early voting in gaston county north carolina

Voters who receive an absentee ballot by mail may deliver their ballot to an election official at a one-stop early voting site during any time that site is open for voting. All rights reserved. Another early voter, Ronald Phillips, was second in line to vote at the Gaston County Board of Elections Office on West Franklin Boulevard. Asian Languages/English: 1-888-API-VOTE (888-274-8683) When you check in to vote at an early voting site, you may update your name or address within the same county if necessary. Were good. FAQs | Gaston County, NC Box 1396 Gastonia, NC 28053. Hours and days of the week in operation may vary by site. 913 Pryor St Gastonia, NC 28052 Get Directions 8 Woodhill Bradley Cmty. Voting Information - Gaston County Republican Party Under North Carolina law, all early votes by-mail or in-person are considered absentee votes. 2021 Gaston County Voter Guide October 13, 2021 Home; Updates; 2021 Gaston County Voter Guide . If such recommendations are received by the Board 15 or more days before the last Tuesday in June, and each two years thereafter, it shall be the duty of the State Board of Elections to appoint the county boards from the names thus recommended.". <>/ExtGState<>/XObject<>/ProcSet[/PDF/Text/ImageB/ImageC/ImageI] >>/MediaBox[ 0 0 612 792] /Contents 4 0 R/Group<>/Tabs/S/StructParents 0>> Skip to Main Content. Weve been really fortunate. 2020 General Election Early Voting Locations and Time (PDF) 2020 Offices on Ballot (PDF) . Hours and days of the week in operation may vary by site. Your California Privacy Rights / Privacy Policy, Gaston County Board of Elections office, 410 W. Franklin Blvd., Suite 30, Gastonia, Gaston County Citizens Resource Center, 1303 Dallas Cherryville Highway, Dallas, Gaston College - Kimbrell Campus, 7220 Wilkinson Blvd., Belmont, Partners Behavioral Health Management Auditorium, 901 S. New Hope Road, Gastonia, Thursday, April 28, through Saturday, May 14. One-Stop Early Voting Period Starts | 2022 Statewide General Election If you have difficulty with it,please read the following instructions to find your countys Early Voting options: #1 CLICK HERE TO OPEN THE N.C. BOARD OF ELECTION ONE-STOP SITE LOCATOR.. Intimidating any voter is a crime. Independent voters will have two options: Select a non-partisan ballot and vote only in the non-partisan races, such as City Council races. For local business and tourism events, check out our listings at GoGastonNC. The picture below lists the various dates, times, and locations where you can vote early. Early Voting Changes In North Carolina Spark Bipartisan Controversy Its tough to say, said Ragan, who is director of elections for Gaston County. The party breakdown for a turnout can be a little tricky because of unaffiliated voters, Ragan says. : Hkd* A}A. Early voting for the municipal elections starts October 14 and runs through election day November 2nd. Do I need to bring anything with me? Early voting in Gaston County will take place at four sites: Early voting in Cleveland County will take place at three sites: The times to vote are from 8 a.m. to 7:30 p.m. Monday through Friday, 8 a.m. to 3 p.m. on Saturdays, and 1 to 5 p.m. on Sunday, Oct. 30. Arabic/English: 1-844-YallaUS (844-925-5287) Loading Do Not Show Again Close. Monday through Friday Ballots will be kept securely and delivered to the county board of elections for processing. Have there been any recent changes to voting in North Carolina? PAID FOR BY THE NORTH CAROLINA REPUBLICAN PARTY NOT AUTHORIZED BY ANY CANDIDATE OR CANDIDATE'S COMMITTEE . The Gaston County Board of Elections meets every third Tuesday of the month. Polls open from 6:30 a.m. to 7:30 p.m. Note that unaffiliated voters are not allowed to vote in more than one political partys primary. From Thursday, Oct. 15, through Saturday, Oct. 31. 