If that includes Russian AK, so be it! Obama is trying to punish Russia for their bullying. Yeah, this threat is not ended until she is removed from office, one way or another You use vulgarity here, especially when referring to Feinslime. It could read Rumsfeild Cheney Rove and Bush. I have friends left and right of me that lost 401ks and retirement under Bush. When the politicians finally sell us all down the river, one brick at a time, we will have lost all the rights everyone thinks are sacred. You could not care less about Brian Terry could you? I guess it is a damn good thing that my firearms are all made in the USA. Look at what he's done for it so far Yeah, but the small arms ban was just something Obama tacked on for funsies. And every domocrat under him has broken the law for him , fast and furious,lois lerner ,the list goes on and on hillary herself and benghazi is the biggest lie of all and stll being told over and over again,admit dems , your people are crooks ,liars ,and theives.And out to ruin our constitutionional rights at every chance and you still defend them , talk about a moronic party , you democrats are the kings of bs and lies.And george bush was lied to about iraq , he was told we needed to be there and all you dems were convinced of it as well and all voted yes lets invade iraq,so tell someone does not keep up with current events your lies , we dont buy them anymore. Does this affect the Tula ammo in 7.6939 and the 7.62x54R? As much as I do not like the fact he banned Russian AKs, I can at least understand why. Foreign policy wise hes doing what most of us believe. Feel like you want to cut some witch throats? All you Russia lovers should be ashamed to call yourself real Americans. Squeeze em till they squeal. Despite this, I back this rule as I believe a Republican president would/should do the same. The only benefit is to further Obamas anti-gun agenda. It is not the same as King Obama proclamations. The cheapest they could show me was a little over $600 a month. And like so many other instances in these forums, I once again find myself completely blowing the liberal mind with the reality of facts which completely dispels the myths these libs cling to and send them scurrying like cockroaches. All the right wing B.S. Impeach!! SCIENTIFIC PRODUCTION ASSOCIATION IZHMASH JOINT STOCK COMPANY), 3, Derjabin Pr., Izhevsk, Udmurt Republic 426006, Russia; Registration ID 1111832003018 [UKRAINE2]. We reserve the right to edit as appropriate, delete profane, harassing, abusive and spam comments or posts, and block repeat offenders. But who needs a Russian AK anyway. The problem we face isnt just the banning of firearms it is the the fear of our government. On the other side. If congress was more effective in handling their business the president wouldnt need to do EOS. Everytime we dont (Im guilty as well), we lose respect and credibility (from anti-, undecided-, and pro-gunners) and hurt or cause. Nuckinfuts, Explosives Again, the Constitution is silent on any regulation of the poer or authority to regulate or DENY acess or ownership. Because of that way to many people who are innocent and cant afford $300.00 per hour for a good attorney get put in jail. I dont see any constitutional issue banning the AK. Live free, or die! Obama is silently happy he could include firearms why isnt he banning trade with Aeroflot and GE; landing rights in the USA to Russian airlines; or expel Russian Embassy personnel ? We adults at least most of us, wouldnt live very long if we slapped every person we disagreed with. Contrary to your statement, this is nothing but a political issue which makes political speak quite appropriate when addressing this very topic. I am not a pro Obama person either, but until we as a people vote in someone better, he is what we have. Your link has been automatically embedded. Congress has no guts for it. An executive order calling for sanctions against purchasing services or products from a country that is doing bad things, seems to be appropriate. Now, punishing Americans; thats an entirely different matter. CONCERN KALASHNIKOV; a.k.a. But if everything in the sanction is lifted, but the AK ban, than we have a problem. Same thing with Iran and North korea. I think that should shed some light on motive, Buy Brazilian. I also feel like Snowden did the right thing by the citizens of the US by reporting to us we are being lied to by Claooer. Other manufacturers will now have to fill that 40,000 rifle annual void. That senile moron harry reid is even worse. The truth hurts doesnt it. Then maybe I should sell some of my goodies while the prices are high..$$$$$$. On June 20, 2017, the U.S. Treasury Department added Molot to its list of Ukraine-related sanctions for operating in the arms or related material sector of the Russian Federation and for acting or purporting to act for on behalf of, directly or indirectly, Kalashnikov Concern, the Treasury Departmentsaid in a statement. Hes given amnesty to illegals who have relatives in the U.S. Hes given amnesty to illegals who are parents or guardians of people. I disagree with dive master but clearly he thinks he knows all and has all the workings of the world figured out (I.e. The Shooters Log reflects a number of positions on EO 13662. Im not sure where Tula and Wolf are made. Illegal appointments when congress was not in recess . As the exclusive importer of Molot products, we are in the process of reviewing the implications of the sanctions before we are able to make any additional announcements, the