most slaves in the persian empire were

Persian Empire - History Asked 181 days ago|9/15/2022 3:23:29 PM. Abd-al-osayn Navi, Tehran, 1376 ./1997.p 336, 13th Amendment to the United States Constitution, Timeline of abolition of slavery and serfdom, Marriage of enslaved people (United States), "Elamites and Other Peoples from Iran and the Persian Gulf Region in Early Mesopotamian Sources", BARDA and BARDA-DRI iv. Rival alliances led by Athens and Sparta clawed at one another and left the Greek mainland open to intervention or invasion. Persian women did not simply accept this attack on their rights, however, and joined their men in resisting the oppression of the occupying forces. Persia (roughly modern-day Iran) is among the oldest inhabited regions in the world. Sisygambis, mother of Darius III (r. 336-330 BCE), behaved more honorably than her son after his defeat by Alexander the Great and Alexander's Persian wife Roxanne (l. c. 340-310 BCE) is also recognized for her courage in the face of adversity. The social structure is kings, priests, military, traders, craftsmen, farmers, and slaves. Women could choose their own husbands, however, and did so when they were not asked to marry for political purposes. Achaemenid Empire. His successor, Mithridates I (r. 171-132 BCE), would consolidate these regions and expand the Parthian Empire further. Shutterstock. Parthian ArcherThe British Museum (Copyright). 4. Greeks. Log in for more information. Please note that content linked from this page may have different licensing terms. (In Farsi), Soln-Amad Mirz od-al-Dawla, Tri-e aodi, ed. The Persians under their king Teispes (son of Achaemenes, r. 675-640 BCE) settled to the east of Elam in the territory known as Persis (also Parsa, modern Fars) which would give the tribe the name they are known by. debtors . This preview shows page 2 - 4 out of 7 pages. | Essay | The Metropolitan Museum of Art | Heilbrunn Timeline of Art History, Creative Commons Attribution-NonCommercial-ShareAlike. Even so, Persian technological, architectural, and religious innovations would come to inform the culture of the conquerors and their religion. It is believed, based on the evidence available, that women continued to be regarded in much the same way they were under the Achaemenid Empire and were accorded the same level of respect. The Ionian Greek colonies of Asia Minor were among these and, since their efforts were backed by Athens, Darius launched an invasion of Greece which was halted at the Battle of Marathon in 490 BCE. Shapur I was a devout Zoroastrian but adhered to a policy of religious tolerance in keeping with the practice of the Achaemenid Empire. . A major difference between the earlier periods and the Sassanian was the emphasis on dancing. [12], Male slaves were referred to as olm (in Arabic lit. [10] Principles that can be inferred from the laws include: To free a slave (irrespective of his or her faith) was considered a good deed. Kosrau I continued the policies of religious tolerance and inclusion as well as the ancient Persian antipathy towards slavery. The Parthians deviated from the Achaemenid model in that concubines could marry into royalty and even assume the title of queen. There is no specific information on female Parthian merchants or laborers but it is assumed that in this, as in other aspects, the Parthians adhered more or less to the Achaemenid model. Some of the most famous royal women were Mandana (Mandane), mother of Cyrus the Great (d. c. 559 BCE), Cassandane Shahbanu, wife of Cyrus the Great (l. c. 575-519 BCE), who was mourned throughout the empire after her death, and Atusa Shahbanu (better known as Atossa, l. c. 550-475 BCE) daughter of Cyrus the Great and wife of Cambyses II (r. 530-522 BCE) and Darius I, but there were many others. The classes were distinguished by the colors they wore. By most accounts, Cyrus the Great was a tolerant ruler who allowed his subjects to speak their own languages and practice their own religions. Which man codified Persian law in an attempt to place his reputation as a lawgiver on the same plane as that of King Hammurabi? conquered Medes. He founded the first Persian Empire, also known as the Achaemenid Empire, in 550 B.C. The decrees of Cyrus II and any other news traveled along a network of roads linking major cities. The king's mother and principal wife (known as the Shahbanu, King's Lady) traveled on their own as well as with him on military campaigns and in overseeing administrative affairs. Anatolia-gold. African slaves were imported by the East African slave trade across the Indian Ocean, and white slaves were mainly provided from the Caucasus area or the Caspian Sea through warfare and slave trade. [12] The British consul reported that "in Beluchistan there are several hamlets inhabited by slaves, who till the