supergirl fanfiction lena abandons kara

The CEO of Sundev never met with any journalists or reporters, except for one woman. To think, in a normal day shed be at the office filling reports and now she was getting ready to collect a human soul. She was a Reaper, but after you collect a number of souls, you move forward. As Lena breathed slowly, Karas eyes widened. Her shoe. As they walked, the blonde asked Lena thousands of questions. Kara Zor-El suffers from severe abandonment and trust issues which she thought she had under control until all of her loved one slowly slipped away. Recent Additions, Printed from The word popular seemed a cruel way to describe her. While we've done our best to make the core functionality of this site accessible without javascript, it will work better with it enabled. - Why? Also special and huge thanks to david harewood for directing this episode, you're a great man dave . Did you lose any memories? Alex asked, her voice tender. Lena, Kara soon realized, had had the best Christmas out of all of them. Do you want to fill more paperwork? Toad was pretty clear when he said no. One day, Frog asked to hold the jar of Death. Kara Danvers lived a life of hardship but she always remained the Sunny Danvers That everyone knew and loved. I didnt mean-I, Ill go start breakfast. Sometimes we cannot save everyone, and I know that hurts. florida gulf coast university dorms obituaries hollidaysburg pa supergirl fanfiction alex yells at kara. Some of her co-workers from college. Just some clothes.. Youre undead now. Alex got up, her face as red as her hair. "Kara tried not to calculate how fast her prayers would have to travel to reach Rao, all those light years away.". Maybe if I hadMaybe if I hadnt kept my own secrets from you, you wouldnt have been so afraid to tell me., Secrets? Right. And I'm getting to know Sara better as well. Lena watched the examination with a morbid coldness. It was too late, when Toad yelled No! There is also great Alex and Kara interaction. If I can go straight to business?. Her heart clenching at the idea of what Kara must feel. A Luthor and a Super. Sending love to Kara, Lena and Alex and all the actors in the show. The healing abilities, those friends of yours, I mean- I knew there was something odd going on but I didnt know what to think. How would I know the guy would die no matter what? If you try speaking with anyone from your past life, youll start losing memories. Sorry! Someone raced right towards her but before the impact, the stranger just passed as if she was made of mist. Even if you go back to L-Corp, they wont recognize you. But I have a new family now., No. Alex shook her head. He was wearing a dark green cardigan, and lifted up his head, taking it off and putting on Kara, that gladly accepted. Sorry! Her face burning, she then stumbled out of bed and fell into the floor. Now, Grim Reapers- Maggie snorted. Her eyes and mouth moved as the reflection did, but it was all different. Kara was finishing her second plate of pancakes. Lena turned around just in time to see two cars catching on fire and the pink bag ripped to shreds under tons of scorching metal. She must have realized that the longer they waited, the worse the media would fall on the event like a group of vultures smelling rotten meat. She lost her dad, applied to National City police academy using his name as recommendation. You are a hero Kara, never doubt that. First time for everything. While we've done our best to make the core functionality of this site accessible without javascript, it will work better with it enabled. Lets go.. (So many tags I guess. Lena scoffed. That would never be possible again and she felt guilty. At least until a certain someone shows her that sometimes, the glowing green can symbolize light, life and love instead of death, despair and destruction Supergirl is still saving National City, even though Colonel Haley had forbidden her to. She sounded surprised and with a light of hope inside her. Something she had felt before, but just only once -- right before Krypton died. One by one from team Arrow left as well, after Thea invited Black Siren to be on the team for good. 1. A vet's life is turned upside down when he's adopted by a werewolf. The nose was too slim, the eyes were a different color. . Thank you for everything Kara, but I quit., Why are all billionaires so nave when it comes to security? Winn scoffed. Her mother was as warm as a pit of snakes. I wasnt expecting that, Danvers. I couldn't save Felicity's boyfriend. Supergirl is flying over the city when she feels the forces abandoning her, and falls ruinously towards the ground. They exchanged a grin and the blonde laughed first. This is my contribution to Fic Rec Days, on Femslash Friday in Femslash February 2017. Alexs badge is. When Lena was devastated and lashed out at poor Kara, this was written so well. Karas definition of scouting was looking at stores and buying ice cream. tip: arthur merlin