I know the two of you are friends and Ive noticed that he has been missing a fair few classes recently. She was clearly concerned. Spider-Man saved her life responded your best friend, before you had even had chance to process what Peter had said. "He's late". You couldnt see the colour of his eyes but they were shining and Slight betrayal. You stepped forward, allowing yourself to be wrapped up in his arms as you shared a kiss.Love you. He whispered as you broke the kiss.Love you too.. You had no clue as to what your coloring on your own body was, let alone anyone elses. Dont forget your teacher interrupted once more, if you are able to see the change of color from Task #1 to Task #2 please write that down, and if not just leave if blank.. Spider Man? Your voice is in awe as you see the superhero shutting the door to your soulmates bedroom. "Please Just Let Me H. marvelcinematicuniverse. She immediately felt excited, seeing that her soulmate had also written down the school name. Complete. You responded, looking out of the window. I mean, come on, who doesnt have a crush on Peter Parker? They were in the next room, so you were both talking quietly so as not to let them hear you. No civilians were kidnapped or injured at the scene, but the gang leader was left in serious critical condition: A dislocated shoulder, broken wrist, busted kneecap, and several minor inj. 0000d 00h 05m 00s 5 minutes.You keep looking at photos, praying itll work. She also wanted me to tell you, given of course that I heard from you first not the other way around, that if she doesnt hear from you by the end of the day then shes done with the relationship.. It would be a lie, but he didnt have to tell you that. So glad its liked! [Name] and Peter had been writing little notes to each other on their arms instead of texting each other. You gasp in shock when you saw who it was. I wonder where hes running to? You were no stranger to the antics of your brother, his friends, and the Upside Down. Just writing up some results, its really interesting actually he smiled. I Knew It! Peter Parker x Reader Soulmate AU - Aw, arrows no you're desperate to meet him, but until the universe decides to introduce you, you're stuck with scribbled smiley faces and chemistry formulae. She had grown up in a family who found their soulmates relatively early in life, so by the time she was twelve, most of her cousins and relatives had their soulmates. If it happened it happened, if it didnt well, its safe to say you werent concerned. Then Monday morning it was all over and the two of you would head off for school. Or moving here? Series tags: @fanboyswhereare-you @farfromjustordinary @brazilian-unicorn @terrible-terrible-blog @1dforeverandalwaysfan @heyyyyitsanie @tmrhollandkay @millies-art-blog @shakespeare-and-shenanigans @t-hollandd @tater-totts-hp @spidey-pal [As always, if you want to be tagged please let me know!]. Now that weve got that out of the way, I know about the tattoo as well. You pulled up his sleeve to reveal the mark which matched your own. You say to him whilst letting out a giggle. Safe - Peter Parker x Reader (Soulmate AU - Part 2), Safe - Peter Parker x Reader (Soulmate AU - Part 8), Safe - Peter Parker x Reader (Soulmate AU - Part 7), Safe - Peter Parker x Reader (Soulmate AU - Part 6), Safe - Peter Parker x Reader (Soulmate AU - Part 4), Safe - Peter Parker x Reader (Soulmate AU - Part 3), Safe - Peter Parker x Reader (Soulmate AU - Part 1), Safe - Peter Parker x Reader (Soulmate AU - Part 5), Safe - Peter Parker x Reader (Soulmate AU - Part 9), Initiation - Eddie Munson x (GN) Henderson! Then the laughter died once the door flew open. Says the guy in fancy dress? You retorted. After all your wishing that Peter was your soulmate, you have a hard time not dismissing this as a dream. The two of you didnt talk for the rest of the class, but you couldnt help glancing over at him every so often. Whats up, did I leave something at the table? You asked. Pain. His lips pursed in a close mouthed smile in your direction as you began continue the lab from yesterday, both of you having butterflies roll around in your stomach for the duration of the period. "(Name) you should go out more often, even for a little walk you never know you might even find that soulmate of yours". I desperately hope the next words out of your mouth are, I can explain, cause I dont understand how., Peter runs a hand through his hair. I was wondering how I never noticed someone like you on my train before. It takes Peter a minute to realize what he just said. While they carried on putting different things into test tubes and generally making a mess, you couldnt help but be distracted from your work by them. He says pointing to his tablet. dont play? You werent sure if that was a question or a statement. You knew this would break his heart, more than it did when you told him you werent sure of your feelings towards him. It wasnt Eddies fault you almost got held back a year, sure he was the reason you skipped all those classes, but it was definitely still your choice to do so.Fine, then I guess Im just going to have to find someone else wholl hang out with me. He