state of louisiana surplus auction

Find All Types of Government Auctions in your Area, Credit Card required, no charge during trial, Now Showing Upcoming Auctions in Louisiana (LA). Information provided by, a huge database of Government Auctions and Foreclosures 49:125? Sk]OXA@ a Can that bid, which is the highest bid, be accepted? It is currently running at 40% capacity and is quickly deteriorating. If you would like to be notified of . GovDeals' online marketplace provides services to government, educational, and related entities for the sale of surplus assets to the public. Is it okay for the Parish President to spend maintenance funds to fix up property that the council has declared as surplus prior to the auction in order to enhance its value (get a better price) at the auction? Is this okay to do? Can the Fire Protection District donate surplus equipment to a neighboring Fire Protection District with whom it has a mutual aid agreement? A winning bidder must deposit 10% of the winning bid amount with the Real Estate and Records Division (Room 5W06) within one (1) hour of the completion of the auction. 3 days 17 hours. Can the sale be advertised and have sealed bid submitted rather than an auction? 0 Great Neck, NY 11021 Hospital Service District has medical equipment it no longer needs and would like to sell. Images of Items Sold Outside. We have conducted the surplus auctions from 2011 to 2019 for Jefferson Parish consisting of surplus vehicles, equipment, transit buses and more, generating an average of $502,067 in gross proceeds per auction. District #4 has passed a resolution to surplus the ambulance. The department is seeking to sell the old generators (appraised at $2,200 and $1,200) through sealed bids under R.S. The former Tax Assessor has a car and the present Tax Assessor wants to trade the car in for a used truck. What is required to sell immovable property by a municipality? Stay Signed In Sign In Auction Dates: Thursday, June 8th, 2023 | Bidding Closes starting at 11am Preview: By Appointment Only | 225-686 . What is the notice provision for sale of surplus movable of a political subdivision? G^]:1xTi@jt C@H3 In anticipation of that, they got an appraisal on the land. A 911 communications district has declared a vehicle as surplus property and would like to donate it to the Parish Sheriff's Office. The Town is moving its employees from the current town hall building into a new location. How to Access or Correct Your Information. Q.2. The agency also sells or auctions vehicles once the state declares them surplus property. The Library needs to include its disposal in the cost of the bid, which is being drawn by the engineers. Buyers looking for bargains lined up Saturday for the monthly auction of state surplus items at the Division of Administration's Louisiana Property . Where can I find additional information concerning the various methods for the disposal of surplus movable public property? Private property subject to a $7,000 lien by the city for construction of a paving lane was sold from the private owner to another private owner in 2010. Absentee bids are also called written, commission or order bids and may . 2. The one bid received was slightly lower than the minimum bid asked for. State Surplus Property Auctions for State Agencies to Claim The Department of Administrative Services, Surplus Property Program is the legally authorized agent in the State for the disposition of all usable property that a state agency deems surplus to its operating needs. What should they do next? Phone: 3374574919. They did not advertise the ambulance for bid, and want to know the proper procedure for a donation. If the appraised value of a vehicle is over $5,000, the vehicle which appraised at $6,000 was advertised and the first ad produced no bids and after the second ad one bid was received for $5,600 which is lower than the appraised value, how can the entity sell the vehicle? Fire District received a donated ambulance but no longer needs it. 14 of the Louisiana Constitution? The city would like to, if possible, sell the house only with the purchaser moving the house off of the land at his own expense. This would save the city the cost of demolition. A levee district has some equipment it is getting ready to surplus. A recent auction in April 2021 held for the Orleans, East Jefferson & Lake Borgne Basin Levee Districts generated over $800,000 in gross proceeds; the largest grossing auction that we have held for them at this point. For questions concerning the following properties, please call 225.342.5459. What is the procedure for selling surplus computers? Missouri State Agency for Surplus Property 2846 Highway 179 PO Drawer 1310 Jefferson City, MO 65102: Lee Ann Blyth, Manager Email: Phone: 573-751-3415 Fax: 573-751-1264: Montana: Montana State Agency for Surplus Property 16 West Custer P.O. Brown's Auction & Realty Company. The types of personally identifiable information that may be collected at these pages are: We use the information you provide about yourself when registering for membership or for our affiliate program to help us complete that membership or affiliate program registration and to offer you the services you registered