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Hello and welcome to another CAPA Live, and I'm delighted to give a very warm welcome to Eddie Wilson, chief executive of Ryanair DAC, the main operating company of the Ryanair group, which is responsible, I think Eddie, if I'm right, for 250-odd aircraft, which I think is 60% of the group total or thereabouts. Should airlines pay for what they've done to us? FILE PHOTO: Ryanair aircraft Boeing 737-8AS takes off from Riga International Airport, Latvia July 21, 2022. Eddie Wilson takes charge as the chief executive of Ryanair's (RYAAY) main airline while Michael O'Leary now becomes the chief executive officer of Ryanair Group. Eddie, the time has gone so fast. But I think when everyone puts their minds to it, the industry has to react, and not only customers are going to have to really start buying into this. Well, the industry, we do get bad press and I would say when you look compared to what goes on in shipping or what goes on in agriculture, or what goes on with car use, you don't get Volkswagen getting the same level of negative publicity on the number of cars they produce. "So those that had higher frequencies, we pared back. You may as well ban Volkswagen Polos or something, and just allow people to go around in Bentleys because it's better, and there'd be less cars on the road, but it's not very productive. Facebook. It is. Ryanair Sustainable Aviation Research Centre. RyanAir Direct | Dublin | Eddie Wilson The oldest executive at Ryanair Holdings Plc is MikeO'Brien, 76, who is the Non-Executive Independent Director. He was appointed Ryanair CEO in September 2019, having previously served as Ryanairs CPO since December 2002. There are no real airlines to go in there to fill the type of gap that Ryanair can do with the type of And we're the only airlines taking delivery at that sort of capacity over the next number of years. I think it's been a relatively strong build driven by much lower fares coming back from around a million passengers in April to the five million as we made our way up into June. Roberto speaks to Eddie Wilson, CEO of Ryanair, about their new Boeing 737 8200 aircraft. We're making, I think, big, big steps here, but the nature of the industry is you can do it in car technology and places like that, and the worst thing that can happen is the car stops on the side of the road. The names Bond 7-year bond. Neil is the black belt of finance, chopping budgets, kicking down costs and making sure the Group continues to grow and bring in the dough. That's fine, but this isn't the time for it. For an airline that obviously is ultra-low cost and thrives on low fares, are you concerned that there's been some patchy, but probably increasing, talk about introducing fare floors in different countries around Europe? "Most people in this world want to work less and be paid more. Fri 30 Aug 2019 at 17:12. Eddie Wilson contact Ryanair if you have not been refunded So what are Ryanair's targets and how you're going to get to them? I think there's going to be a bubble in the United States, I think as well, and I think transatlantic will be the big corridor that will open. When hes not cheering for Liverpool FC, he leads our Labs team of software developers so, you could say hes the Sheldon Cooper of our entire Group. "Last year, or in the last fiscal year of 2019, we paid, I think almost EUR630 million in environmental taxes. RYANAIR launched eight new Shannon routes last Thursday morning and said it will carry more passengers to and from the airport over the next year than it did in 2019, before Covid struck. The biggest non-EU market obviously is the UK, but Morocco clearly is a non-EU market. When hes not practicing his wheelies this former military man is running the show at Malta Air having previously served as Ryanairs CCO since January 2014. JW: Just going back to also, you mentioned the Nordic regions, specifically you mentioned Finland, but also you mentioned Scandinavia. "We'll be able to absorb this in terms of frequency reduction," said Wilson, chief executive of Ryanair DAC, the largest airline in the Ryanair Group. Eddie Wilson, Ryanair Ltd: Profile and Biography - Bloomberg Markets We've had the longest lockdowns here. The company took my money! You look at places like Morocco and what Ryanair uniquely has to deliver is that you open a base in Agadir where we might've had, I think eight or 10 routes going into that from other bases beforehand, you put two aircraft in there and now you can join up potentially 240 airports in the Ryanair network, and you've got a huge digital database of being able to promote that as well. Images Courtesy of Getty Images. While we aim for 100% accuracy in the transcript, there may be some minor transcribing errors. I think it's been a relatively strong build, driven by much lower fares coming back from around a million passengers in April to the five million as we made