st john fisher academic calendar 2022

Dasara Holidays to AP Schools, Check details from here. All the RJDSEs and DEOs in the State are hereby informed that vide subject cited the Academic Calendar was communicated to all the Government and Private schools in the State. Apr 27 (R)Last Day of Classes TS Jr Colleges Dasara Festivals Holidays: 02-10-2022 to 09-10-2022 (8 days), TS Jr Colleges Last Working Day for Dasara Holidays: 01-10-2022, TS Jr Colleges Reopening Day after Dasara Holidays: 10-10-2022, TS Schools Dasara Festivals Holidays: 26-09-2022 to 09-10-2022 (14 days), School Last Working Day for Dasara Holidays: 25-09-2022, School Reopening Day after Dasara Holidays: 10-10-2022, TS Schools Dasara Festivals Holidays: 06-10-2021 to 17-10-2021 (12 days), School Last Working Day for Dasara Holidays: 05-10-2021, School Reopening Day after Dasara Holidays: 18-10-2021, TS Schools Dasara Festivals Holidays: 28-09-2019 to 13-10-2019 (, School Last Working Day for Dasara Holidays: 27-09-2019, School Reopening Day after Dasara Holidays: 14-10-2019, TS Schools Dasara Festivals Holidays: 09-10-2018 to 21-10-2018 (, School Last Working Day for Dasara Holidays: 08-10-2018, School Reopening Day after Dasara Holidays: 22-10-2018. More than 200 Join the Out of the Darkness Campus Walk. RC.Spl/C1 Instructions on 1st term holidays on the occasion of Batukamma and Dussehra festivals in the State of Telangana:Instructions on 1st term holidays on the occasion of Batukamma and Dussehra festivalsto all schools under all managements in the State of Telangana. Last day of classes. Students will have a summer vacation from May 27 to June 13. Fish 'R' Net registration and add activity ends at midnight; withdrawal activity remains open. UP Class 10 Toppers List: Check Name and Marks, UP Class 12 Toppers List: Check Names And Marks. Some of the schools functioned in a full day.3. The recognition granted by the department is liable for withdrawal by the competent authority for violating the rule as prescribed in the GO Ms. No.1 Edn Dated: 01.01.1994 and subsequent G.Os and instructions issued by the authorities from time to time. Batukamma & Dasara Festivals Holidays to TS Schools. Classes end at5:55 p.m. for Easter break*. TS School New Academic Calendar 2021-22: Telangana Schools Education Department has released TS Schools Academic calendar 2020-21 for all Classeson its Official Website @ all the Candidates can check the TS Schools NewAcademic Calendar Programmes, Activities, Exams Schedule 2020-2021. Classes end at 5:55 p.m. Thanksgiving break begins. For more than a century, Fisher has been changing lives by providing opportunities to students focused on the three most important aspects of a college experience: education, dedication, and life. Apr 12 (W)Last Day to Withdraw from a Class At Fisher College, we believe that college is more than just an educationit's a life-changing experience. It instructed principals and managements of private unaided junior colleges not to conduct any classes during Dasara holidays. Model Paper 2023 | June 2(F)Feast of the Italian Republic Offices Closed Labor Day. Fall Pre-session and Law Full Term begin for Upper-Level Students, Introduction classes begin for LL.M students in TLP and USLS. April 28, 2023. List of Holidays - 2023. With Fishers central locationyoull have immediate access to all the city has to offer. Does this school fit your college needs? Note: The following date may be utilized as a makeup day in the event that classes must be cancelled due to snow/inclement weather or a similar emergency: November 25. The University is guided by its liberal arts tradition and its Catholic heritage, as expressed in the motto of its founders, the Basilian Fathers: teach me goodness, discipline, and knowledge. Fisher engages individuals in lives of intellectual inquiry, professional integrity, and civic responsibility, where diversity and service to others are valued and practiced. Earlier today, the Buffalo Bills and St. John Fisher University announced that they have agreed to terms on a one-year deal for training camp in 2023. Even after issuing several instructions to the concerned managements, they have repeated the same and also observed the following deviations by the undersigned. (TSBIE) has released the annual academic programme (Calendar) for the academic year 2021-22 for conducting the physical classes in the schools. All classes are in-person on campus on November 21 and 22. Read an November 23-27. This is the Draft So the final schedule is yet to release. Sunday, April 30, 2023 - Saturday, May 6, 2023. Note: This calendar