704-629-5542, - The City of Bessemer City, NC. Please contact your County Board of Elections for more information. Polling Places | Gaston County, NC First Baptist Church of Cramerton, 235 Eighth Ave. What hours will the sites be open? 121 Hartman St Gastonia, NC 28052 Get Directions 7 Highland Erwin Ctr. In Gaston County, just west of Charlotte, Elections Director Adam Ragan said the county cut its early voting locations from five to three as a result of the law, which was passed in. 2020 General & Primary Election | Gaston County, NC You need to know the North Carolina county you live in. State Government websites value user privacy. Would-be voters may same-day register and vote in person during the one-stop early voting period (Oct. 1531). Gaston County Board of Elections - Gastonia, NC (Address, Phone, and Fax) Early voting begins in Gaston County - Gaston Gazette stream 3 0 obj GASTONIA, N.C. (WBTV) - People have been able to early vote for more than a week now, and the state board of elections is showing a surge in people casting their votes. Dates/Times: Thursday, February 13 (8:00 AM - 7:30 PM) Friday, February 14 (8:00 AM - 7:30 PM) Saturday, February 15 (8:00 AM - 3:00 PM) Sunday February 16 - CLOSED. The Gastonia native hopes to see candidates focused on cutting down the cost of education. Vote Early in Person | NCSBE Find out if you are registered to vote by entering your information into theVoter Search. Vote - Gaston County Republican Party Your California Privacy Rights/Privacy Policy, Gaston County Board of Elections office, 410 W. Franklin Blvd., Suite 30, Gastonia, Gaston County Citizens Resource Center, 1303 Dallas Cherryville Highway, Dallas, Gaston College - Kimbrell Campus, 7220 Wilkinson Blvd., Belmont, Partners Behavioral Health Management Auditorium, 901 S. New Hope Road, Gastonia, Thursday, April 28, through Saturday, May 14. N.C.G.S. How to Register, Vote and Track Your Ballot in North Carolina You need to know the North Carolina county you live in. 1303 Dallas-Cherryville Highway. Early voting begins across North Carolina will continue through Saturday, Nov. 5. At Bessemer City High School, Rhodes is active in three sports (basketball, volleyball, and . Each county has its own site (s). Tuesday, Nov. 8 is Election Day. Four early voting sites in Gaston County are open from 8 a.m. to 7:30 p.m. Monday through Friday and 8 a.m. to 3 p.m. on all three Saturdays through Nov. 5. Where to vote early Gaston County Board of Elections office, 410 W. Franklin Blvd., Suite 30, Gastonia Gaston County Citizens Resource Center, 1303 Dallas Cherryville Highway, Dallas Gaston College - Kimbrell Campus, 7220 Wilkinson Blvd., Belmont Partners Behavioral Health Management Auditorium, 901 S. <> Early voting starts Thursday. 5 things to know in Gaston County Our office is responsible for conducting all elections held in Gaston County. Gaston County Sample Ballot (North Carolina) - Ballotpedia Early Voting is open from October 20 - November 5, 2022. . Your California Privacy Rights / Privacy Policy, Citizens Resource Center, 1303 Dallas Cherryville Highway, Dallas, Gaston County Board of Elections, 410 W. Franklin Blvd., Gastonia, Gaston County Library, 1555 E. Garrison Blvd., Gastonia. This is different than Election Day,where registered voters must vote at their assigned polling place. Gaston County Board of Elections 2022 General Election One-Stop/Early Voting Locations and Times . What you need to know to vote early Early Voting Information. Gaston County BOE P.O. Charge up your electric vehicle in downtown Bessemer City! For more information, seeCurbside Voting. Other early voting locations in Gaston County are the Gaston County Library main location at 1555 E. Garrison Blvd., Gastonia . Secure websites use HTTPS certificates. North Carolina General Statute 163A-766(d) states "The State chairman of each political party shall have the right to recommend to the State Board of Elections three registered voters in each county for appointment to the board of elections for that county. Other. Lindsay hopes that candidates will make changes that will benefit everybody. Sunday voting will take place from 1 p.m. to 4 p.m. on Oct. 30 only. Any government-issued photo ID is acceptable, provided that the card includes the voter's current name and address. Gaston County Early Voting Locations and Times, 2022-2023 Adopted Budget Ordinance and Fee Schedule, Walkability Assessment in the Vantine Neighborhood, Press Release- Council Adopts New Vision, Mission, Values, & Goals. North Carolina early voting starts - gastongazette.com Call our non-partisan voter information hotline at 888-OUR-VOTE. We actually have a surplus, which is a good thing, he said. Gaston County Library - Main Branch. Search. The office is open from 8:30 a.m. to 5:30 p.m. Monday through Friday. During the early voting period, voters may cast a ballot at any early voting site in their county, and would-be voters may same-day register and vote. 