago Police Scanner - US - Listen to free internet radio, news, sports, music, audiobooks, and podcasts. dispatched by E-COM on STARCOM21 (see below). 5314 N Cicero: an auto accident and a person shot, per units who heard the shots, it sounded like possible automatic gunfire. Syracuse Fire Department responded to a report of smoke in the hallway on the 2nd floor of James Hill Manor Apartments on James St, Syracuse, NY. Police Scanner 155.025 KJB962. * See wiki page for additional frequency information. Utilities (Area Wide) Business Group. Police (800s) dispatched on STARCOM21 (see below), formerly dispatched on 470.5875 (156.7 PL) Net 10. dispatched by Northwest Central Dispatch on STARCOM21 (see below). Fire (200s) dispatched on 159.120 D174 by WesCom. * Niles Township High School District 219 - See "Skokie - Schools" (below), * See East Maine School District 63 (above). * See "Glenview/Glenbrook Schools" and Wiki page for additional information on Glenbrook North High School. NORCOMM Public Safety Communications is owned and operated by Superior Ambulance Company, which provides EMS service for several area communities as well as private ambulance service. Uses encrypted talkgroups 25049 (North) and 25050 (South) on the Cook County 500-series sites. Fire/EMS (Stations 25 & 26 units) is dispatched on 154.370 103.5PL. Police dispatched by Glenview Public Safety Dispatch Formerly dispatched on 478.925 127.3 PL. Police (900-series units) dispatched on STARCOM21 (see below). (Sometimes on 470.7125? (471.775 channels are getting less use lately due to self inflicted interference) * Police and Fire dispatch scheduled to move to Northwest Central Dispatch on January 1st, 2025. Ops are on STARCOM21, police ops are mostly encrypted, fire ops are not. Includes County Fire Units and City of Syracuse Fire. F1 Alternate is 471.2375 146.2 PL. Police dispatched by Central Dispatch on Cook County Sheriff's node encrypted talkgroup. ), [RX ONLY] Skokie Network (Police DB: Norcom Net 21) [F-9], [RX ONLY] Police: APERN (Mutual Aid) [F-10-RX], GBN IT Department (Glenbrook North High School SD#225), GBN Maintenance (Glenbrook North High School SD#225), GBN Security (Glenbrook North High School SD#225), Sunset Ridge School District #29: Staff Activities [Ch 1], Sunset Ridge School District #29: Staff Activities, Arbor Park School District: Maintenance/Security/Ops, Oak Park River Forest High School - Operations, Talkgroup 134 - American School Bus (Orland Park Yard), Cook Illinois Corporation: School Transportation, Lincoln Way Area Special Education: Transportation, High School: Maintenance (Day) Athletics (Night), Niles North High School [Ch 1] (lic exp 2003), Niles North High School [Ch 2] (lic exp 2012), Niles North High School [Ch 3] (lic exp 2003), Niles North High School [Ch 4] (lic exp 2012), Niles North High School [Ch 8] (lic exp 2012), Niles North High School [Ch 14] (lic exp 2012), Niles North High School [Ch 15] (lic exp 2012), Kirby School District #140: Ops (unknown input). 24 Apr 2023 10:40:56 North Regional Telecommunications Network ---is the organization that owns the radio communications infrastructure for several North Suburban and North Shore PDs. AMR transported, no further information. - Blue Island FD (2100s) , Garden Homes FPD (2500s), Merrionette Park FD (2600s) on 154.070 DPL 271 (repeats 158.8575) Talkgroup 2751 - NWCD "Fire 1". Exact usage unknown. Police (600s) dispatched by E-COM on STARCOM21 encrypted talkgroup, formerly dispatched on 470.9375. Police (3100s?) MABASDivision 21 (all dispatched on 155.5575 91.5 PL) Further information on EMS communications can be found here. Rosemont Fire Department - 150s (RSMT) - Dispatched by Norcomm on STARCOM21 talkgroup 35130 w/patch to 154.340 legacy channel Dispatches Police and Fire for Skokie and Lincolnwood. Fire (2200s) dispatched by CalComm on 154.070 271 DPL (repeats 158.8575), also uses 154.355 343 DPL (MABAS Division 24 secondary) and 158.745. * See wiki page for additional infomation. Like Us on Facebook; Follow Us on Twitter; Recent News. * See East Maine School District 63 (above) Fire (Stations 26 and 27) dispatched on 159.660 D031 by REDCenter; North Shore Mutual Aid on 151.010 127.3 PL. Please note that CNY911.com is not affiliated with any public service, government, or emergency service agency. * See Wiki page for additional frequencies, * See wiki page for frequency information Police (200s) dispatched on STARCOM21 (see below), formerly on 470.4125 192.8 PL (Net 17). Police dispatched by Consolidated Emergency Response Center of Cook County (CERC-CC) on Cook County nodes 501 and 502 unencrypted talkgroup 162. 155.5575 91.5 PL agencies dispatched: North Palos FPD (Battalion 8, 800s), Roberts Park FPD (31s, 32s), Dispatches Police and Fire for Forest Park, Oak Park and River Forest. Police (1600s) are dispatched on 470.8625 114.8 PL (Net 7) by Southest Central Dispatch. Police department (units 10-19) dispatched by Cook County on STARCOM21 (see below). dispatched by WesCom on 154.845 (162.2 PL); alsoWPCV333 - 154.650 NFM mobiles Formerly dispatched by CENCOM on 470.8125 97.4 PL.
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