applies to the Queens, Staten Island, and Manhattancampuses. S/U sign-up begins and continues through Friday, January 30. Last day to remove summer "Incomplete" grades. Telangana School Education Department has approved TSSchools Academic Calendar for the year, 2020-21. November 21-22. All rights reserved. No classes. January 22, 29, February 5, 12, Tuesday, February 20, 26, March 11, 18, January 16, 23, 30, February 6, 13, 27,March 12, 19, 26,April 2, 9, 16, 23, January 17, 24, 31, February 7, 14, 21, 28, March 13, 27, April 3, 10, 17, 24, January 18, 25, February 1, 8, 15, 22, 29, March 14, 21, April 4, 11, 18, 25. Last Day to Withdraw From Classes. M.S. St. John Fisher University is a private institution that was founded in 1948. Last day to drop from class before WD appears on transcript. | The University reserves the right to make such changes as it deems necessary in its academic regulations, course offerings, staff, and financial policies without notice. The rules and conditions of recognition are found and proved. Even though the server responded OK, it is possible the submission was not processed. of Telangana has declared 1st term holidays to all the schools commencing on the occasion of Batukamma and Dussehra festivals. DSE Telangana, Strict implementation of Academic Calendar & Private schools to be closed in the Dasara holidays. The lesson will be transmitted for 20 to 25 minutes. Weekend College courses meet as scheduled regardless of College breaks. Batukamma and Dussehra festivals will be celebrated and schools in the state will be given Dussehra holidays from Wednesday. Buffalo Bills Will Return to Fisher for 2023 Summer Training Camp. Last day to sign up to take a course S/U or change between audit and credit. 89 days from February 1 to May 26 (offline and online classes) have been calculated by the department for the academic year 2020-21. You can compare up to 25 schools at a time. | Revision and remedial teaching for classes 9th and 10th and preparation for final exams. Last day to withdraw with a "W." Fish 'R' Net withdrawal activity ends at midnight; withdrawal after this date results in an "F.". Location: Kearney 201Phone: (585) 385-8015Fax: (585) 385-7303Email: S = Saturday Discover the perfect major for you based on your innate wiring. Apr 28, May 2 (F, T)Make-up Exams, May 29(M)First Day of Classes Telangana Schools to remain shut for Dasara vacation from September 26: All TS schools in the State will have 14 days of Dasara . B.Tech I Year. T=Tuesday So they should have to follow the rules/instructions issued by the department from time to time. No classes. April 25, 2023. *Students with responsibilities, such as student teaching, clinicals, internships, practicums, laboratories etc., are still required to meet those obligations. in educational leadership program. in Educational Leadership Virtual Information Session, May First Friday: Basilian Roots of St. John Fisher University. According to the calendar, the Dasara holidays will be for only four days from October 13 to 16, 2021. M = Monday November 18. Saturday classes meet with last class time held on Sat. The next year's summer vacation will be from April 14 to May 31, 2022. Since 1903, Fisher College has empowered students through education, one student at a time. January 2023. With wonderful archival photos and anecdotes from the past, attendees will learn about Fisher . June 16(F)Last Day to Withdraw from a Class 16 Mon. Late course registration requires approval of the instructor. Subject: School Education Availing holidays Declared 1st term holidays on the occasion of Batukamma and Dussehra festivalsto all schools under all managements in the State of Telangana schools shall not run in term/public holidays-Orders issued Reg. Feb 17 (F)Last Day to Withdraw from a Class St. Johns University does not discriminate on the basis of race, color, national origin, sex, actual or potential parental, family, or marital status, pregnancy and related conditions, disability, or age in its programs and activities. April 24, 2023. Kacharam, Shamshabad 501218 Last day of classes. Summer 2023, SWR applications for Fall 2023semester are due, Tuesday, December 5 Friday, December 15. August 29, September 12, 19, 26, October 3, 10, 17, 24, 31, November 7, 14, 21, 28 . F = Friday Click here to submit your review. Fish 'R' Net registration and add activity ends at midnight; withdrawal activity remains open. Graduate-Level Commencement Exercises for: Undergraduate-Level Commencement Exercises, First day of classes. College offices closed. 