companystated. But Satan serving cops will just be coming back later to more easily arrest and eventually kill you if you do not take the mark. How long did Bush keep us in Iraq, and how long did Obama keep us there? Most people dont know that the federal government has protected the elected officials from the laws that we have to follow. We want you, our readers, to be able to make informed decisions. JSC NPO IZHMASH; f.k.a. This shows how stupid Bloomberg is. OJSC CONCERN KALASHNIKOV; f.k.a. They continued to develop firearms based on the Kalashnikov rifle including the AKM, the AK-74, the RPK light machine gun, and the SVD sniper rifle. You sound like the one who is a communist. America's Ultimate Shooting Sports Discounter, Obama Signs Executive Order Banning AK-47s, Click to share on Facebook (Opens in new window), Click to share on Twitter (Opens in new window), Click to share on Pinterest (Opens in new window). 6) Education Take control of what people read and listen to take control of what children learn in school. Whats absolutely clearthe move will spike demand for the remainingVepr rifles in America. There was a possible assault weapons ban!? This EO may, to some extent, punish Russia, but it also infringes on our Right to Bear Arms, and further demonstrates Obamas pension to Selectively Enforce the Law. Seen this ploy year after year. They are all in it for themselves. Maybe you should take a look and see how many Saigas and other Russian weapons and parts that come from Kalishnikov are around in a bit. I guess we need to take time once in a while to vent even if it is about vacations.I certainly understand your need to keep the record straight. He was capable of great things but the country is not ready for total government control and a socialist way of life. Lets get rid of the scumbag in the White House and put him in Gittmo where he belongs! I remember where this country was before there Obama came to office. Additionally, this can be replaced by a 20-round ammunition drum. See, and this is fact, the Lefts idea of compromise is to have the opposition agree with everything the left wants without change. Despite the outward appearance, they are technically based on theRPK light machine gun and share the RPKsheavier barrel and reinforced receiver. It is time to eliminate any one person or agency that is impeding our rights as free americans to use our rights and 2nd amendment contitutioninal rights, This is just what obuma the pig wants , total control over all americans , total police state , let the immigrants in and bring their exotic deseaeses into our shores then force us to house and feed them , put em on a bus and send em right back , we have starving people right here in america overflowing the food stamp,medicaid,welfare systems to the limit now and he wants to bring thousands and thousands of poor unhealthy people into our nation and destroy it , when will congress act and say ENOUGH IS ENOUGH TIME TO PRESS CHARGES AND IMPEACH THIS PIG IN THE WHITE HOUSE THAT SEEMS TO HATE AMERICA. I read and I do research extensively and form my own opinions based on factual statistical information. Source: http://usgovinfo.about.com/od/thepresidentandcabinet/a/Presidential-Executive-Orders.htm. 3. He is generally considered to be the founder of modern community organizing. And what country can preserve its liberties, if its rulers are not warned from time to time, that this people preserve the spirit of resistance? Youre part of the problem. Not all through mental hypnotic programming, the upper levels Obama various past Presidents, pivotal world leaders, personages are most certainly total puppets to the degree that they could quite accurately be referred to as Satan-as Jesus does Obama in that Luke 10: 18 verse. Think of the opportunity for an American company to step in an fill the void. Or do you like licking the Russian back side so much. Yugo (Serbian) AKs and Russian AKs arent very interchangeable when it comes to parts. I am not sure that the ATF or any other agency will be able to legally enforce this piece of an Executive Order. There is nothing racist about this comment. ANYTHING? All Saiga-12 configurations are Bush did it. I have never seen an administration that hates the things that made our nation great. Then again I dont know a lot. ONLY RUSSIAN AKS FOR NOW , this pres is very devious , once he starts chippimg away he just signs another exec order next will be anything from the former soviet block that does not condem russia, this is excactly what obuma has wanted , this is his chance to ban what he feeels should not be owned by american public, he will not stop with just this if we do not fight him at every chance , the man is evil almost antichrist like and hates america as we know it , he admitted to it in college many times , why did you stupid idots not do some reasearch on this guys beliefs BEFORE YOU ASKED FOR CHANGE? I pray that prices will begin to drop and I can either get a saiga 5.45 or a pap2 5.45 in the near future. It is time to eliminate any one person or agency that is impeding our rights as free americans to use our rights and 2nd amendment contitutioninal rights. and went on to say: when will congress act and say ENOUGH IS ENOUGH TIME TO PRESS CHARGES AND IMPEACH THIS PIG IN THE WHITE HOUSE THAT SEEMS TO HATE AMERICA. Hot Take: Trump doesn't actually care about the 2nd Amendment. If you have an account, sign in now to post with your account. Impeach this asshat and get a real American who isnt in bed with the Muslim