our way up into June. I've been here for almost 25 years, and almost every year we talked to Arlanda and never got anywhere, but there's an airport that realises that the incumbent airlines like SAS are not going to grow, and they're hopelessly saddled with state aid that's never going to be paid back, Norwegian capacity has gone, so Arlanda has got to look around and who's going to get the volume? So I just wanted to ask, it's a few years since you had those pilot rostering problems and that led to the unionisation and some pay increases and all of that. Register hereto be part of our growing community. Ryanair CEO. I guess a cynic would say that you've been trying for many, many years and never quite managed to establish Ryanair in that region as well as you have done in other regions. Or bringing people or meeting kids or whatever or going to university. Known for his poor dress sense and regularly jumping the canteen queue. But I think we are going to have some significant opportunities in some markets, where other airlines are going to exit from it, so I'm looking forward to it.". Obviously, with the crisis, you had to reverse some of the pay increases, reduce some of the hours, but now it's starting to go back up again. The airline has also faced industrial action in Portugal, Spain and the UK this summer. It's great fun for the starter, but for the main course, it's usually a hail storm. "There are some markets where we've done particularly strongly in and even throughout this, like the Italian domestic market, and also the Spanish domestic market. In an internal memo to staff, Mr O'Leary said, "Eddie has made a huge contribution to that successful growth, without ever losing his Southside accent, his boyish charm of his Northside address!!! If you have a consumer problem,please contact our team at Elliott Advocacy through this form. Talking at the CAPA Live on 9-Jun-2021, Ryanair DAC CEO Eddie Wilson spoke with CAPAs senior financial analyst Jonathan Wober. We've had a real focus on this. Well, good to leave it on a positive note. I think in fact, it's the biggest airline fleet in Western Europe. It's not necessarily that we are switching capacity, and I know you'll get onto this, but we have 210 aircraft on order. I have this, I can travel. JW: Another subject: industrial relations. So I think there's a lot more to be done in terms of what the engine manufacturers are going to do, how we're going to get to sustainable aviation fuel over the next number of years for this industry to be credible. Once we deliver on those commitments, I would say that people will see, exactly as they've seen over the years, even in a pre-union environment that we are straight up in how we do our business and the vast majority of our people recognise that. But I think that will gradually make its way through Europe. We publish the names and emails of customer service managers. JW: Looking at the network, obviously most of your markets are in the EU. Buzz has 25 of the groups craft, Lauda has 16 while Ryanair intends moving 60 planes to Malta Airs airline licence. Well, it's in a closed period, but it's no secret that our public comment has been that, of course when you're trying to fill fares you're not getting back up to the load factors that you would expect because of travel restrictions. You can contact Eddie Wilson at (01) 812 1212. is the website of Raidi Teilifs ireann, Ireland's National Public Service Media. So Eddie, I'm just going to kick off, I think, by asking you about the current situation where the group is in terms of capacity and traffic. Prior to this he served as Head of Personnel since December 1997. Ryanair chief: airline will grow at expense of weakened rivals So that market, when you looked at it like the Italian market, which would have been a good outbound market, a lot of people decided to stay at home. Ryanair named him chief people officer in December 2002. Very simple message we'll preserve the jobs and you will get pay restored over the next three to four years, and the promotions and everything will continue, and the new aircraft are coming. All rights reserved. So those that had higher frequencies, we paired back. So is that triggered partly by that system or [crosstalk 00:15:23] over? They've got 16% less fuel burn, 40% less emissions, and eight more seats, and it really is, as we say, going to be a game changer for this airline, particularly on its cost and environmental footprint as well, and that will gradually become a larger part of the fleet over the next number of years.". Eddie, the time has gone so fast. Michal was appointed CEO of Buzz in April 2017. We did those agreements really, really quick, and that's a function of our people and what they believe needed to be done, we just have to deliver on those agreements. But you would like to think that when you have a growing market like that, that you'll be able to add onto those destinations, but