2022-2023 School . Information shared on this portal is for reference purposes only. TELANGANA STATE BOARD OF INTERMEDIATE EDUCATION, VIDHYA BHAVAN, NAMPALLY, HYDERABAD; PRESS RELEASE: All the Principals of Junior Colleges and Composite Degree Colleges offering two-year Intermediate Courses in Telangana State are hereby informed that the holidays are declared from 02-10-2022 to 09-10-2022 (8 days) (Both days inclusive) and are instructed not to conduct any classes for the students during the said period. JNANABHUMIAP | S/U sign-up begins and continues through Friday, February 3. Last day to register for or add a 1-credit independent study or internship. are not written by U.S. News and have no impact on any of Digital Lessons will be transmitted on all working days for Classes VI to X, Note: The teacher has to discuss the topic to be transmitted for 5 minutes and prepare children to view the program. As per the academic calendar issued by the School Education department, Christmas vacation for missionary schools will be from December 22 to 28 and Sankranthi vacation for non-missionary schools from January 13 to 17, 2023. The University is guided by its liberal arts tradition and its Catholic heritage, as expressed in the motto of its founders, the Basilian Fathers: "teach me goodness, discipline, and knowledge." Fisher engages individuals . Rising junior Degraj Suberi will have the opportunity to perform research as part of a particle physics research group this summer at the University of Rochester. Any deviations from this calendar must be approved by the School dean and the provost and disseminated publicly. Schools reopen for classes 9 and 10 on 01.02.2021. Note: The following date may be utilized as a makeup day in the event that classes must be cancelled due to snow/inclement weather or a similar emergency: November 22. Residence halls close at 6 p.m. for graduating students. Graduate-Level Commencement Ceremony for: Undergraduate-Level Commencement Ceremony. 2023 Fall Academic Calendar Click to Open. Withdrawal after this date results in a grade of "F.". June 2(F)Last Day to Drop a Class Recess Day*. The school timings, vacations and mid-term holidays shall be prescribed by the Government from time to time. Half-yearly examinations will be conducted from December 13 to 18, 2021. examination will be conducted from March 23 to April 12, 2022. TS Jr Colleges Dasara Holidays for 2022-2023: TS Schools Dasara Holidays for 2022-2023: TS Schools Dasara Holidays for 2021-2022: TS Schools Dasara Holidays for 2019-2020: TS Schools Dasara Holidays for 2018-2019: *Disclaimer: We have published the above information for reference Purpose only, For any changes on the content we refer to visit the Official website to get the latest & Official details, and we are not responsible for anything, Pavzi | May 3. Business, Management, Marketing, and Related Support Services. July 26(W)Last Day to Withdraw from a Class Disclaimer: The St. John Fisher University Catalog does not constitute a contract or offer to contract between the University and its students on either a collective or an individual basis. Its tuition and fees are $37,748 . 17 Tues. Try it now. Monday - Tuesday. June 23(F)Make-up Class for Thursday, June 29 All rights reserved. All rights reserved. The commissioner and Director of School Education, Telangana, Hyderabad is requested to take necessary action. R = Thursday Residence halls close at 6 p.m. for graduating students. TS Schools AAC / Alternative Academic Calendar for 8 Weeks, TS Schools Academic Calendar 2021-22 Download PDF, Download the TS Schools Academic Calendar 2021-22, AP Schools Academic Calendar 2023 for Primary & High Schools, TS SBTET:: | Diploma Results, Time, AP Intermediate Academic Calendar (1st & 2nd Year)2023, IMU CET 2020 Results: Rank Certificate Download, Counselling, Goa 10th Class Blueprint 2022 - Download SSC/ 10th Class, Goa 10th Question Paper 2022-23 Goa Board SSC / 10th, TS Schools Academic Calendar 2021-22 (OUT) Primary, UP, High School Exam Dates Here, New Telangana School Academic Calendar 2021-22 PDF, Schedule of activities in TS Schools: 2021-22, TS School Academic Calendar 2021-22 ( 9th & 10th Class), Click Here to Download TS Schools Academic Calendar 2021-22, AKTU Lucknow Results 2021 UG/PG Sem Exam Result, AP/TS FA2 Question Papers (PDF) 1st/2nd/3rd/4th/5th Class Model Papers, Total Working Days in 2020-2021 Academic Year, Mode of teaching Virtual mode (online) from 01.09.2020 to 30.01.2021. Telangana Academic Calendar 2020-2021, TS Schools FA 1, FA 2, FA 3, FA 4 Exams Schedule, TS Schools SA 1, SA 2 Exams Schedule, TS Schools First term, Second