Governments property around Bampr", and in Sstn "the cultivators of the soil are, for the most part, Slaves both black and white. From then on Cyrus was called the . For only $5 per month you can become a member and support our mission to engage people with cultural heritage and to improve history education worldwide. Cyrus II overthrew Astyages of Media c. 550 BCE and began a systematic campaign to bring other principalities under his control. Shortly after this, the Parthian king Phraates (r. 176-171 BCE) seized on the Seleucid defeat and expanded Parthian control into former Seleucid regions. Every person who purchases or vends a human as slave or treats with a human in another ownership manner or acts as an intermediary in trading or transit of slaves, shall be sentenced to one to three years of correctional imprisonment. [12], As in previous times, slaves were used as eunuchs, domestic servants and concubines in the harems; as military men, administrative staff, or field laborers; it was considered a matter of status to have slaves in the household. World History Encyclopedia. This word was utilized not only to designate actual slaves, but also to express general dependence. Although modern-day Iran corresponds to the heartland of ancient Persia, The Islamic Republic of Iran is a multi-cultural entity. Iran Politics Club: History of Slavery in Iran Started with Islam The Elamites, as noted, were already established in this area at the time and, most likely, were the indigenous people. Under the rule of Cambyses I (r. 580-559 BCE) these two kingdoms were united under rule from Anshan. Much of the land he conquered suffered from a lack of adequate water supply and so he had his engineers revive an older means of tapping underground aquafers known as a qanat, a sloping channel dug into the earth with vertical shafts at intervals down to the channel which would bring the water up to ground level. [8] The use of domestic slaves was of the kind common in Islamic regions. The king's daughters and sisters served primarily in sealing alliances, treaties, and business deals through marriages but still could own their own lands and conduct their own businesses as could the lesser wives. Bibliography Cyrus the Greatthe leader of one such tribebegan to defeat nearby. 'Aryan' should be understood according to the ancient Iranian language of Avestan meaning noble, civilized or free man and designating a class of people, having nothing to do with race - or Caucasians in any way - but referring to Indo-Iranians who applied the term to themselves in the religious works known as the Avesta. women. Royal women also engaged in business as in the case of Parysatis who owned a number of villages in Babylonia and traveled there personally to collect the rent. After Alexander's death in 323 BCE, his empire was divided among his generals. When people pretend that human rights were better back when slavery was Shah Sultan Hossains (r. 16941722) court has been estimated to include five thousand slaves; male and female, black and white, of which one hundred were black eunuchs. Slavery in the Ancient Persian empire - YouTube Ashworth College. Many people think of Persia as synonymous with Islam, though Islam only became the dominant religion in the Persian Empire after the Arab conquests of the seventh century. One of the most famous dancers of this era was Zenon, during the reign of Ardashir II, who was greatly admired. 4. test prep. Of the Aryans The name "Iran" means land Assyrian The Medes united under a single chief named Dayukku (known by the Greeks as Deioces, r. 727-675 BCE) and founded their state in Ecbatana. 1295-1304). This same paradigm was maintained by the Parthian Empire (227 BCE - 224 CE) although, because of a loss of records and artwork following Parthia's fall to the Sassanian Empire (224-651 CE), not as much is clearly known of the details of women's lives during this period. Shapur I's campaigns against Rome were almost universally successful even to the point of capturing the Roman emperor Valerian (r. 253-260 CE) and using him as a personal servant and footstool. Evidence for women in the military during this period comes from inscriptions and excavated tombs. There would also have been agricultural slave workers in Iran, but the information about them are insufficient.