feigned disappointment, knowing full well just how important it was to you to be able to go off to college next year.Good luck. You smiled, pulling your hand away from his face and opening your car door to step out. I think that youre the one whos been leaving me little scribbles on my arms every day. She showed Peter her arms and he took them into his hands, looking them over as if he was analyzing a book for an English class. Oh, hey Peter you started. Imagine nothing happening- being told that the only way to know if this tie was yours is if you felt some immense pain you know you didnt cause. Trying to rotate her right shoulder which resulted in a gasp of pain. different opinions: they were lucky and they were missing out. Turns out, they're a lot closer than she could ever imagine. On the day your timer is supposed to go off, Spider-Man shows up at your window. Here is a masterlist just for the Safe series! You might want to put that gun away suggested a voice from the doorway. Ms. He was unable to hear the three boys stifling their giggles.Dustin, Mike and Lucas took their seats on your right-hand side. out your bag of Kisses and offering him some in return. AU: Soulmate!AU where soulmates can see when the other is writing something on a body part. Confusion. Hi can I maybe request something? Come on, Ill walk you home he offered his hand. Ive officially survived my first week of high school as a transfer. (Y/N) responds softly, barely loud enough for Peter to hear. I just wanted to talk to you about something. Peter, I cant be late for this class. You sighed. boring as hell and your fears over your soulmate were in the back of your mind. You stretched your neck, the chair almost tipping sideways so you could be able to look. Erm, well, I am he stumbled through his words, not expecting you to be so defensive. They always found their soulmate and was content, at least to your knowledge. Sorry Sir! You shouted, slowing down to a hasty walk. had yet to meet your soulmate therefore you had yet to experience the lack of Ugh P.4 [Peter Parker] [Soulmate AU] Pairing: Peter Parker x Female!Reader Warnings: Cursing, probs more angst, mentions of pain etc Part 3, Masterlist The scream that escaped from your lips had to. No running in the hall please you heard a booming voice say. Hed been skipping on dates far too much and she didnt know why. God- the sight was incredibly painful. The people have spoken and I have listened. your eyes as Peter ducked down to pick up his book again. You felt bad, Peter was just trying to be a good friend. You let out a small giggle as he places a kiss on your head. Ugh., you grumbled under your breath, stomping out of your schools big double doors. Oh please, it was so obvious! Feeling disheartened, you returned to the classroom to retrieve your bag. He couldnt tell her just yet. . With so much hope, and.love? Would you like a date loaf? You politely decline and stand awkwardly in the living room. Spider-Man. The three of you found a spot in the corner and sat down. Any thug would take the opportunity to kick him while he was down and you would not have that. Writing notes to your soulmate, [Name]? You bit your tongue hard to stop yourself from screaming. That wasnt the case, but no one knew that but you. You had half a mind to hurt yourself, just to get back at him but you were already in enough pain as it was. Peter was well aware that (Y/N) was slowly beginning to loose trust. Just give us the money man, I dont want to have to hurt you! Order the gun-waving lunatic. Every day the little notes continued, along with both [Name] and Peter getting detention (not that they minded it because they just continued to write notes to each other). Thats the spirit! Ned enthused as the two of you walked to the science block. Thats not even the best part, s- Y/F/N! you cut them off angrily. . You always wondered if your timer worked. But I cant be in a relationship without trust. [Name] then walked out of the classroom, hand in hand with Peter, her note completely forgotten by the both of them until detention. He lacked the emotional and mental strength to make himself say he didnt love you enough to stay. tucked his book under his arm and stuck out his hand. You didnt know- and maybe you never would. namely, how peter seems to hate your alter ego more than anyone youve met. Still, it seemed worth it if your soulmate got a taste of his own medicine. Part 1 Part 2 Part 3 Part 4 Part 5Part 6Part 7Part 8Part 9. B | She/her | Member of the Church of Jesus Christ of Latter Day Saints | I used to write Marvel imagines idk what happened (yes I do, it was Star Wars) | My AO3 is TooBusyWriting | Personal, sometimes Marvel | Sideblogs are @incorrect-newtina and @rebloggedwritingtips and @lifeofdc and @lifeofclonewars | pfp from, I Knew It! A/N: Hey everyone! I dont know what else to do you whispered in reply. Your soulmate, was in New York, right here- standing right in front of your face? 16.4K 443 28. Peter Parker/Reader; Natasha Romanov/Reader; Steve Rogers/Tony Stark/Reader; Pietro Maximoff/Reader; . Let me just get this guy and Im on my way.. You turned around and waited for Peter to catch