People who match him are goal-centric and detail-oriented people who might have some kind of OCD as well. From mobile games, apps and quizzes, to party and drinking games. He takes on the challenge of catching Kira, the person behind thousands of deaths. Who doesn't want a chilling quiz on the popular Death Note manga? What do you do? - Developed on: 2017-03-20 - 21,438 taken - 17 people like Would you use a DeathNote if you found one? Which Death Note boy loves you? Make him feel smart before you outsmart him, Your email address will not be published. Self care and ideas to help you live a healthier, happier life. The world of Death Note perhaps? Take this quiz and find out now which of these two you have most in common with! (2023 Updated). I am L is the coolest answer you can give to a question like, Which Death Note character are you? He is known as one of the smartest anime characters ever. So, what are you waiting for? Save my name, email, and website in this browser for the next time I comment. If you were offered a tool to help use your Death Note more effectively, would you take it? This %100 Accurate Quiz Find It, What is my spirit animal? WebDeath Note features a lot of different characters, most notable though L and Kira. If you were to go to a restaurant, how would you take your seat? Your email address will not be published. Kira is the hand of justice ushering in a new age. It seems pretty common that people were unhappy with the second season of Death Note. I personally would put season 1 as a 10/10 and season 2 as no lower than 7.5/10. I agree that it was bullshit that Near was apparently even more of a genius than L, but I also wanted L himself to win (actually I would have been fine with Light winning as well. This top-notch analytical mind is the living definition of an enigma, with stark, searching eyes that can scrutinize the deepest parts of a persons psyche. Find Out 100% Accurately, Okokokok Lalalala Quiz. This quiz has an answer for this question, Which Death Note character are you? Are you Kira, an intelligent detective, or just a lovely high school student? The central premise is that Light, a popular and academically exemplary student, comes across a mystical notebook that claims to kill anybody whose name is written on its pages. This is one of the most important works of art by any Japanese company lately. I research the officer and write the name in my DEATH The Kira. A GoToQuiz Exclusive: Big Five Personality Test, allows you to adjust sliders to fine-tune your responses to a series of questions. This is a Kira or L quiz if you want to know which one is you according to your personality type. WebYour Answer: Show Hint Question #5 In the "Death Note" manga, L and Light at some point talk to each other on top of L's headquarters in the rain and afterwards L dries off Light's feet. 17-year-old student Light Yagami stumbles upon this bizarre book and guffaws at the concept of it; the human whose name is written in this note shall die. (Okay, just kidding. It makes me feel godlike. (We know he was just joking, though.). Second question: Humans should not make God-like decisions, Second question: Humans CAN make God-like decisions, Second question: Humans are not smart enough to make God-like decisions. There are plenty of available boys in Death Note, and many a fangirl/ fanboy has fantasized about their favourite ones. The point is to push you to choose an option that makes the most sense, not the one thats 100% true. Answering the following 20 questions lets us find out your DN persona in no time. If so, you'd know all the answers to this quiz! Press the green button on top of the page and dive into the challenging questions of the Shinigami universe. Playing personality quizzes is straightforward: Choose the option thats true about youor you relate toand select Next. Are you Nana, Hachi, Ya, Hey, which Enstars character are you? After reading the instructions on how to use the Death Note, what do you do? Contrastingly, if the Death Note fell to other hands, would you be courageous enough to seek out and apprehend its owner at the risk of being a mistake away from imminent death? Are you interested in Death Note, the anime or manga? The full list of the Death Notes rules can be found in the book Death Note 13: How to Read. Otakus for life. Thats Ryos not-quite-official tagline. Below you can see a table that shows what each DN personalitys IQ is. How about a manga world? 2023 Updated, Quiz: Is Your Marriage Worth Saving? While he forgives easily, his feelings can burn brightly and lead to truly amazing actions. This J-Pop quiz reveals if youre Eichi, Tori, Watar. Or would you write all your haters names in it so you can get rid of them? We hold major institutions accountable and expose wrongdoing. Several other rules exist, with a couple being shown during each episode in the anime, covering topics such as the causes and conditions of death, ownership, the Shinigami eyes, and the Shinigami themselves. Note: Use the following table to find out which Death Note character you are based on your answers. who are you most like!!!! But the questions are in forced-choice format. But is that something you would back in real life? Your email address will not be published. Discover unique things to do, places to eat, and sights to see in the best destinations