brotherhood in to office. Im into wickedly ugly chicks. The President doesn't want to add fuel to the communist media who will look at a reversal as some type of reward for Putin. Oh and its cheaper to boot. If we as Americans are too ignorant to make the connection then so be it. We allow lawyers to have to much freedom on both sides to manipulate the laws how they see fit. You cant have sanctions against some industries and not others. I dont know how many Americans will suffer some form of hardship because of the import ban but Im positive the Russians will suffer more. not just the mere ownership. I am pro gun, pro rights. Think i saw pelosi looking zombie targets @ cabelas lol. The plant supplied the Imperial Army with muskets and firearms during the Napoleonic Wars and during the first Crimean War in the 1850s. Get out of your head and on your feet, out of the shade and into the heat. can be added to hundreds if not thousands of items to make a very good picture of how he is systematically dismantling this country. . Bush, who you people love to keep tossing up, took his vacation at his ranch he went to his home not Marthas. So long as tyranny exists, in whatever form, mans deepest aspiration must resist it as inevitably as man must breathe. My answer is simple, dont send your hard earned dollars to the Rooskies, buy American. If that not a crisis, I dont know what is. If we as a nation, or half of the nation, do not take a stand like some of these towns have done to keep out the new illegals we are going down as a nation. With the Patriot ACT. This is simply an excuse to ban guns. A forum community dedicated to survivalists and enthusiasts. Obozo is just using the opportunity to ban the guns. Your previous content has been restored. People can call me racist or whatever they want. Not saying he was right in taking all those vacations, but its unfair to him to say we paid for all of it. That he is lying to Congress abou the amount of personal info they are keeping. Hey RamoneHis mother was white trash and his old man was a low life scummer commie. He meant well but nobody ever talked about shooting him or vilifying him every time something comes up. He got a twofer on this one,. By Russian government - http://en.kremlin.ru/events/president/news/52920/photos/45675, CC BY 4.0, https://commons.wikimedia.org/w/index.php?curid=61041172. Youre getting personal and acting like spoiled children. WIB land I am not sure but it may have been some Ukrainian guy who bought Kalashnikov concern and is moving production to Ukraine. In Obamas hands, a phone and/or pen is a dangerous thing. Little piecemeal items like this Russian made AK-47 and parts ban (what happened to the AK-74?) We as conservatives believe that if you have the ability to help those less fortunate, you do so. Putting sanctions in place at least gives the appearance that he is doing something and we know the left is all about appearances. I say a year max. I goofed and told what I paid for my Arsenal 2 years ago, and my inbox went ballistic with offers. Clip was probably from several months back-I do not remember as it was not especially memorable to me as I already know this as a fact supported by PPSimmons youtube vid on Jesuss reference to Obama in Luke 10;18 and many other reported references to Obama as Satan in the Bible. The Patriot Act and massive multiple executive orders were supported by the traitor Bush. Its true Obama has socialist tendencies/agendas and doesnt would like to restrict gun ownership. Scan this QR code to download the app now. It never did and it never will. They supplied arms to a group that ultimately shot down a passenger plane full of innocent people. I do not see it as buying from the enemy. Theyve continued to face extinction throughout the 21st century due to excessive hunting and poaching. I agree with Jake D .Also he was not bold he hide it like most do if they are not brave and present a bill to us.Just dont care about handycaped people who simply need to protect their family.Im miles from 911 protection.They would be just too late to help. Price: $49.95. Youre spot on with your retort, but the points are overlooked when what youve typed is so horribly composed. There is nothing a Chomo would sell, that I couldnt purchase from someone else. Today, we have what we have because the average US citizen WANTS to be given what they havent paid for. Regardless of all that, hating someone because of their race is just plain wrong man and I am as conservative as one can get. First published on April 29, 2023 / 7:18 PM. Didnt call you a rascist but alot of the rhetoric coming from alot of folks on this site is. youre blind mate if you dont see what is happening all around us, all over the world. For more information on the Vepr, heres a detailed video from Mishaco, a YouTuber who reviewsa fairly enormous amount of military-style weapons: Refined Russian tooling and long-standing production methods contribute to the rifles high quality. Get rid of this Liar, traitor, phony and Terrorist sympathizer! 