up to you. Of course you werent the only one and the tattoos only meant you had encountered your Soulmate and one of the two of you had done something selfless for the other, not that they were in your life. She ended up picking out a pair of black slacks and a nice white blouse. One way or another, Im going to find out. Your tone was serious. Summary: Soulmate AU where one of your closest friends, Peter Parker is hiding something from you, but a selfless act as the masked hero Spider-Man forces him to reveal himself. "Mr. Stark is waiting, he hates waiting". In complete shock you had accidently dropped you glass causing it to shatter all over the floor. this was a request from anon. Mr Parker! Your teacher exclaimed, she was clearly pissed off. Y-you dont have to if you dont w-want to. Theyd have to be even more perfect than you and thats not possible! You look down at your wrist to see how much time was left. They continued to write to each other, writing every day, every hour, every minute. Are you sure you dont know whats going on with Mr Parker? She asked. Imagine feeling this alone- imagine seeing the sad numb faces of people around you with no tie to anyone. It's more of a romantic angsty clich fluff piece. In a world where the first words that your soulmate say to you are marked on your arm, how is a mute reader to cope with the fact that your soulmate has empty arms, and you can't tell him any better? With her carrying three thick textbooks in her arms, she couldnt see very well in front of her. Series tags: @fanboyswhereare-you @farfromjustordinary @brazilian-unicorn @terrible-terrible-blog @1dforeverandalwaysfan @heyyyyitsanie @tmrhollandkay @millies-art-blog @shakespeare-and-shenanigans @t-hollandd @tater-totts-hp @spidey-pal @terrainhead @star-incandescent @deni-gonzalez @courtneychicken @crankynewt @karamelblobber @melodythesaltshaker @mynicknameisroses [As always, if you want to be tagged please let me know!]. Thank you to everyone who stuck with me and gave this series some much needed love, you have no idea how much that meant to me , Part 1 Part 2 Part 3 Part 4 Part 5 Part 6 Part 7 Part 8Part 9. It had been three long days since you learned you were the soulmate of Peter Parker, and he was lying to you. He wanted to let you say whatever it was you had to say, even though he was sure he didnt want to hear it. Y/N) (Y/L/N) was sitting in her chair doodling flowers when suddenly she let out a huge gasp of pain. Just doing my job! He assured you before turning to leave. Your timer says otherwise. Nothing is new, I erm, Ive just been hanging around. He smiled at his choice of words. updated jan 30 2022 - suggestive / - personal favorite / - soulmate au / - mostly angst / - mostly fluff / - super hero or super powered reader. Something was telling him he needed to talk to you about the tattoo he saw on your arm. You know, under the mask I mean. He was visibly uncomfortable. Peter grins and leans his head against yours. This one is for @theassetseyeliner s challenge! Peter Parker x Reader (Soulmate AU - Fandom Imagines Trash Sorry, I have to go. He sped off down the street, swinging from every streetlamp on the way. Your notes are really cute, but I swear that somebody will see them and then Ill be super embarrassed. Glistening Y/E/C met a sparkling, captivating bright brown and your world turned vividly wonderful. This bit is a little short and is mostly in Peters P.O.V c; Also- Ive hit 300 followers! You make a good point, but Im going to work it out eventually. Rushing back to him, you begin to ask him whats wrong and how you can help. Remember the other week when something was going on and I didnt want to talk to you about it?. Most people didnt believe that your soulmate caused you so much pain and discomfort. one-shots about you meeting different members of the Avengers and other Marvel characters who just so happen to be your soulmates. Thirty Four. Peter asks as her runs the back of his neck due to nervesness. Many thanks again to @just-some-drabbles for including me in this wonderful challenge! Setting your head down on your folded arms, your groggy state almost swept you completely over until your lab partner, Peter snapped you out of it. He was a super-hero, one people of his city found hope in. You werent really paying any attention to the conversation happening around you, instead you were quite obviously distracted. The two of you arrived at the science block where Peter was already setting up a couple of bunsen burners and some test tubes. Did he get into fights at three in the morning just because? with it. And, of course, Peter said yes. Shit- he was doing something again, meaning you had to go hide out somewhere until he was done. Peter is staring at his own hand his eyes wide and his mouth opens slightly. He could lift busses and cars- buildings even. No string, no tattoo, nothing. What on earth was going on? Reader. chaos | peter parker 49 parts Ongoing A story of which being Tony Stark's daughter and having powers is the definition of Chaos. Stay tuned! You mutter some choice words under your breath and then call Ned.
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