term Holidays, month-wise working Days details from this page. M = Monday May 31, June 7,14, 28, 29, July 5, 12,19. (School of Arts and Sciences, Wegmans School of Nursing), Commencement. The government of Telangana going to Open the Schools in Telangana on 1st September 2021 instead of June 2021. Revised B.Tech I Year. Culminating Experience/ Final Exam Week ends. S/U sign-up ends and last day tochange between credit and audit. DEOs are also directed to issue a press release in the local dailies for the strict observations of Dasara Vacation and serious action may be initiated for deviation if any against the managements. LL.M Orientation, Spring Pre-session, Lawyering and LLM Intro classes end, Martin Luther King Jr. Day - No Classes Scheduled, Add/Drop deadline. U=Sunday. These reviews Late course registration requires approval of the instructor and School dean. NU300, NU310 and all General Education courses, Update Your Information or Submit a Class Note, Online, Graduate and Professional Studies Course Schedules, Early Childhood Education Director Concentration, Early Childhood Education and Early Intervention (BS), Esports and Game Administration Concentration, Master of Arts in Counseling Psychology (MA), Master of Science in Criminal Justice (MS). Here are the Dates of the TS Scholl Academic Calendar for the Academic Year 2021-22. Please contact the developer of this form processor to improve this message. In view of the above, all the Principals and Managements are requested to adhere to the above schedule strictly. Save my name, email, and website in this browser for the next time I comment. Fish 'R' Net registration/add activity ends at midnight; withdrawal activity remains open. Last day to drop from a class before WD appears on transcript, SWR applications for Fall 2022semester are due, Snow-day for final examinations; Fall Main Term and Law Full term ends. Last day to remove fall "Incomplete" grades. Graduating Students Who Have Borrowed (any loan type, 2021). Some of the schools are conducting classes for 10th class students and they named that, those are remedial classes.4. The server responded with {{status_text}} (code {{status_code}}). General Grading Information St. John Fisher College operates on a semester basis with final examinations at the close of each semester. Academic Calendars for the academic year 2019-20; Academic Calendar 2019-20; Academic Calendars for the academic year 2018-19; Academic calendar for Engineering . Add/Drop deadline. Residence halls close at 6 p.m. Thanksgiving break ends. St. John Fisher University is a collaborative community dedicated to teaching, learning, and scholarship in a student-centered educational environment. The last working day for the academic year 2021-2022 will be April 13, 2022. In the case of twin cities of Hyderabad and Secunderabad, the High School timings will be 08.45 a.m. to 04.00 p.m. After a nationwide search, St. John Fisher University has appointed Daniel Connolly as the dean of the School of Business, effective June 30, 2023. Office of Transfer and Graduate Admissions. St. John's College of Liberal Arts and Sciences . Last day to register or add a course. W = Wednesday Thanksgiving vacation ends; classes resume at 8 a.m. Note: This calendar applies to the Queens, Staten Island,and Manhattancampuses. Culminating Experience/ Final Exam Week begins. 16 Mon. U = Sunday, M=Monday President Gerard J. Rooney and University Archivist Nancy Greco will share the story of the impact of the Congregation of St. Edward D. Re Faculty Workshop Series, Journal of Civil Rights and Economic Development, Frank S. Polestino Trial Advocacy Institute, Notice of non-discrimination and equal opportunity, Consumer Information (ABA Required Disclosures). All late registration activity requires approval of the instructor. Basil throughout Fisher's history during the May First Friday Lecture Series to be held on Friday, May 5. Undergraduate data are based on the 2021 school year. As per the academic calendar, 1st term holidays (Dasara holidays) arefrom26-09-2022 to 09-10-2022 (14 days)for all the schools under State Government i.e., Government, Government Aided and Private Aided Schools. 32 . 