[8]. Consequently, by 1870 the trade in African slaves to Iran through the Indian Ocean had been significantly diminished. ISBN9780521246934. The Sassanian Empire is considered the height of Persian rule & culture in antiquity. Xerxes I (r. 486-465 BCE) added a harem building at Persepolis close to his palace, suggesting the elevated status of the women. After he conquered Babylon, he allowed the Jews who had been taken from their homeland by King Nebuchadnezzar (r. 605-562 BCE) in the so-called Babylonian Captivity to return to Judah and even provided them with funds to rebuild their temple. Web. The Cyrus CylinderOsama Shukir Muhammed Amin (Copyright). Mark, published on 30 January 2020. White slaves were mainly provided from the Caucasus area or the Caspian Sea through warfare and slave trade. The mother, midwife, and physician attending the birth also received a bonus if the child was male. . Azadokht Shahbanu, in fact, is frequently noted as being an expert with the sword in addition to her other accomplishments, and the same reference is made to Aspas. Vol. Persia has SLAVERY (Having "Bardeh", in persian) through out the history, till 120 years ago, when a law was passed against it (for several centuries before that slavery was not completely legal but still practiced). The Achaemenid Empire or Achaemenian Empire[16] (/kimnd/; Old Persian: , Xa, lit. [5], Xenophon at his work Anabasis mention slaves in the Persian Empire. [7] The meaning of the term "slaves" (doloi, servi) mentioned in this context is disputed, as it may be pejorative rather than literal.[8]. There are a number of Iranian festivals throughout the year honoring the earth, the elements, and women, and on the festival of Esfandgaan where gratitude toward women is especially emphasized the stories of the great women of the past continue to be told, not only in their honor but also to encourage the same level of respect for women in the present as the great Persian empires accorded them in the past. The history of carpet weaving in Persia dates back to the nomadic tribes. 24, no. [12] Black slaves were mainly divided into Zangs or Bambassee, who were imported from Zanzibar across the Indian Ocean; and abas from Ethiopia, Somalia (also called Souhalis and Nubees) and southern Sudan (also called Nubees). Retrieved from Mark, J. J. 5: Institutions. [12] Yet it seems to be not an straight forward topic that all historians agree upon. Sassanian Stamp SealThe Trustees of the British Museum (CC BY-NC-SA). The Persian Empire | Greek Slave Systems in their Eastern Mediterranean In Ehsan Yar-Shater; William Bayne Fisher; Ilya Gershevitch (eds.). The biblical figure of Queen Esther, wife of Xerxes I, is another royal woman of the Achaemenid Period even though she was not Persian by birth. Slavery in the Achaemenid Empire (c. 550330 BC), Slavery in Hellenistic Iran (c. 330c. 42 Astounding Facts About Life in Ancient Persia - Factinate Journal of Asian and African Studies 36: 40718, Sussan Babaie, Kathryn Babayan, Ina Baghdiantz-MacCabe, Mussumeh Farhad: Slaves of the Shah: New Elites of Safavid Iran, Bloomsbury Academic, 2004. a youth) or zar-ard (lit. Updated: September 30, 2019 | Original: January 25, 2018. Web. As with the earlier periods, a king's daughters and sisters were married to foreign princes to conclude treaties, alliances, and business deals, but as with the Achaemenids, women could choose their own husbands and marriages were not always arranged by a woman's father. The Battle of Issus between Alexander the Great and Darius III in 333 BC, leading to the fall of the Persian Empire. The Seleucid king Antiochus IV Epiphanes (r. 175-164 BCE) focused entirely on his own self-interests and his successors would continue this pattern. Scholar Kaveh Farrokh notes that tombs attesting to the existence of Iranian-speaking women warriors have [been found in Iran and] also been excavated in Eastern Europe (128). [12] "In 1848, Mohammad Shah Qajar banned the importation of slaves by sea. The History of slavery in Iran (Persia) during various ancient, medieval, and modern periods is sparsely catalogued. [8] Timur Lenk had as many as a thousand captives, who were skillful workmen, and laboured all the year round at making head pieces, and bows and arrows. Arabia-spices. Antiochus III, the last effective Seleucid king, reconquered and expanded the Seleucid Empire but was defeated by Rome at the Battle of Magnesia in 190 BCE and the Treaty of Apamea (188 BCE) resulted in significant losses, shrinking the empire down to less than half its former size. Aryan tribes are thought to have migrated to the region at some point prior to the 3rd millennium BCE and the country would later be referenced as Ariana and Iran the land of the Aryans. This was not uncommon as it was standard for provinces to rebel after the death of a monarch going back to the Akkadian Empire of Sargon the Great in Mesopotamia (r. 2334-2279 BCE). Help us and translate this article into another language! Slaves were procured through warfare, slave raids, by purchase or as gifts. The Achaemenid dynasty finally fell to the invading armies of Alexander the Great of Macedon in 330 B.C. Zoroaster's teachings formed the foundation of the religion of Zoroastrianism which would later be adopted by the Persian empires and inform their