1) If the issue is restriction of the sale of an specified companies products and services, while those products and services are available elsewhere There isnt an issue, unless you feel the companies are unfairly being treated. Powered by Invision Community, Man will ultimately be governed by God or by tyrants. Tiffany Madison Is it any wonder the country is in the shape it is in? Glad I already have mine. I agree with you completely, but holy hell man. You believe what you want to but the facts suggest otherwise. Up next will be the companies that provide us the cheap Russian ammo. JavaScript is disabled. Typical of the Liberal Sheep Ramone says dont blame the King or his court blame Bush. Of all the weapons in the vast soviet arsenal, nothing was more profitable than Avtomat Kalashnikova model of 1947. If you STILL OWN A GUN, then your 2nd Amendment rights are still intact. However please acknowledge that there is an agenda here. Its the worlds most popular assault rifle. Taking away the AKs is just a small part of the overall picture, Both were accomplished with the stroke of a pen because he know s the house would go tell him to go F- k himself just on general principle.. If the elected ones dont get it correct, DO YOUR DUE DILIGENCE AND RESEARCH, then help put a person in office that will get the job done CORRECTLY.to benefit the MAJORITY of U.S. CITIZENRY by NOT SUCCUMBING to political pressure or foreign influence, OR for their own personal gains. My wife is bajan, and shell tell you the same damn thing. As for being a half day short, I work where media devices are not allowed in any shape or fashion, soooo it was news to me. But the gun lobby has been quiet afterthe Trump administrations sanctions on Molot. But both groups serve Satans purpose and have the same end. One of the plaintiffs trying to end the ban says this is their first win. When the people fear the government there is tyranny, when the government fears the people there is liberty. That way you are able to increase taxes, and this will produce more poverty. Its been happening your entire kife. Yes, I do believe this is just a part of Obamas war on guns. breid1970, Experts say it's not a slam dunk for either side, and ultimately this will go to the Supreme Court. 's blog. They want rain without thunder and lightning. Im a true RED, White, Blue, through and through All American. I dont belong on either side and my vote isnt likely to going to count in future elections but Im sure as hell going to try to make it count through my friends. With everyone in the house hold able to use them. Read more: http://voiceofrussia.com/2014_01_14/Kalashnikov-plans-to-sell-up-to-200-000-Rifles-in-US-9043/ 14 January, 14:05. Wake updoes not matter what side of the line you vote on or or registered. and all his dem buddies need to be fired and replaced with non rights stealing law makers not lets ban everything we dont like in america people we have in office now. I totally agree. Curiously, the decisionis a Trump-era expansion of an Obama-era policywhich the gun lobby once rhetorically blasted. It was not meant to be changed for capitalism. About his cover-up of the same? The information provided here does not represent the views of Cheaper Than Dirt! Using the IRS against conservative groups, Fast and Furious, Lying about Obama Care and Benghazi. From that book here are Sauls thoughts on how to create a social state: There are 8 levels of control that must be obtained before you are able to create a social state. This is just a ploy to the the anti-gun lobbyists off the administrations back. https://modernfirearms.net/en/shotguns/russia-shotguns/sajga-12-eng/, https://www.militaryfactory.com/smallarms/detail.asp?smallarms_id=263, https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Kalashnikov_Concern, https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Saiga_antelope, The McCluskey Arms Company is a Type 07 FFL with Class 2 SOT License. Once again Obama used selective discretion as to what law he feels he must adhere to in this case it has severe ramifications for our national security. We dont all agree on everything and if you cant stand the heat get the hell out of the kitchen and simply agree to disagree, but do it respectfully. But hey, Im not allowed to say it. Even though they banned the import of Russian parts and firearms. But this is what is happening in the US today. They dont have to pay the taxes they expect us to pay. Diplomacy first. If there was ever a reason for contraception he is the prime example.Bore from white trash mother and sired by a lowlife scummer. That Bush action opened the door for anything goes. While they do bypass the U.S. Congress and the standard legislative law making process, no part of an executive order may direct the agencies to conduct illegal or unconstitutional activities., Source: http://usgovinfo.about.com/od/thepresidentandcabinet/a/Presidential-Executive-Orders.htm. This name calling just pisses people off for the wrong reasons and you lose your message. Your very freedom is at stake and you dont even realize it. I know you are who you are and you are not going to change. Have you bought gas or food or paid a utility bill. KALASHNIKOV CONCERN (a.k.a. Grow up. What signify a few lives lost in a century or two? It is simply an unwritten code that has always been left alone. There is no category for presidential vacations and since vacations cannot be considered Political, they must always be classified as Official Travel and therefore are provided at no cost to the President. It is not the right to purchase Russian made guns. I however do not care Im in. It sucks to have the King decreeing this, but we should be doing it voluntarily. I know now there is no sense in talking to you because you have been thoroughly brainwashed. On its face, Blatantly Unconstitutional, and in its oerational aspects, a Deliberate ACT of Treason against the People and the Constitution. When youre in the government you NEVER EVER create an agency period, end of story. I