27 Fri. 82 in 2021, No. Take a break from studying and finals to de-stress with a therapy dog from the Alliance of Therapy Dogs, featuring Gryffin. Culminating Experience/ Final Exam week beginsafter last class time. 2022-2023 Catalog St. John Fisher University is a collaborative community dedicated to teaching, learning, and scholarship in a student-centered educational environment. St. John Fisher University's ranking in the 2022-2023 edition of Best Colleges is National Universities, #202. CALENDARS. In this regard, it is observed that some of the management of private schools are not following the academic calendar and running the schools during the Dasara Vacation. Classes resume at 8 a.m. 2023 Saturday classes meet with last class time held on Sat. District, that the Govt. Each week, the Health and Wellness Center will cover topics related to physical, emotional and social health. Game Details Date 4/29/2023 Start 1:00 PM Time 1:30 Attendance 100 Site Horseheads, NY (Holding Point Rec.) NEET Chemistry: How to Tackle p-Block Elements. 22 Sun. August 28, September 11, 18, Tuesday, September 26, October 2, 9, 16, 23, 30, November 6, 13, 20, 27, August 29, September 5, 12, 19,October 3, 10, 17, 24, 31, November 7, 14, 21, 28, August 30, September 6, 13,20, 27, October 4, 11, 18, 25, November 1, 8, 15, 29, August 31, September 7, 14, 21, 28, October 5, 12, 19, 26, November 2, 9, 16, 30, September 1, 8, 15,22, 29, October 6, 13, 20, 27, November 3, 10, 17, December 1, August 26, September 2, 9, 16, 23, 30, October 7,14,21, 28, November 4, 11, 18, SWR applications for Spring 2024semester are due. S=Saturday 1. Monthly; May; June; School Year; 2022-2023 (JR) 2022-2023 (SR) HandS; UPDATES . It utilizes a semester-based academic calendar. Board Model Paper 2023|. S/U sign-up begins and continues through May 27. January 31, 2023 During term/public holidays some of the schools are partially functioned.2. Scholarly Writing applications due. Last day to sign up to take a course S/U or change between credit and audit. Completion of the Late Course Add form is required. Saturday classes meet with last class time held on Sat. They will again reopen on October 10. Last day to withdraw without academic record. Some of the schools are conducting tuitions in late hours.5. featuring 2022-2023 Cardinal Award Winner for Goodest Boy, Maverick. Thanksgiving vacation ends classes resume at 8 a.m. View the current and upcoming Academic Calendar for the School of Law. The schools will operate from 9.30 am to 4.45 pm in the districts while in the case of Hyderabad and Secunderabad, the timings are 8.45 am to 4 pm. schools, especially schools shall not be run in term/public holidays. Apr 6-10 (R-M)Easter Recess No Classes Offices Closed Even after clear instructions, if any deviation brought to the notice of the undersigned, the school shall be de-recognized as per AP Education Act 1982 under rule 21 sub-rule(3) and as per RTE Act 2009 under section(14)(29) and as per G.O.Ms.No.1, Edn, Dt:01.01.1994 under rule(10) and (11) without any further correspondence. In the last two years, Fisher's master's programs have climbed 50 spots, from No. Residence halls open with food service. Violation of Instructions shall be viewed seriously and action will be initiated against the erring Managements / Principals including disaffiliation. . Please visit the Law School's website to view their academic calendar. Culminating Experience/Final Exam Week begins. Sample Paper 2023 | 2022-2023 Undergraduate Catalog Academic Programs Undergraduate Program Offerings Choose from majors in humanities, social sciences, sciences, business, education, and nursing, as well as pre-professional programs and numerous minors and concentrations. Basilian Roots of St. John Fisher University. Order: With reference to the subject cited, it is hereby informed to all the Correspondents of Private Recognized Schools in R.R. The DEOs are instructed to take this issue seriously and take immediate action as per the rules in vogue. All the management of Private recognized institutions are hereby instructed to follow the orders issued by the Govt. 23 Mon. This calendar is short one Saturday. SCERT, Telangana issued instructions for implementation of Academic Calendar and Strict implementation of academic calendar and observation of1st term holidays (Dasara holidays) in all the schoolsunder State Government i.e., Government and Private Aided Schools. RTE Act-2009.3. The Innate Assessment sets you up for success by pairing you with majors, colleges and careers that fit your unique skills and abilities. Hosted by the Office of Student Engagement and Leadership and the Health and Wellness Center. AP Education Act 1 of 82.2. All the schools functioning under the control of different Boards/Societies/Trusts of State & Central Government will also come under the administrative control of the School Education Department of Government of Telangana. All Rights Reserved, Vardhaman College of Engineering 56 in 2022, and now an