culture. This page was last edited on 29 April 2023, at 11:52. battle captives. Some Rights Reserved (2009-2023) under Creative Commons Attribution-NonCommercial-ShareAlike license unless otherwise noted. The Achaemenian palaces of Persepolis were built upon massive terraces. The Seleucid king Antiochus III (the Great, r. 223-187 BCE) would retake Parthia briefly in c. 209 BCE, but Parthia was on the rise and shook off Seleucid rule afterwards. The Sassanian queen Azadokht Shahbanu, wife of Shapur I (r. 240-270 CE) was an equal partner in the marriage. Cite This Work While he ruled by the Zoroastrian law of asha (truth and righteousness), he didnt impose Zoroastrianism on the people of Persias conquered territories. They had their own entourage, staff to attend their needs, and were given places of honor at banquets alongside distinguished male guests. {{cite conference}}: CS1 maint: multiple names: authors list (link). Social - Persian Empire - Weebly World Civilization Lesson 3.docx - Question 1 5 / 5 points Most slaves From the Mongols to the abolition of slavery",, Articles to be expanded from October 2020, Creative Commons Attribution-ShareAlike License 3.0, Sources of slaves were both foreign (e.g., non-. World History Encyclopedia. Other notable Achaemenid warrior women were Pantea Artesbod, who lived during the reign of Cyrus the Great and was instrumental along with her husband in the organization of the elite military unit of the 10,000 Persian Immortals, Artunis (l. c. 540-500 BCE), a Lieutenant Commander of the army, remembered for her courage and skill in battle, and Youtab Aryobarzan (d. 330 BCE), who served in the army and fell with her brother Ariobarzanes (l. 386-330 BCE) defending the Persian Gates against the forces of Alexander the Great. Sherley, Anthony, Robert Sherley, and Thomas Sherley. Anthony A. Lee, Enslaved African Women in Nineteenth-Century Iran: The Life of Fezzeh Khanom of Shiraz, Iranian Studies (May 2012). We want people all over the world to learn about history. In his writing, Darius I uses this word to refer to his satraps and generals. 2021. Scholar Kaveh Farrokh cites the archaeologist J. P. Mallory in noting: As an ethnic designation, the word [Aryan] is most properly limited to the Indo-Iranians, and most justly to the latter where it still gives its name to the country Iran. [6], Under the Achaemenids, Persian nobles in Babylonia and other conquered states became large slave owners. 634640. [2], Herodotus has mentioned enslavement with regards to rebels of the Lydians who revolted against Achaemenid rule and captured Sardis. As a matter of fact Persians were anti slavery and the best example was freedom of 42,000 Jews from slavery of Babylon by Cyrus The Great. License. [12] Slaves were imported from East Africa as well as from India via the Indian Ocean. Although the Persian empire was at the peak of its strength, the collective defense mounted by the Greeks overcame seemingly . [12] Female slaves had in some aspects more freedom than free Muslim women, as they were allowed to move about alone outside of the harem without veils and mingle with men, and were less harshly punished for voluntarily extramarital sexual relationships. [25], Original text of Iranian Slavery Abolition Act of 1929 is as follows:[25]. The Persian Empire entered a period of decline after a failed invasion of Greece by Xerxes I in 480 BC. [24] On February 7, 1929 the Iranian National Parliament ratified an anti-slavery bill that outlawed the slave trade or any other claim of ownership over human beings. The most famous of these would become the Royal Road (later established by Darius I) running from Susa to Sardis. Darius the Great, the fourth king of the Achaemenid Empire, ruled over the Persian Empire when it was at its largest, stretching from The Caucasus and West Asia to what was then Macedonia (todays Balkans), the Black Sea, Central Asia and even into Africa including parts of Libya and Egypt. The Queen of Queens title referred to the highest-ranking woman among the king's wives. This tactic of Parthian warfare came as a complete surprise and was quite effective even after opposing forces became aware of it. The lifestyle and activities of royal Parthian women seem to have mirrored those of the Achaemenid Period or, at least, of royal women of the Seleucid Period which continued many of the Achaemenid policies. The Achaemenid Persian Empire functioned as well as it did because Women i. We contribute a share of our revenue to remove carbon from the atmosphere and we offset our team's carbon footprint. Mark, Joshua J.. "Ancient Persia." 1970. Early Persian art included large, carved rock reliefs cut into cliffs, such as those found at Naqsh-e Rustam, an ancient cemetery filled with the tombs of Achaemenid kings. 