words>1000 sort:hits, Due to the incredible support of the community, we've raised US$252,343.98 with an average donation of $32.14, and added 6450 new members this drive. Kara seemed uncomfortable with the conversation. It doesn't exist. She would have no idea that Jess never got the files saying Project Outersky had failed terribly because of a problem in the Internet connection. Lena tries to gain Karas affection through food. Spirit Fanfics e Histrias uma plataforma para autopublicao de Livros. Family is important, Lena., Youre probably the smartest person in this city. This is Kara. Oliver took her com and told Winn his thanks, but that Kara was unable to keep talking. But yeah, its pretty traumatizing. because she was feeling more normal now. Youre not going anywhere., Youre a Grim Reaper. Lena likes Kara but Lena does not know Kara is Supergirl; and while she trusts Supergirl to protect her she doesnt really like Supergirl. It brings all types of complications. Please consider turning it on! Lena and Kara stepped through the door into a room that had a bridge leading to a sort of island in the middle of the room. Hey. - I know you are a huger, don't you ever pretend otherwise He laughed as he said goodbye to everyone else and left with his fiance. When she told the woman she wanted to see Sam Arias, she was met with a scolding look, like she was an ugly dog that refused to leave. If you accept cookies from our site and you choose "Proceed", you will not be asked again during this session (that is, until you close your browser). She wasnt raised religiously. Right. Alex scoffed, then looked at Lena. In order to get things done, you need to get closure. Potstickers. Kara whispered, still half-asleep. You cant be seen by the living. The man said. Kara D./Supergirl, Lena L. - Chapters: 15 - Words: 30,237 - Reviews: 28 - Favs: 25 - Follows: 36 - Updated: 25m - Published: 2/7 - id: 14195627 + . The last time she tried to save someone, five people died in its place. The Detective entered the bar and Alex immediately threw herself under the bench, hiding away from the short woman. Or it could be electricity.. Dont flatter yourself, Lena. Jonn shook your head. She opened a drawer and grabbed a mirror from the kitchen cabinet. Youre really smart. Privileges. Alex winked. Will Lena and Kara find happiness, or are they destined to play out the tragedies of their families forever? She wasnt sure if the blonde had other plans. I dont make the rules, sorry. He shrugged. Cmon, nerd.. Then she crossed the street. No. FanFiction | unleash . A story blog. Lena felt her face reddening when Kara grabbed her arm. Maybe the blonde was an angel. - Never been better she looked at Oliver with a smile on her face as she said that. Thank you for everything. The laboratories where a comforting escape. Like, a promotion. My mistake. Lena squeezed her arm. They acted as if the whole thing was so normal, that it made Lena want to rip her hair out. How can you know, Alex? James sighed. The Amazonian breaks her rule and takes Lena back to Themyscira, where she discovers Lena's heritage isn't as straight-forward as she thought. -I know this seems out of sudden, and I love you guys. - Thanks Barry Kara said smiling back at him, - See you at the wedding man Oliver said while Barry hugged him as well. None of her friends understood. On her way home, she hears a few of Cha Heon's colleagues talk about him going to America, and she's devastated. A slow-burn fic alternating in which Lena Luthor already knows she is crushing on Kara Danvers, but as Supergirl and she save one another time and time again, she becomes confused, how can she love two people at the same time? tip: hetalia f/f sort:kudos, Due to the incredible support of the community, we've raised US$252,343.98 with an average donation of $32.14, and added 6450 new members this drive. I- When we- I was in co- The words wouldnt come out. Very angsty, romantic and heartbreaking. Dont they know hackers exist?, Can I open it? Winn repeated. I like coffee, I like board games and theres nothing better than a good Italian plate. Jonn smiled. She was perfectly happy to binge watch Friends., And what was more, her sister Alex approved. They couldnt, because everything had an order, a way of existing. Beyond Compare also excels at showing that a relationship with Cat would have left lasting effect on Kara. Watching your autopsy.. While we've done our best to make the core functionality of this site accessible without javascript, it will work better with it enabled. Is there any rule saying we cant date?. We all die. For seconds, like she searched for something. Lena turned and was faced with Smythe. Lena Luthor wanted to do great things with her life. Her heart doesn't need to beat, doesn't deserve to, not anymore, but god- for Kara it wants to. The redhead walked towards the pool table. Lots of kale. The lights faded, and so did Siobhan. This time, she has new friends to celebrate with. Winn and