'We're slightly ahead of where we were in 2018': Gaston County sees an October 5, 2020| Curbside voting is available for eligible individuals at all early voting sites. One-Stop Voting Sites For the 2018 General Election, early voting made up 53.72% of the total voting for that election. We hear from a lot of people that the N.C. State Board of Elections Early Voting look up tool isnt always easy to navigate. Sample ballots are available at the NC State Board of Elections website. Life Sentence on the Installment Plan | FRONTLINE Board of Elections | Gaston County, NC Early Voting Begins Oct. 20 <>/Metadata 144 0 R/ViewerPreferences 145 0 R>> Early voting sites in Gaston County are: Gaston County Board of Elections Office , 410 W. Franklin Blvd., Suite 30, Gastonia Cherryville Fire Department, 411 E. Church St. Gaston County Citizens Resource Center, 1303 Dallas-Cherryville Highway, Dallas Kate's Skating Rink, 1151 Skating Rink Drive, Gastonia <> This may take up to a few weeks after Election Day. EARLY VOTING There are four Gaston County locations, and our Municipal Complex is one of the sites. Phone: 704-852-6005 Fax: 704-852-6011. If you are independent and you happen to like a particular Republican candidate for sheriff and a particular Democratic candidate for U.S. Senate, youll have to decide which candidate will get your vote. 2023 www.gastongazette.com. Or a current college/university photo identification card paired with proof of campus habitation. 1200 Modena St Gastonia, NC 28054 Get Directions 9 Grier Grier Middle 1622 Garrison Blvd Gastonia, NC 28054 Get Directions 10 Sherwood Sherwood Elementary 1744 Dixon Rd The other candidate that you liked will have to do without your support and possibly lose the election because you were blocked by law from voting for them. Candidate Filing for 2023 Municipal Offices begins July 7, 2023 at 12:00 noon and ends July 21, 2023 at 12:00 noon, Upcoming Election Dates for 2023 and 2024. Click below to request your absentee . Gastonia native, Tarrence Lindsay, 63, says he always takes the opportunity to vote early and encourages young generations to do the same. North Carolinas 49,036Libertarians have no partisan primaries this year, so their members may vote only in the non-partisan elections underway this spring. Search Campaign Funding and Spending Reports, Independent Expenditures, Electioneering Communications and Special Contributors, Campaign Finance Audits and Investigations, Vote in Person on Election Day: Election Day Voting. Name Gaston County Board of Elections Address 410 West Franklin Boulevard Gastonia, North Carolina, 28052 Phone 704-852-6005 Fax 704-852-6011 Your California Privacy Rights / Privacy Policy, Citizens Resource Center, 1303 Dallas Cherryville Highway, Dallas, Gaston County Board of Elections, 410 W. Franklin Blvd., Gastonia, Gaston County Library, 1555 E. Garrison Blvd., Gastonia. Our principal functions include establishing election precincts and voting sites, appointing and training precinct officials, preparing and distributing ballots, voting equipment, canvassing and certifying the ballots cast in elections, and investigating any voting irregularities. N.C. State Board of Elections Early Voting look up tool, CLICK HERE TO OPEN THE N.C. BOARD OF ELECTION ONE-STOP SITE LOCATOR., Access more flexible voting hours and locations. This year, county elections officials have already mailed out some 21,000 absentee ballots. The deadline to register to vote in NC is October 9th. Note that unaffiliated voters are not allowed to vote in more than one political partys primary. It is a five person board in which 4 members are appointed every two years by the State Board of Elections with the Chairman being appointed by the governor. % $50. You can vote early at any Early Voting site in your county. 