I'm in no hurry to go to another country. All rights reserved. We don't have that tolerance level in aviation, so whatever we move to has got to be safe and secure. Yes. }) "From an environment perspective, we've got to do that in the best way that we can, and the industry is stepping up to that. Do I have to pay this service bill? It's such an easy target, but such an essential part of the infrastructure that we're in, and there is a view that is all flying is discretionary. What we did was we caught a lot of frequencies in some markets, but we have tried to keep as many routes open as possible because, because the booking curve had shortened, it was very difficult to make calls on closing particular routes. Yeah. So we put an awful lot more capacity in there. You seem to have JavaScript disabled in your browser. Tracey joined Ryanair in 1991, leaving behind her career as a trainee hairdresser to instead qualify as an accountant and manage all our money! "There's also the issue of you've got to issue a political stability in places like Morocco that you don't necessarily have in some other countries in that region. 60-plus aircraft, actually. Edward Wilson serves as Chief Executive Officer of the Company. Chat Chat Chat with us What can we help you with? If you need help with any problem,please contact us through this form. "It's not all about people going on holidays to Majorca. But I just think it's important to say you've got to lead things sometimes by saying, "We'll put capacity in place. Mar 2016 - Present7 years 2 months. So the priority then is you're trying to maintain as much of the network as possible and not worry too much about filling the aircraft? 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Mein Nisinta Seirbhse Poibl na hireann. Prior to this he served as Head of Personnel since December 1997. It's not necessarily that we are switching capacity, and I know you'll get onto this, but we have 210 aircraft on order. Ryanair DACs senior executives will report to Mr Wilson, beginning next Monday, September 1st, at the airlines weekly management meeting. Ryanair's chief executive Eddie Wilson has said the airline will lift threats to close its Cork and Shannon bases for the winter if the Government relaxes its quarantine restrictions on passengers . Irish-based Ryanair DAC is the biggest airline within the group, responsible for most of its 470 craft, 2,400 daily flights and the 150 million-plus passengers its expects to fly in the 12 months ended March 31st, 2020. What should I do? The hold-up has slowed Ryanairs growth plans. I just wanted to touch on also environmental commitments. As I say, there's over 60 of them arriving for summer '22, and we're just working through where they're going to go at the moment. All rights reserved. They should actually be freeing up those slots and allowing access in there. Prior to this, he was Ryanairs Finance Director from June 2006 and Treasurer from January 2003. You ask anyone on the street, who's going to survive this crisis, people say Ryanair, and our employees are no different, and unions are a function of the employees that you have. So those type of deals are being struck around Europe as to where capacity is going to go. RYANAIR Group has appointed its long-time HR chief Eddie Wilson as chief executive of Ryanair. So is that triggered partly by that system? Some of the key highlights can be found below. Mr Wilson, who joined Ryanair in 1997, will run the day to day operations of the airline and will report directly to the group CEO. There's been argument around the use-it-or-lose-it slot rules, or the suspension of those rules as protected incumbents. So I think we're in a completely different place this time, and you have Norwegian at a fraction of the size that it was, and you've got places like Copenhagen, which they're just not going to recover their traffic. Before joining Ryanair, Neil held various finance and treasury roles at CRH plc. Eddie Wilson. Mr Wilson joined the airline as head of personnel in 1997 from computer manufacturer, Gateway 2000, where he was human resources manager. "So whatever is thrown at us, being a well-capitalised airline really helped us this time. You ask anyone on the street, who's going to survive this crisis, people say Ryanair, and our employees are no different, and unions are a function of the employees that you have. Eddie Wilson has been appointed CEO of Ryanair DAC. What do we take for granted in travel? That's a long, long time ago. "But I think when everyone puts their minds to it, the industry has to react, and not only customers are going to have to really buy into this. JW: You mentioned the EU digital COVID certificate briefly earlier on. Informa Markets, a trading division of Informa PLC. Mr Wilson (55) is a 22-year Ryanair veteran, who as chief people officer, has led negotiations with pilot and crew unions that Ryanair recognised in late 2017. We've just