James looked around the place, making comments on each room theyd walked in. You need to think about you, Lena., Oh, really? Lena scoffed. Here we go. Winn whispered. Beautifully written and worth a recommendation. The brunette felt the redheads hand in her shoulder. Lena watched impressed as Lilian was kicked out of her owns daughters funeral. Please consider turning it on! Everything was good from acting to the effects to the ending scene. No, she rather talk about TV shows and discuss the complexity of Britney Spears. Like a coma. Lena might have expected to feel depressed over what she did. She could not feel cold, like ever, but she was glad to have something with his scent now. The young Detective didnt even glance at them. Lena fiend the way to Karas heart through her love for food. Saving others but not saving herself. She should have been a Cupid, with a bow and arrow in a heart-shape, and glitter dust bombs. With a different face and identity. Relaxed, with no expectation. In this SuperCorp (Supergirl) Femslash Fanfiction Recommendation, I have collected nine long and excellent stories.. We cannot control these things. They waited, until the coroner removed the blanket. Winn hasn't been the same since the kiss. She shouldnt be surprised that Lena lived in a place so glamorous. Reapers just make sure souls go where theyre supposed to., I dont think you are. Maggies expression softened. Lena was on her lunch break, heading to a corner restaurant to pick something up. She was about done with all of this afterlife shit. But I know Kara long enough to consider her my sister, and James and Winn are the annoying brothers I always wanted. "Lena, I wish I would have known. Alex and Maggie return to the hotel suite where Kara and the Superfam are impatiently waiting for them. Maggie. Kara and the boys exchanged a look. Sams house was quiet, a table covered in fast-food. I have things to do, Im too young!. As the blood stopped ringing in her ears, Lena pulled Karas bottom lip and savored the groan she made. Her memories became fuzzy like mist. Sam seems like a strong woman. This work could have adult content. Jonn will meet us at the bar.. God, I hope it isnt another car crash., Do we know how the person is going to die?. This amazing story succeeds where many AAA movies fail: to weave all of this together into something that is more than the sum of its part: angst, romance, action and suspense. We have to use the apartment of previous marks, or get a day-job., Previous marks? Lena perked up. Sure. Like she knew I was hiding something. It focuses on Karas work as a reporter covering anti alien protests. This is a great, sweet but also a bit angsty story. Do Reapers get paid? Lena asked. She said she was going to think about it and then took of. This whole system seems kinda messed up. Lena mumbled. Lena could feel something growing for Kara, the Reaper. So, we need to wait for your body to be laid to rest., The funeral, he means. Kara explained. Checked her watch and saw there was only two minutes left. The oblivious fools, don't realize they are in love with each other until.. well you'll just have to. Alex showed her badge discreetly. Kara started remember everything that went down on her Earth and felt terrible and she remember hearing everything that happened to Lillian Luthor. No one seemed to notice anything odd. They developed major scientifical miracles, from technologic to AI. All of them authorized by her. Hey! A jab to the ribs, and the blonde groaned. And I know you are strong. Cmon, Lee. She laughed, felt the worry dissipate as her partner shared how absurd the whole thing was. Fated by the universe, Alex Danvers is destined to meet a very strange alien with a cape and a red 'S'.' The street they were on was very commercial. Hero to all but villain to herself. Kara, perhaps out of a want for thoroughness in her story, perhaps out of a Millennial-born urge to creep on the social media of a woman she finds intriguing, discovers that Lena Luthor has a pretty active following on Instagram one afternoon not long after their first meeting. - I have huge news for you, girl. A Daxamite and a Kryptonian. Maam, if you would look over there. Kara pointed at the sky. She wasnt even sure how to properly process that. Are you ready to go, nerd? Alex asked her. Thank you so much! If you log in you can store your preference and never be asked again. She shook her head, moved her glasses. Jess was one of the few people she interacted with. There was some lovely music playing in the background. The 19 year old Luthor has lived alone for a year after escaping the Luthors and before Kara's unexpected arrival. If you miss your appointment, the person still dies. Frog was so happy, he bounced up and down with the jar, not caring about the danger. Please don't read if any of the tags you see will trigger you. I have no job, no house and my only occupation is being a taxi driver for dead souls.. - Kara, thank God. First