for or that you otherwise request or have contracted for. The 2023 Annual Spring Surplus Vehicle & Heavy Equipment Auction is scheduled for May 13, 2023. How can a quasi-public not for profit dispose of obsolete movable property? Questions? The Mayor and council would like to donate the old motors to a neighboring village. May the school dispose of surplus movable property through a lottery? Do they need to re-advertise? Call Buster Gay to schedule previews and load-outs at 318-376-3523. Our first auction after the pandemic started was in May 2020 and was an online only timed auction that was held for the City of Slidell and other entities; it generated over $400,000 in gross proceeds for our sellers. The Parish announced a sale of the property but was unable to obtain any bids for the minimum price authorized by the USDA. The city owns a 12 year old K9 which needs to be retired. . How to Access or Correct Your Information. What procedures must a municipality follow to sell abandoned vehicles left on public property? The council advertised surplus vehicles for public bid and received no bids. I have a parish library that's going to do some major renovations and wants to make sure that they are in compliance with state statutes relative to disposing of some assets. Other Great Neck, NY 11021 While it could be repaired, the repairs would be temporary, but the cost of repairs would exceed the cost of getting a new chiller. How can a hospital service district transfer surplus wheel chairs to a public library? What statute(s) address the procedures for the sale of movable property by a municipality? Quick Links About Us LPAA Online Auctions Preference Buyer Application Staff Directory Contact Us Brian Babin, Assistant Director 225-342-6849 1059 Brickyard Lane Baton Rouge, LA 70802 1059 Brickyard Lane Baton Rouge, LA 70802 As is true of most Web sites, we automatically receive certain information and store it in log files. Email: The engineers will issue their expert opinion in a letter to state its value or salvage ability. Online Auction US $4,000 May 4 Add to Watch List Compare 2018 Ford F550 Service Truck Meter: 188,214 mi Louisiana (915 mi away) Online Auction Coming Soon May 11 Add to Watch List 2016 Kenworth T800 Tri/A Dump Truck Louisiana (852 mi away) Online Auction Coming Soon Add to Watch List 2016 Kenworth T800 Tri/A Dump Truck Louisiana (852 mi away) If a Lawrason act Municipality passes an ordinance to raise the pay of municipal officers and the mayor can the pay raise take effect immediately upon passage or must the towns budget first be amended to reflect and provide for the increases in pay which was previously set forth in the budget? This notice applies to all information collected or submitted on the website. 2020 brought its challenges with COVID, conducting online auctions allowed us to continue generating revenue for our sellers. Phones (1) TV (1) Furniture. USA, Government Auctions Listed by State / Territory (ALL), | Federal Government Seized Property Auctions, | Federal Government Surplus Property Auctions, Become a Fan of on Facebook. We auctioned over 200 transit buses, plus trolley cars, equipment, and tow trucks for the Regional Transit Authority after Hurricane Katrina, generating over $400,000 in gross proceeds for that auction. I am informed by the owner of US K9 that the market value of the dog is $0.00. The Town Clerks question is, can they do this? How can parish libraries handle overdue library fees? What happens when they list it for sale and the offers come in lower than the appraisal? hbbd```b`` kd%XDD2`RD2` &T3Adcq H2?? What is the procedure for selling these carts? For more coverage of Louisiana state government and politics, follow our Politics blog at But what about broken equipment? Web design by Rhino Digital, LLC. Every 8 years the school district purchase new computers for the schools as the old devices are obsolete for their purposes. Search Results for Louisiana State Surplus, LA Return to Search by Location. Experience you can trust, service you can count on. We also work with Trustees for the US Bankruptcy Court, various banks and business entities to liquidate assets. Being mindful of the prohibition of donating public property, is there a way for the city to transfer this dog to its handler without running amok? Auction rules may vary across sellers. How does the parish address disposal of a surplus vehicle? Merchandise purchased can be picked up on the auction day or up to 3 working days following the auction from 8:00 am to 4:00 pm. To better protect your privacy we provide this notice explaining our online information practices and the choices you can make about the way your information is collected and used. The Department has now received a bid of $1,500, may it go ahead and sell the truck for this price? An entity has a piece of heavy equipment it wants to surplus. This would satisfy the Parishs outstanding obligations to the USDA as the passthrough on the grant. Can this be done? Great Neck, NY 11021 Government? Public Entity has several TV carts that are no longer used and do not have a lot of value. No bid met the FMV. Let us help you find what you are looking for. The US will not block the court-ordered sale of shares of Citgo Petroleum Corp. 