2 0 obj 1 0 obj If you need an answer to your question right away, please call 1-888-OUR-VOTE or text 1-866-OUR-VOTE anytime. Select one of the partisan ballots and vote in those elections plus the nonpartisan elections. Four early voting sites in Gaston County are open from 8 a.m. to 7:30 p.m. Monday through Friday and 8 a.m. to 3 p.m. on all three Saturdays through Nov. 5. Email:elections.sboe@ncsbe.govPhone:(919) 814-0700Fax: (919) 715-0135. View documents related to the 2022 elections in Gaston County. Check back closer to Election Day to see the Early Voting sites for your county! Gaston County Board of Elections Office. %PDF-1.7 There are key. xKs8wQJh>*vRsPl%Z*rv~4HlAL~`ww>mz/>lV/zgO%R_e?\\=92/DvIxBo'_|~>{v-vJ'a2^^f[{]KS);]__dCd+E66QGy[P6m^jE.KX-V!>>,BHm}]otw / 6/rFPWyQMFg7o`4"P3*Wt"@qGz|D\opk\>Zg,9 Polling Places | Gaston County - My Vote NC Address, Phone Number, and Fax Number for Gaston County Board of Elections, a Board Of Elections, at West Franklin Boulevard, Gastonia NC. "Early voting is a convenient way to vote on your schedule," said Adam Ragan, elections director for Gaston County. The divisions by precinct are: Gastonia 1 to 19 Crowders Mountain 20 to 22 South Point 23 to 32 Cherryville 33 to 37 Dallas 38 to 41 Riverbend 42 to 46 Resources Gaston County Polling Sites (PDF) Locate and View Your Polling Site Campaign Sign Regulations (PDF) KEEP IN MIND Registering to vote on-site when you vote is NOT available on Election Day. Gaston County Citizens Resource Center. Early voting begins across North Carolina will continue through Saturday, Nov. 5. You can reach Kevin Ellis at 704-201-7016or email him at kellis@gastongazette.com. And with early voting starting Thursday, here are five things to know: 1. 2022 General & Primary Election | Gaston County, NC NC 28052. City Hall Annex: 125 E. Virginia Ave. "These laws are for the young people," said Lindsay. WFAE examines the issue of inmates living with mental illness who cycle in and out of jail in North Carolina, serving what many in the court system call a "life sentence on the installment plan." Click on your candidates to read their biography, view past election results, read their campaign themes and responses to our candidate survey, and more. 2023 www.gastongazette.com. You can find that your vote counted in the Your Absentee Ballot section of the Voter Search database. Spanish/English: 1-888-VE-Y-VOTA (888-839-8682) Resources for County BoardsNCSBE Public Files (FTP), Voter SearchCounty Boards of Elections InformationBallotTrax (Absentee Ballot Tracking)Voter Registration StatisticsView all tools and forms, An official website of the State of North Carolina. Your elections officials have implemented plans to minimize viral spread at voting locations. Each County in North Carolina has a Board of Elections. Mount Holly Citizens Center, 400 E. Central Ave. Eugenia H. Young Memorial Library at 104 Howie Drive, Shelby. North Carolinas 49,036Libertarians have no partisan primaries this year, so their members may vote only in the non-partisan elections underway this spring. I dont think its going to be as busy as it was four years ago, but it will probably be close.. Once appointed, County Board members take an oath and begin their two year terms Tuesday following the third Monday in July in odd-numbered years. Ctr. Mount Holly Municipal Complex, 400 E. Central Ave. Gaston County Main Library, 1555 E. Garrison Blvd., Gastonia. The voter must prove their residence by showing any of the following documents with their current name and address: Other photo identification issued by a government agency. Sheriff Voters will pick between Chad Hawkins and Don Roper, Superior Court Judge Voters will pick between Justin Davis, Eddie Meeks and Beth Stockwell, District Court Judge Voters will pick between Craig Collins and Ashley Hyman, Board of Commissioners Voters will pick between Cathy Cloninger and Steve Hall, Clerk of Superior Court Voters will pick between Allen Fraley and Roxann Rankin, 109th House Voters will pick between Lauren Bumgardner Current, Donnie