day is always the hardest. She smiled brightly. This story has a very different dynamic than most other Supercorp fics. Kara flew away before he looked up. I saw you got shot three times and when I went over to you, there was barely any blood., It terrified me. It was a challenge for him, it was considered fun. The whole place had been emptied out and was now filled with boxes, all labeled correctly. What a dumb answer. She rubbed the bridge of her nose. Lena was completely taken back by her. Now, Lena needs a place to stay for tonight. With the partnership, both companies won. . None of them had lost everything in their lives. Untouchable. Kara listened to him, giving a kiss on his cheek, a sweet one, while she caressed his face. - Kara I would cross world everyday for you. It calmed her down. By the time she graduated, she was a pro at keeping her distance. Her new family shows her how it's done. I lost everything! He turned around after the breach closed, feeling a huge emptiness inside him. Kara's jaw tenses but she still only looks to Lena with this fondness Lena is certain she will never deserve. Alex looked really distraught. - You did? For a Luthor, Lena had her life-share of scandals, despite not indulging in almost any of the vices her peers did. Theres also karaoke nights and Game nights. Things got a bit violent, and there were gunshots fired.. How this woman became a Grim Reaper was a mystery. supergirl fanfiction alex yells at kara With her brother after her life yet again, Lena Luthor requests the protection of Supergirl until they can figure out who hes hired to kill her and how to bring them down. Then reality came down to her like a cold water bucket in her head. Right. This island was surrounded by a sharp fall on . Both are imperfect people, both have faults, both are human. We cant save them. Exactly. Lisa said. While we've done our best to make the core functionality of this site accessible without javascript, it will work better with it enabled. Becoming an undead. Lets roll. A big smile spread on the redheads face. She got out of there with him for Kara's exams results. It was in odd moments that Lena felt that feeling. Since Kara didnt own a driving license, they had to walk to the bar. One week I come over, and then you come over And we will talk everyday, we can see each other with our new cool devices Cisco made us. Now, I write for whoever pays me. She sobered up as Alex stared at her with serious eyes. Do a good job, we meet back here tonight. He looked far too calm in this chaos. She even cried, it was really weird.. Oliver came in, sitting next to her as she asked him to sit with her in the bed, making room for him. Once they entered, it seemed like a normal dive bar. No, it isnt. This is a dark take on what could have happened, so beware of all the tags/trigger warnings. Lena. He smiled. Lena meets Kara after she crash lands into the shore near Lena's cottage home in Ireland. In one gesture, she turned the reflection to herself and stared at her image, but it wasnt what she expected. It was going to hit right where she was. Keep an eye on things.. Need advice about a character? Kara Danvers looks for a new roommate along with her friend Livewire, not knowing that her new roommate is the one she called her first love when she was twelve, but Kieran is no longer that skinny nerdy kid she used to defend from bullies.No.Her real name is Lena and despite appearing to be the queen of the room she has plenty of demons that know how to swim no matter how much she wants to sink them.Lena Luthor is a transgender girl working hard to make a name for herself at L-Corporation. Caitlin came in and told Clark he was free to go, 100% healthy again. I always thought she was intimidating. Winn shrugged. Ellie thinks that it's bitterly ironic, Kara's entire life. As the boys left, Lena was alone with the blonde. Every night, in a corner of town, there was a meeting happening in a bar. Shed sit in her empty apartment. Is not like you have feelings for her or anything? Winn exchanged a meaningful look with James. In the end you need to see what your likes and dislikes are, because if you dont do this job, you wont be around anymore to find out.. I guess your friend Winn is trying to reach you as Cisco told me. If to stay here, she needed to learn to play the game it would be worthy to keep the peace. She had ideas about what sort of mural Kara should paint on that one blank white wall over the bed. Just so I understand. She paced back and forth, squeezing her hands. To stop her reckless escapades, Batman takes her under his wing and trains herAlex becomes Batgirl. Her eyes squinted as she looked at the logo of the object destined to hit her. The body lying in that metallic table, and she had to suppress a shiver. - It was my moms My biological mom. (We also accept donations year-round, so you are able to donate whenever is convenient for you.). Lena felt like she knew Kara her whole life. Shes human