01 May 2023. Most slaves in the Persian Empire were: battle captives. [12] Visiting Europeans could also have slaves in their household during their stay, however their slaves could leave any moment they wished with the claim that as Muslims, they were not compelled to serve Christians. Cyrus II, it seems, developed the qanat across a much greater area but it was an earlier Persian invention as was the yakhchal great domed coolers which created and preserved ice, the first refrigerators whose use he also encouraged. Women labored alongside men in the workforce and were often supervisors and managers. Achaemenid WomanThe Trustees of the British Museum (CC BY-NC-SA). [8] conquered Medes. Mark, Joshua J.. "Women in Ancient Persia." [12], Although the diplomatic efforts of the Russians and the British did result in a decline in the trade, slavery was still common in Iran under the Qajar dynasty, and it was not until the first half of twentieth century that slavery would be officially abolished in Iran under Reza Shah Pahlavi. [12], Slavery was a common institution in Safavid Iran, with slaves employed in many levels of society. Alexander the not so Great: History through Persian eyes Hebrew scriptures praise Cyrus the Great for freeing the Jewish people of Babylon from captivity and allowing them to return to Jerusalem. Even though Greeks and Persians intermarried, the Seleucid Empire favored Greeks and Greek became the language of the court. The resultant stability allowed Parthian art and architecture which was a seamless blend of Persian and Hellenistic cultural aspects to flourish while prosperous trade further enriched the empire. "[12], The domestic slave pattern was similar in regard to the royal Qajar harem. Mark, published on 12 November 2019. The World History Encyclopedia logo is a registered trademark. Cyrus died in 530 BCE, possibly in battle, and was succeeded by his son Cambyses II (r. 530-522 BCE) who extended Persian rule into Egypt. The Cambridge History of Iran. In case of a slave who was, e.g., one-half manumitted, the slave would serve in alternating years. In the 1870s, smugglers discovered gold and silver artifacts among ruins near the Oxus River in present-day Tajikistan. [20][8] The slave concubines of the harem were mainly white, dominantly Turkmen and Kurdish captives under the supervision of female chief called aqal (al). Mark has lived in Greece and Germany and traveled through Egypt. Her army was defeated but Apranik would not surrender and continued to fight a guerilla war against her enemies until she was killed in battle. Sargon II notes qanats in use around the city of Ulhu in Western Iran which created fertile fields far from any river. 2, 1992, pp. Expert answered| MsAnyaForger |Points 10590|. battle captives. A notable businesswoman and merchant, Irdabama, who lived during the reign of Darius I, traveled extensively on business and personally oversaw production and trade in the region of modern-day Shiraz, Iran, in Babylonia, Egypt, Media, and Syria. Ancient Persia: The Iranian Plateau and the Persian Empire, The Achaemenid Persian Empire (550330 B.C.) Uniquely in comparison to Western slave systems, Sasanian slavery recognized partial manumission (relevant in the case of a jointly owned slave, only some of whose owners were willing to manumit). He is said to have spent as much time as possible in his gardens daily while also managing, and expanding on, his empire. We contribute a share of our revenue to remove carbon from the atmosphere and we offset our team's carbon footprint. conquered Medes. Submitted by Joshua J. Question options: Aeschylus Euripedes Sophocles Aristophanes Sometime prior to 640 BCE, Teispes divided his kingdom between his sons Cyrus I (r. 625-600 BCE) and Ararnamnes. Retrieved from Please support World History Encyclopedia. (Shadows, 17). The IUSSP XXIVth General Population Conference in Salvador de Bahia, Brazil, August 1824, 2001. p. The Persian Empire started as a collection of semi-nomadic tribes who raised sheep, goats and cattle on the Iranian plateau. The copyright holder has published this content under the following license: Creative Commons Attribution-NonCommercial-ShareAlike. [12] Finally, slaves were given as gifts: until 1780, the Christian Armenians were forced to regularly provide girls and male youths as tributes to the Safavid ruler; the Shah also gave slaves away, as diplomatic gifts to foreign ambassadors and to the ulema. World History Encyclopedia is a non-profit organization. When Alexander the Great burned the city in 330 BCE, any documents written on parchment were destroyed but those inscribed on clay tablets were baked and so preserved. Even though Darius I continued Cyrus II's policy of tolerance and humanitarian legislation, unrest broke out during his reign. We care about our planet! She was an admiral in the Persian fleet at the Battle of Salamis in 480 BCE, noted for her courage and skill, and was so admired by Xerxes I that, after the battle, she was given the honor of escorting his sons to safety. As the empire grew too big to manage, subject states would revolt . 