concluded a deal with Manchester Airport Group that takes us out on till 2028. But if it was all price-led, we'd be back over at 95 or 96%, and clearly we're not there. Veteran Eddie Wilson is new boss at Ryanair - Irish Examiner Of course, you're going to have some discounting on fares, but I can't obviously put any colour on that.". Eddie Wilson, Ryanair chief executive: 'We opened 16 bases this year and we opened them because we were opportunistic on cost.' Picture: Fergal Phillips Ryanair's strong balance sheet will afford it the opportunity to aggressively pursue airport discounts and grow its market share at the expense of weakened rivals over the medium-term, its chief executive has said. What you have seen is that you have seen at Norwegian, you have seen other airlines cancelling orders, and you have airlines that are saddled with government debt, and there's no way that governments are going to countenance so-called national carriers not paying back money and then wanting to have big capital expenditure programmes. JW: Long term, it's alternative propulsion technology, isn't it, that's really going to do it? var theDate = new Date(); is the website of Raidi Teilifs ireann, Ireland's National Public Service Media. Ryanair | Executive Officers It doesn't work. Ryanair has announced that its chief people officer, Eddie Wilson, will succeed Michael O'Leary as chief executive of the airline from September . I think that's why it's going to take some time for international travel, particularly from a leisure point of view for that to recover, because it will be driven by vaccination levels, whether that's in the Far East or South America or Africa. EW: I think it is, but you only have to work in this industry to know the level of regulation that you have to put in anything new in terms of a modification on an aircraft and making that leap from new engines, new types of fuel or whatever, is going to take a huge level of investment. Do I have to get it 72 hours, 48 hours?. Ryanair Group has appointed its long-time HR chief Eddie Wilson as chief executive of Ryanair, beginning on September 1. 5 new airline fees and how to avoid paying them, Ridiculous or not? But the fact that we've been able to get out of this, still owning 90% of our aircraft outright and growing the fleet at that time, I think it's going to give us significant opportunities to grow traffic. You can email the site owner to let them know you were blocked. Do I need this? Email or phone: Password: Forgot account? Amazon didnt receive my return package. Cloudflare Ray ID: 7c09ccfbd8622d83 Thank you so much for all or your candour. But it's been driven, as I say, load factors by much, much lower fares. Do you think the switching on of that system, in theory from the 1st of July is going to make a big difference? Edward Wilson Net Worth (2023) | wallmine We already have five and Marrakesh, three in Fez. How do I get it fixed? I think yeah, that is a potential, but in a lot of cases it's about airport cost and competitiveness, not necessarily the destinations in themselves. Andreas remained as CEO of Laudamotion following its acquisition by the Ryanair Group. Fri, 30 Aug, 2019 - 20:20. But most airlines are not growing, getting smaller, and you have a significant exit is pretty much of Norwegian, you've got German wings, there's various other small ones around the side. Once you're straight up with people and sit down with them, we were the first to be able to put in pay cuts, but we did things really quickly. EW: Yes it is. It's not, it's how we live. All rights reserved. So I just wanted to ask, it's a few years since you had those pilot rostering problems and that led to the unionisation and some pay increases and all of that. Fleet plans, the 737 MAX, the impact of the delay, and now it's coming in finally, the impact it's going to have on you going forward? Images Courtesy of Getty Images. Ryanair has restructured itself as a holding group company comprising several airlines, with Mr OLeary as overall chief executive. The airline's CEO Eddie Wilson praised Shannon Airport's management . Mr O'Leary will remain the chief executive of the wider Ryanair gorup which was restructured as a holding company earlier this year. But I think we are going to have some significant opportunities in some markets, where other airlines are going to exit from it, so I'm looking forward to it. Most people in this world want to work less and be paid more. "But most airlines are not growing, getting smaller, and you have a significant exit pretty much of Norwegian, you've got Germanwings, there's various other small ones around the side. Join Facebook to connect with Eddie Wilson and others you may know. But you would like to think that when you have a growing market like that, that you'll be able to add onto those destinations, but I'm in no hurry to go to another country.
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