impressive ranking of No. Cardinal Selected for Physics Research Program at University of Rochester. St. John's University. Batukamma & Dasara Holidays to TS Schools 2023 & DSE Instructions: Instructions have been issued by the Telangana School Education Department on 1st Term Holidays on Occasion of Batukamma,Dasara Holidays to TS Schools or Dussehra Holidays to TS Schools. Check the TS Academic calendar Now. Hon. Note: The following dates may be utilized as makeup days in the event that classes must be cancelled due to snow/ inclement weather or a similar emergency: January 15for Lawyering and pre-session classes and February 19, March 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 29, April 1 for classes in the main semester. St. John Fisher Elementary School has a Junior and Senior campus, both located in Pointe Claire, Qubec. 23 Mon. It is the students responsibility to know and follow current requirements and procedures at the department, program, and University levels. Half-yearly examinations will be conducted from December 13 to 18, 2021. Last day to remove spring "Incomplete" grades. TS Schools Academic year 2020-22 Month-wise number of working days and month-wise activities/ Programmes. 1.July, 2.August, 3.September, 4.November, 5.January, 6.February, December / January for High School and January / February for Primary and Upper Primary Schools. Schools are ranked according to their performance across a set of widely accepted indicators of excellence. The recognition shall be withdrawn if the contravention of the provisions of the Act. G.O.Ms.No.1, Edn, Dt:01.01.1994.4.Academic Calendar-2020-2020 of School Education dept., Government of Telangana. Student Records Access & Confidentiality (FERPA), Please visit the Law School's website to view their academic calendar, Notice of Non-Discrimination, Equal Opportunity, Martin Luther King, Jr. DayUniversityClosedNo Classes, Last day to drop a class (without transcript notation), Presidents DayUniversity ClosedNo Classes, Mid-term grades due for first time and first year students, Last day to withdraw from a class or apply for pass/fail option, Easter Recess - University Closed -No Classes. Withdrawal after this date results in an "F.". It has a total undergraduate enrollment of 2,597 (fall 2021), its setting is suburban, and the campus size is 164 acres. Academic Audit Committee; SC / ST Cell; Placement and Training Committee; . August 29, September 12, 19, 26, October 3, 10, 17, 24, 31, November 7, 14, 21, 28, August 30, September 6, 13, 20, 27, October 4, 11, 18, 25, November 1, 15, 22, 29, August 31, September 7, 14, 21, 28, October 12, 19, 26, November 2, 9, 16, 23, 30, September 1, 8, 15, 22, 29, October 6, 13, 20, 27, November 3, 10, 17, December 1, September 2, 9, 16, 23, 30, October 7, 14, 21, 28, November 4, 11, 18, December 2, August 27, September 3, 10, 17, 24, October 1, 8, 15, 22, 29, November 5, 12, 19, Spring Pre-session and Law Full Term begin for Upper-Level classes, Introduction classes begin for LL.M students in TLP and USLS. During the holidays some of the schools are conducting classes in separate buildings.6. The permission accorded by the department is subject to conditions that, if it is found later that the school has not fulfilled the pre-requisite conditions under AP Education Act 1982 reported by State Level Inspection Teams and Vigilance Committee, the permission now being granted is liable to be withdrawn at once. Memorial Day. In these, 115 days from September 1, 2020, to January 30, 2021 (online/digital classes) and. MBA IV Semesters, Copyright 2023 Vardhaman College of Engineering. January 19, 26, February 2, 9, 16, (class for Friday, February 23 must be made up), March 1, 15, 22, April 5, 12, 19, 26, January 20, 27, February 3, 10, 17, 24, March 2, 16, 23, April 6, 13, 20, 27. Mar 3,6 (F, M) Make-up Exams, Mar 8 (W)First Day of Classes Friday. View the current and upcoming Academic Calendar for St. John's University'sQueens, Staten Island, and Manhattan campuses. Last day to drop/add a class no transcript notation, Last day to withdraw from a class or to apply for the Pass/Fail option, Last day to drop/add a class no transcript notation, Last day to withdraw from a class or apply for the Pass/Fail option, Juneteenth University Closed No Classes, Special Holiday University Closed No Classes, Independence Day University Closed No Classes, Last day of classes for Summer Session I -, Last day to drop/add a class - no transcript notation, Last day of classes for Summer Session II, First day of classes.

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