's parent company, PDV Holding, to pay off creditors who have sought payment from the Venezuelan . The fire district has followed all of the legal requirements to dispose of surplus property but received no bids. On some pages, you can order services, make requests, register for membership, and join our affiliate program. Pay for Your Purchase We outline the payment process. #3251151 - 2007 KAWASAKI BN125 MOTORCYCLE. Contact us today at 985.847.1242 and let us hold your next auction! PC (4) Electronics. and use the money to buy new/updated classroom equipment of the same type as replacements. R.S. However, the broker has been unable to sell the surplus vehicle. Their intention is to award to one contractor with the overall lowest bid for all 4 projects. At the time of the sale, the title company did not find the citys lien of $7,000. Before bidding, please review LPAA's Terms and Conditions. As is true of most Web sites, we automatically receive certain information and store it in log files. Municibid is a great resource to find awesome deals on government surplus. 40:1798: can agency have council approve items as surplus, then trade them in on the new/updated lot agency wants to purchase, for City owned and seized firearms (provided subsections C & D dont apply). LOUISIANA (1) City of Baton Rouge (1) Back; . A 2012 Dodge Ram and a 2005 Honda Civic are among the used vehicles for sale. To better protect your privacy we provide this notice explaining our online information practices and the choices you can make about the way your information is collected and used. LA. The states surplus property auctions are open to the public and take place at the Louisiana Property Assistance Agency office at 1059 Brickyard Lane. If you wish to contact regarding any matter, please use any of the following methods:, A Division of Cyweb Holdings, Inc. They contacted all of the Fire Districts within the parish and the Police Jury to see if any of the other districts/parish wanted the ambulance. TRUCKS, CARS, TRAILERS AND TOOLS. We were awarded a 6-month contract in Dec 2017 for the State of Louisiana Surplus Property and held 6 auctions generating an average of $308,000 in gross proceeds per auction. Can they sell it to another Fire District for $10,000 rather than put it up for public auction? How can the library sell surplus movables such as obsolete equipment? The District now wants to sell the vehicle to a neighboring Louisiana fire protection district under the Local Services Law for fair market value. What procedures should a Sheriff use to surplus immovable property owned in the name of the Law Enforcement District? Great Neck, NY 11021 Also, how many times must the notice of sale be published in the official journal and what should be in the notice? What steps do they need to take to dispose of the van? ServCorp International, Inc., a family-owned and operated business since 1991. Covington, LA. Fire Department recently requested the City Council to surplus a fire rescue vehicle in the amount of $5,000.00. IronPlanet, Asset Appraisal Services, TruckPlanet, GovPlanet, Ritchie Bros. Energy, IronClad Assurance and Auctions you can trust are service marks of IronPlanet, Inc. All other marks and brands are the property of their respective owners. endstream endobj startxref Sign In | AllSurplus Liquidity Services Brands About Us | Help & Support | Contact Us | Sell | Buy Sign In | Register Advanced Search Shop By Category Locations Closing Today New Listings Auction Events Government Seller Curbside Deals View All Hello there Sign In now for great values at AllSurplus. Can a municipality categorize a K-9 as surplus property then donate the police K-9 to its handler after the K-9 has been retired? Is there anyway that a small village could advertise for sale, old street signs that are being replaced? USD. need to be followed when the transaction is between two Louisiana public entities? Does the parish need to re-list and go through the auction company or can the parish sell it directly to the bidder? The Department also has a collection of surplus items taking up space in its warehouse. Auctions are held in the City Council Chambers at City Hall. The monthly auction of state surplus items was held Saturday, July 8, 2017 at the Division of Administration's Louisiana Property Assistance Agency on Brickyard Lane. USA,, A Division of Cyweb Holdings, Inc. Our Council has declared a list of items as surplus property such as Copy Machine, computer monitors, computer desktop base, printers, keyboards, radios, table, etc. Step-by-step starting instructions. Sencore Properties operates out of the same office as ServCorp International, Inc. Can a Sheriff's office pay the expenses for care of a retired K9 dogs, if the Sheriff retains ownership of the former service dogs? Question #2) The police officer would like to buy the vest. Question #1) Police Officer resigned from the police department. How can the department properly dispose of the cage and lights, given the public safety concern? What is the procedure for sale of immovable property by a fire district? Now the District would like to use a broker to sell the plane