1984. ", According to Plutarch, there were many slaves in the army of the Parthian general Surena. Moreover, the Babylonians were not anti-Semites per se; while they only wanted to destroy Judah as an independent political power, they harbored no ill feelings toward the . [12] Eunuchs were mainly African slaves. Greek writers of the time expressed that all Persian people were slaves to their king. Xerxes may have brought about 250,000 soldiers to Persia. By dividing the responsibilities of government in each satrapy, Cyrus II lessened the chance of any official amassing enough money and power to attempt a coup. Emperor Cyrus the Great came to power around 550 BC. Farrokh notes the presence of substantial numbers of women in Persian expeditionary forces at this time and how their participation in ancient Persian warfare - dressed and armed like men - was noted by Roman historians (129). Please support World History Encyclopedia. Benefits of Babylonian Exile. Women could own land, conduct business, received equal pay, could travel freely on their own, and in the case of royal women, hold their own council meetings on policy. International Journal of Middle East Studies, vol. The World History Encyclopedia logo is a registered trademark. Most slaves in the Persian Empire were: Question 20 options: debtors Create your account. The wives and slave concubines of shah Fath-Ali Shah Qajar came from the harems of the vanquished houses of Zand and Afr; from the Georgian and Armenian campaigns; as well as from the slave markets, and presented as gifts to the shah from the provinces. Numerous educational institutions recommend us, including Oxford University. "The Long Fall of the Safavid Dynasty: Moving beyond the Standard Views." 281304. Her army was defeated but Apranik would not surrender and continued to fight a guerilla war against her enemies until she was killed in battle. The Fortification Tablets come from the reign of Darius I (522-486 BCE), the Treasury Texts from the time of Artaxerxes I (r. 465-424 BCE) and the Travel Texts from various eras. As the Persian Empire expanded to encompass other artistic centers of early civilization, a new style was formed with influences from these sources. Women in ancient Persia were not only highly respected but, in many cases, considered the equals of males. They recruited a substantial number of their domestic slaves from these vanquished peoples. Articles with the Editors byline have been written or edited by the editors, including Amanda Onion, Missy Sullivan and Matt Mullen. When the Sassanian Empire fell in 651 CE, women's status fell with it and they were considered second-class citizens. [12], What ultimately led to the abolition of the slave trade and the emancipation of slaves in Iran were internal pressures for reform. The first Persian Empire under Cyrus the Great soon became the worlds first superpower. About Press Copyright Contact us Creators Advertise Developers Terms Privacy Policy & Safety How YouTube works Test new features Press Copyright Contact us Creators . CH 7 The Empire of Persia Flashcards | Quizlet Subsequent rulers in the Achaemenid Empire followed Cyrus the Greats hands-off approach to social and religious affairs, allowing Persias diverse citizenry to continue practicing their own ways of life. [8] The major part of slaves from Central Asia were Turkic, captured through raids, or sold by their families or as war prisoners by other Turkic tribes, and Turkic slaves came to be the most popular ethnicity for slaves in Iran. Who were the ancient Persians? | Live Science Sparta provided leadership on land, while Athens mobilized a formidable navy. Both male and female slaves were used for domestic service and sexual objects. Under this period Roman prisoners of war were used in farming in Babylonia, Shush, and Persis.[9]. To this end, he made his son Shapur I (r. 240-270 CE) co-regent in 240 CE. Some Rights Reserved (2009-2023) under Creative Commons Attribution-NonCommercial-ShareAlike license unless otherwise noted. He conquered the wealthy kingdom of Lydia in 546 BCE (following the Battle of Thymbra of 547 BCE), Elam (Susiana) in 540 BCE, and Babylon in 539 BCE. All articles are regularly reviewed and updated by the team. We want people all over the world to learn about history. The greatest woman warrior of the later Sassanian Empire was Apranik (d. c. 651 CE) who commanded the army against the invading Muslim-Arab forces during the reign of Yazdegerd III (632-651 CE).

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