Loftis, John Gouch and Ronnie Worley. Please contact the Melissa Wagner, County Chair at Chair@gastondemocrats.org or Josie Polhemus, GOTV chair at polhjl123@gmail.com. Note: Sample ballots for each election are only available once finalized. A copy of a current utility bill, bank statement, government check, paycheck or other government document showing the voters name and address. Register To Vote. Any . A voter attests to their eligibility by completing and signing a North Carolina Voter Registration Application. board trying to help people as well as serving on the Gaston County Parks and Recreation board and State Board of NC Life Underwriters Association as our local representative. Your choice: Belmont candidates Hydeia Hayes. City News| Early voting locations in Gaston County, North Carolina | wcnc.com He believes about 55% of this year's votes will be from early voting in the primary election. Can I still vote early? Municipal Election Day is Tuesday, Nov. 2. . It is a five person board in which 4 members are appointed every two years by the State Board of Elections with the Chairman being appointed by the governor. The 2.53 million voters in North Carolina who arent registered with the Democratic, Republican or Libertarian parties can vote in the primary election along with the 2.5 million Democrats and 2.2 million Republicans. Voters who receive an absentee ballot by mail may deliver their ballot to an election official at a one-stop early voting site during any time that site is open for voting. Brought to you by Democracy NC, a nonpartisan organization that uses research, organizing, and advocacy to strengthen democratic structures, build power among disenfranchised communities, and inspire confidence in a transformed political process that works for all. The Gaston County Board of Elections has released their early voting information. Early Voting Locations - Dates (2022 Primary) (PDF) UOCAVA Election Notice (2022 Primary) (PDF) . Help our Party fund our success $5. View the safety precautions and guidelines for in-person voting, and find answers to frequently asked questions atVoting and Coronavirus. Absentee Voting Information. The new North Carolina Election Law requires an i-d (a driver's license or other accepted i-d) but if you don't have one, you can still cast a "provisional ballot," because the law is still being challenged in court. Gastonia, NC 28052 Mount Holly, NC 28120 Gaston County Citizens Resource Center Gaston County Main Library 1303 Dallas-Cherryville Highway 1555 East Garrison Boulevard Dallas, NC 28034 Gastonia, NC 28054 . Any voter who qualifies for assistance may ask for help at an early voting site. Gastonia, NC 28052. Adam Ragan, the county's director of elections, expects the primary election voter turnout to be a little higher than normal from all the competitive local races. Support local journalism by subscribing here. Voting questions? This is different from Election Day when registered voters must vote at their assigned precinct. $10. . Voters are not required to show an ID. The picture below lists the various dates, times, and locations where you can vote early. Mount Holly Citizens Center, 400 E. Central Ave. Voting at the polls: You won't need to show a photo ID to vote in person on Election Day. Can I drop off an absentee ballot? 5 p.m. Tuesday, Nov. 1, last day to apply for absentee ballot, 5 p.m. Wednesday, Nov. 7, last day to apply for absentee ballot for voters who expect to be unable to vote on Election Day due to sickness or physical disability. "I see a lot of kids who have potential, but they don't have the money," said Phillips. Skip to Main Content. Mondays through Fridays 8 a.m. to 7:30 p.m. Saturdays, April 30, May 7, and May 14 8 a.m. to 3 p.m. Tuesday, May 17 - Polls open at 6:30 a.m., close at 7:30 p.m. Voting at regular polling places. Where to early vote Early voting in Gaston County will take place at four sites: Citizens Resource Center, 1303 Dallas Cherryville Highway, Dallas Gaston County Board of Elections, 410 W. Franklin Blvd., Gastonia Gaston County Library, 1555 E. Garrison Blvd., Gastonia

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