around the world with Bring Me! The primary purpose of the test is to answer, Which Death Note character are you? However, completing the questionary grants additional information such as your IQ level, intentions, and persona. If you were guilty of a crime, would you turn yourself in? Youre also not one to easily let emotions or sentimentality affect your decisions. If you had a Death Note, how would you keep it safe? Who do you side with? Reporting on what you care about. You toss is into the trash figuring that it was some kind of social experiment. Have you ever wondered which Death Note () character you are? Teacher Personality Test: What Is Your Teacher Personality? Plus points if you also like sweet foods and walking barefoot. What style of clothing do you normally wear? Death Note is manga series that also got an anime adaptation. If you were given the chance to forget everything you did, would you do it? Complete this quiz to find out which character you are! Did you know that there are three Death Note live-action films that follow up the story? Enjoy!About us. However, curiosity ensnares him, writing down the name of a felon. This story clearly illustrates how excessive power can corrupt those with morals. When will you do it? If you are a true Death Note fan, then you will have no problem with the samples we have here. Check it out! Your Answer: Show Hint Question #7 For the most accurate results, dont overthink your responses. Would you be the one to bear the curse of the Shinigami and take the Death Note for yourself? 'Must be someone's notebook' you think, making your way to grab it. How will you do it? How Much Do You Know About L From Death Note? Death Note is a popular Japanese manga series. That is because she is a childish and impulsive personat least, for most of the time. Death Note initially has over a hundred and eight chapters, and it tells the story of Light Yagami, who finds a book with the power to kill anyone whose name Hey peoples!!!!! Which Death Note Character Are You? 99% Accurate Match A rotten world polluted with crime and violence, all rooted in the greed of humankind. Rating helps us to know which quizzes are good and which are bad. This notebook grants its user the ability to kill anyone whose name is written in it. This quiz includes L, Light, Matt, Mello, Near, Mikami and Beyond Birthday! Quiz: What Kind of Kid Were You? You write down every name you could see and go down in a blaze of glory. Have a look around and see what we're about. The Death Note has plenty of rules written by the Shinigami to outline its powers, although they themselves are unaware of every rule. Enjoy!About us. Harry Potter House Quiz: Which Hogwarts House Do You Belong To. Quiz: Which Anime Character Are You Most Like? You relax, pop some popcorn, and watch the action. Will Your Name Appear In The Death Note? Which boy from Death Note would love YOU? WebThis Death Note Quiz is made of 10 questions about this anime so that you can put your knowledge to the test with data from the most charismatic characters. Have a look around and see what we're about. - 10 Questions - by: DeathByBarb - Developed on: 2017-03-20 - 21,431 takers. On the other end is the diligent detective L. In his investigations, L becomes suspicious of Light Yagami and makes it his goal to prove that Light is the worlds biggest mass murderer of our time. Like him, you prefer being the mastermind in the shadows. You like backing up all of your plans with solid logic and being a step ahead of your competition at all times. Light dirties his hands under the alias Kira, having an ultimate goal of becoming a vigilante, cleansing the world of all evil-doers. Death Note 99% Accurate Match. you must find out. Which Death Note Character are You? | Zoo Are you a fan of the series "Death Note?" If the phrase I dont care if Im a heartless bastard as long as Im an efficient bastard assumed a human form, that human would be Light, the college student with strong morals that becomes the megalomaniacal, justice-driven owner of the Death Note. Which Death Note Character Are You? Our test helps you discover your anime counterpart in the Shinigami universe. How to you kill him/her? But the persona you match offers some hints on how smart you areat least, as an anime fan. You can find out which DN character you are by answering the following three questions. A GoToQuiz original that answers the question, "when will I die?" How long has it been since you've seen Death Note? WebWould You survive in the series 'Death Note'? Our mission is to deliver fresh and enjoyable content. 10 Questions - Developed by: Victor Barros. The "Death Note" Quiz Even while being tortured, she remained largely fearless. Find Out 100% Honestly. I am L is the coolest answer you can give to a question like, Which Death Note character are you? He is known as one of the smartest anime characters ever. Let us know in the comments below. Harry Potter House Quiz. Would you use it to make the world a better place? 100% Fun & Accurate, Resident Evil 4 Remake Quiz: Just Real Fans Can Score 80%, Which Death Note Character Are You? How Much Do You Know About L From Death Note? Something undetectable like a heart attack. They want to know which of the main characters has a similar personality to them.
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