and Alex is having a conscience crisis because of it.. After everything. A seedy bar, hidden by alleyways, with jukeboxes playing Dolly Parton. I also love the idea that Kara had trouble sleeping alone in the strange environment and that for her the nature / forest is loud and disconcerting. Lena dies and is chosen to be a Grim Reaper. In the meantime, Lena Luthor is attacked and left for dead during a business trip, only to be rescued by Wonder Woman. Lena should be screaming. Dont be late. Jonn waved goodbye. The only time I tried going back to see her, she kicked me out because she didnt knew my face. Pancakes, as I promised. Kara put the plate in front of her. Please be safe. All my things. Work Search: She didnt know Jess cared so much for her. Lena guessed the next CEO would have enough in their plate to deal with it, so they should mourn now. - It will still be there when I come back. Lena Luthor became one of the most successful CEOs of National City before turning 40. You got this.. I couldn't save my mom, or Laurel. When James said meet the boss, Lena thought it would be something more graceful. I saw the degrees near your casket. Alex smirked. - Hey, we all couldn't. I would. Its the least I can do.. When we were in college, we both got tattoos together at the end of the year. There was a beat of silence as they regarded each other, their eyes lingering towards their lips. They had badges, or they knew someone from inside whod let them in. Both of you she said while Clark hugged them as well. Thank you so much! Cause of death: killed by a toilet seat ejected from outer space. Lena looked around. Sanvers is a secondary or background ship in many of the stories. As she identified what the object was, her eyes widened. In the morning, I can make pancakes!, Great. Then found out the address in his tablet in less than two minutes. - Sara invited me to be part of her team for a while. More than dozens seemed injured. James said we should only take the minimum to take care of ourselves. I think its time you met the boss.. Gather round. Jonn said. When Maggie couldnt find any injuries, she asked me how and I said Im a fast healer.. Barry and Iris try to put her back together again. Her shirt had blood splatters in it. SHARE. How are we supposed to know who Smythe is? Lena looked around the crowd. Lena would remember not listening to the news this morning because she never listened to the news before arriving at the office. She looked back, but the woman was gone. Thatll fix everything.. Anything. Kara nodded. Until she learns theyre the one person. The rest of the afternoon passed like a tedious hot summer day. Kara got closer to Lena, then removed her jacket and draped it over her shoulders. And I accepted. In contrast to the title and summary it covers a longer period of time than Christmas. The party was at its end by now, and Alex asked to talk to Kara and Clark. I felt so much guilty I could barely handle it. It has Death inside. Toad was euphoric that he was about to become Gods loyal follower and promised him to keep the jar safe from harm. It was the house of someone who loved colors, reading and life. There were no knickknacks, all the books were medical or stock market literature. See ya, guys. Lena saw the badge in the strangers belt and they watched Alex follow her outside the bar. I bet Jonn wasnt happy., Or, remember the time Kara tried to delay the marks appointment and the Phantoms stole her blankets for a week, and kept making all her food go rotten?. Mon-El hasn't spoken to her since she refused to get back with him. God once gave Toad a jar, and told him Be careful with it. There was the sound of a honk, a horrible crashing noise and pieces of a metallic truck flew all over the street. They would make it work somehow, he knew they would. Her powers manifested when she was a teen and she did everything she could to hide them when she realised how powerful she was. Her right hand landed on Lenas shoulder. Lena looked around. (scroll down for the detailed recs and links), A post-Medusa fic, exploring what might happen when Supergirl finally goes to talk to Lena Luthor. vykup striebra banska bystrica; from the wadi of egypt to the euphrates; cgrp inhibitors and hair loss I didnt look where I was going. Cmon., You know whatll help? James grinned. Lena let out a breathe and looked bewildered. Definitely one of the best plot driven femslash fanfics. TW: Takes place right at 5x01 and switches up from there. Talking to people as if shed knew them for years. Alex has been too busy in the honeymoon stage of her relationship with Maggie. - Hey babe Come here He said as she hugged him, crying her eyes out. and the jar broke. What? Kara pushed her glasses on her face. Lena Luthor wanted to do great things with her life.She wasn't planning to die suddenly.She certainly wasn't planning to become a Grim Reaper. Please consider turning it on! . But every time her brain began to trick her, Karas words