since they only had the one bidder. For FULL access, enter username & password! The public is afforded a unique opportunity to purchase surplus goods and equipment at significant savings via online real-time e-commerce. Viewing Surplus Property Departments and Agencies desiring to view surplus property should call Inventory Control at 225-389-4965 for an appointment or email us. Can the public entity donate the purses to charity? How should the Department proceed to sell these items? Browse upcoming public auction sales in Louisiana. The Chairman of the 911 communications board is an employee of the Sheriff. Surplus Properties Pending Legislative Approval to Sell For questions concerning the following properties, please call 225.342.5459. As best practices are the first thoughts that come to mind, is the District allowed to take this route? Turn left on Barre-Montpelier Rd (US-302) Arrive at 1756 US Route 302, Berlin, on the Right. Available Surplus Properties For questions concerning the process of nominating surplus properties for public bid, please call 225.342.5459. Fire District has several old aluminum air tanks (the tanks the firemen carry on their backs to breathe when they go into fires). Anyone can bid on great deals from local, county, and state government agencies, schools, authorities, and more. 33:4712(F). Can a municipality sell a building through a lease with option to purchase agreement? If the parish purchased a generator from the state, when the parish wants to sell it, do they have to follow the surplus property laws. Surplus Property Auctions are open to the general public. The Town would like to sell the current town hall building, as it is no longer needed. Web: VII, Sec. For over forty years, we have conducted auctions for various municipalities such as the Cities of Slidell, New Orleans, Kenner, Covington & Mandeville, as well as St. Tammany Parish Government, St. Tammany Parish Sheriffs Office, East Jefferson Levee District,Orleans Levee Board, GNO Expressway Commision, Jefferson Parish and many others. The Parish Ambulance District donated a used vehicle to the Parish Police Jury. This notice applies to all information collected or submitted on the website. WY. The Parish served as a passthrough for a Federal Grant Program for the U.S. Department of Agriculture (USDA) that provided loans to encourage rural business development. Returning user? Advocate staff report. Cars, equipment, appliances, etc. The assistant library director confirmed the shared board member. The booklet will be posted on the website along with the auction information. Saturday, December 14, 2019 @ 8:00 a.m. Central Time . Does a Sheriff have to follow the Surplus Property Law to dispose of the spent bullet casings leftover after shooting at a gun range or can he just take them to a salvage yard to sell them? What procedures does the district have to follow to dispose of surplus movable property? Your privacy is important to us. Your privacy is important to us. agencies, schools, authorities and utilities to sell their surplus and forfeitures directly to the public. Buyer specifically checked with city and, due to an internal error by the city, received a document stating that there was no lien on the property for the paving lane. THE BIDS PLACED ONLINE ARE ABSENTEE BIDS ONLY. How can the parish dispose of scrap metal? State of Louisiana Division of Administration Auction. What are the steps to sell surplus property? Is the purchase of a building by a political subdivision subject to the Public Bid Law? Fire District #1 was the only entity that wanted the surplus ambulance. +1.66. Can Parish use internet auction to sell movable property? Web Site (s): Surplus Property Auctions The auction will feature vehicles, construction equipment, appliances, furniture, office supplies, medical equipment, exercise equipment, and other miscellaneous items. Time is of the essence here because some of this is COVID funds that must be expended by June 30, 2020. May the Parish sell the property in question without having to treat it as surplus property and follow the surplus property rules? Does a local government, using an internet computer auction website for an item of surplus property, and properly advertising that auction, have to re-advertise the auction after receiving, and rejecting, a bid that did not meet the minimum price. The warehouse, retail store and vehicle lot are open 9 a.m. - 4:30 p.m, Mondays through Fridays. Email: State of Louisiana Surplus Property auctions. Images of Items Sold Inside . A public entity, which is a political subdivision of the state, would like to sell surplus vehicles to another public entity. Can the District now throw the tanks away as they take up a lot of room in the equipment locker? A hospital service district advertised for 4 construction projects at the same time. A cookie is a small text file that is stored on a users computer for record-keeping purposes. This information includes internet protocol (IP) addresses, browser type, internet service provider (ISP), referring/exit pages, operating system, date/time stamp, and clickstream data. Items 1 through 3 of 3 .

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