leave it to you to look up the Federal buyers announcing buys after the Obama Ban. If you dont like the way things are occurring, issues can and will be changed by contacting your legislators and voicing your dissatisfaction with the government, that is predominately used by, and for protection of the few select elitist. However from what I know I think Kennedy really tried to break out of the puppet job and fight the system. When I called them to see the best they could do was drop it to around $550 a month. Though Im always sad knowing I cant go to the store soon and purchase anything on my mind. Now please let it go. RWC and other dealers and distributors of these products will probably be forced to reduce their workforces. The AK-47 ban in his order is part of his gun control strategy. On a second note, Concern Kalashnikov is not the only way to get russian parts. Lets face it, in Africa you can buy a fully automatic AK for $20.00, so I know this will not affect the Russian economy at all. I just read her speech. Looking at it from another angle, Putin is laughing at the weakling policy of banning AKs. Congress is suppose to handle there business but they cant figure out how anything. You can post now and register later. You can still find all the parts online. Really ! Thanks for making all other self respecting bloggers on the right look bad. Do not think that I support this administration in most things. Oh wait youre another liberal brain stem. All the headlines. However it is dead wrong for the government to force you to give by taking it from you and deciding how to pass you money out. Their aim is to hurt Russias economy. Mr. Mc Ruger convincingly steers attention away from the grandstanding. It is mine and your UNALIENABLE RiGHT to OWN any weapon WE CHOOSE It is the ACTIVITY IT IS USED FOR, that is illegal. All comments are held for moderation and will appear after approval. In my opinion, the provisions of EO 13662 for the Ban on Importation of Kalashnikov Concern (Saiga) Rifles is a blatant and clear demonstrations of the Obama Administrations total disregard for the U.S. Constitution. Regardless of my position, I still respect the opinions of other regarding this matter. No one would think that was a big conspiracy to generally restrict American Citizens use of diesel fuel. Are they going to sequester any money sent from the US to them? I own a few AK-47s currently. Any irresponsible usage seen occurs relative to the influence of an action, the cause. The Firearms Safety Act of 2013 is highly controversial legislation that bans certain rifles, pistols and shotguns, deeming So thanks. @ Dale: You seriously just randomly decided for the U.S. State Department and our Nation that sanctions will only last a year MAX. I didnt say all AK-types. There would be plenty of sanctions remaining if that one happened to be recalled. And uniting with Russia and the other allies to get the ISIS stopped. Do most of your conversations start withIm entitled to. I ask one thing whenever you write or speak in a public forum, please stick to the facts and leave emotion and vulgar for the private times. Iron and steel: $20,050,729,000 (3.8%) Well said divemaster ! Occupation: Community organizer, writer, political activist, socialist democrat. After all you should never let a good crisis go to waste and frankly I am not an AK guy either. You can start shopping by clicking here. Whats wrong with you? I absolutely agree and certainly understand your passion, however, Our Republican elected officials are nearly as guilty as the socialist left. You see that all these guys seem to be or go crazy,do the act and then most all uniformly conveniently eliminate any further consideration of their pathology by offing themselves I have encountered similar before during my look at what was in those days called the Stargate spy program where the Army, CIA (?) Hey Dive, how about you just step your immature rude ass aside and allow us grownups to answer in a more sophisticated and non-demeaning manner. Please enter valid email address to continue. Can someone please tell me what Obama has done to further this nefarious anti-gun agenda? if they want to hurt Russia of its actions, this was not a good way doing it. We wouldnt buy guns and weapons that directly helps the Taliban or al Qaeda. But will we ever see new Russian Saiga-12s in the U.S. again? Write and call legislators and tell them to do their jobs. AR-10 is an excellent weapon plaform and it helps workers in the good ole USA, not Russian elitists bent on reclaiming the old Mother Russia. My son was in Afghanistan 8 years. But he was cautiously optimistic, expecting the case to now head to the Seventh Circuit Court of Appeals. But for now, he IS the chief Executive in charge of the United States and since we are not privy to what all he sees and hears, cannot judge what he does. Its bad enough that if one disagrees with Obama they are classified as a racist and it is this way because of comments like this. Half of the country is on some kind of public assistance. shall not be infringed. Where in this amendment is there allowance for an executive order that constrains a citizens right to own a Russian made AK-47, should the citizen chose that manner of armament? As this is the most popular and plentiful gun design in the world, we arent exactly going to run out of them. I feel like a bastard child with leprosy at a family picnic. Biloxi to be specific. Lies, division, and negativity.
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