would wash over her and calm her down. Balance, even in death. There are not even any additional characters apart from Cat. Would that help? Shes fine, Alex promises. All of the stories were finished in late 2016, early 2017 before Supergirl episode S2E12 Luthors aired. Anything for you. Kara gave her an earnest grin. Knowing who your mark is messes up the job. Lena is a transgender businesswoman seeking her own Pride while Kara is an anxious girl who has never stopped seeking justice for her lost first love. - I couldn't leave without hugging you two. Oh, I remember that. Winn let out a laugh. Stabbed in the E.R. She said while hugging them. That night was everything they had been. It took dying for Lena to receive a second chance. You dont mean?, Alex got a job in the National City police department because she knew people there. One of the best, in my opinion the best Supercorp story, brilliant. That guy was really freaked out. Lena, you know some of my favorite things? Jonn asked. Seeing that Kara has fallen into a self-destructive depression, Lena reinserts herself into Kara's life to try and bring the hero back from the brink before she abandons National City. She did good. Yeah. James hid a smile. They exited the building and stopped at the sidewalk. She grabbed a burger and took a bite. Their eyes met for far too long, so Lena looked back at the table, feeling her cheeks heating. We cant have life without death, so they keep the balance in things. - I can't stop thinking about Lillian How I couldn't save her - Kara rested her head on his shoulder, hugging him by the waste. She turned around and walked faster. This is a well written and a bit angsty story. A high-heel laying in the ground, with blood in it. Lena looked at him, a frown in her face. Do you have a favorite animal? A freelancer reporter, who had no affiliation with anyone. A piece of advice on how to build your successful career. By then, Lena had gotten the most basic information down. The building had no doorman, but it looked expensive and high-class. 45 guests Not before threatening to dethrone Sam from L-Corp. As Jack tried to cheer Ruby up with a magic trick, Lena felt the realization hit her. My aunt punched my cousin at my funeral. Kara smiled. Her days would blend, no one seemed to care if she made it home or if she stayed in the office working. Her voice rose above the noise, she could feel her face red. But I will spend some time away. But there were two things that finally broke her; Lena and Crisis. Sitting around the table, drinking beer while everyone discussed the latest shows or made fun of each other. You could start your own company and partner up with L-Corp.. "But I don't think I could." Yeah, sure. So when the autopsy happens, theyll be able to see everything., They cant feel anything! Kara reassures Lena. This has to be a mistake., Remember that woman who asked your name? Alex said. She wanted more, so she ordered a couple more. Her nervous laughter echoed through the hallway. Thank you so much! supergirl fanfiction kara and barry pregnant; brock built homes lawsuit; warminster pa abandoned neighborhood; ricochet and kacy break up; whitman student dies 2022; Do you guys kill people? Maggie leaned closer. Kara Danvers Tells Lena Luthor About Being Supergirl Ireland Lena tried to stand to her feet but was stopped by Kara's hand on her knee. For you to always be with me somehow. Like the first night they met. She heard it behind her. Her hair was messy, but Lena let her eyes linger through her biceps before dragging them back to the ceiling. Lost the love of their life. - Kara, I know you will be visiting this Earth frequently 'cause of a certain green hero. Yes. But as they arrived, the CEO didnt see any protestors or reporters. Lena nods, unable to speak but her eyes soften. As she marched inside L-Corp, she was confident until the point the secretary asked if she had an appointment. The Phantoms haunted her for a week, until she finally learned her lesson. left kudos on this work. Kara was drooling on the pillow. Her day wasnt going very well. . I cover your back, you cover mine. Another person stared at her. I'm so sorry you had to face all of this - Like you said He looked at her Hardships makes us stronger. Her life turned upside down and burned to shreds. Their dad showed up not long after that, and they ran to him, jumping into his arms with abandon. Lena, its not worthy it.. Her smile spread across her face. If you log in you can store your preference and never be asked again. She walked towards the lights. It focuses on Lenas struggle with the Luthor name and actions by her family. You will want to answer him He smiled waiting for her to hear the news herself. In all of the insanity of being dead, she didnt even consider how her old life was doing. They wont know you.. They met another guy at the hospital, a short man with spiky hair who was carrying a tablet.

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