Sutherland Shire Council shore up another win in engineering excellence. Tools and morning tea provided. More information on Hours worked (HRSP) Table based on place of usual residence, More information on Occupation (OCCP)Table based on place of usual residence, More information on Industry of employment (INDP)Table based on place of usual residence. Join Bushcare Officer Sabrina at Menai Conservation Park for a morning Bushcare session. 3. (a) This is not comparable with historical QuickStats, as applicable households included in this calculation have changed. cost) every 4 weeks unless cancelled as per full Terms and Conditions. How to Report a Barking Dog; Dog Attack; Dangerous or Menacing Dogs and Restricted Breeds; Roaming Cats; Keeping Chickens; Native Wildlife; Flying-Foxes; . ach05;cfl o3WY00w-9d`o`0 =*; N hbbd``b` @H RDq@,'+b !#$umL &3D~g ? Participate. Excludes service for non-Australian defence forces. For 2021, registered marriages include all couples. We offer interpreter and translation services to help community members communicate with Council. Sutherland Shire Council Welcome - this is Dharawal Country Emergency Information Dashboard Live updates and where to get help during an emergency Our Commitment to the Community Have your say on the work planned in the coming year's Delivery Program 2022-2026 and Operational Plan 2023/24. It includes people who report de facto, partner, common law husband/wife/spouse, lover, girlfriend or boyfriend. The broad group level is the highest and most general level of the Australian Standard Classification of Religious Groups, 2016. Joseph Banks Native Garden Weed and Walk (Bushcare event). Severe Weather Warning Access agendas and minutes for Council and Committee Meetings or watch our meetings via livestream. News feed Feedback Consultation results Note: For the 2021 Census, guidance was provided to respondents on how to answer for mother if their birth parent is unknown or they have same-sex parents. Complete survey Help us celebrate Bushcare's 30th birthday! We report on the implementation of the Delivery Program and Operational Plan. Council has adopted aCompliance and Enforcement Policy that we follow when performing our regulatory functions to ensure they are consistent, transparent and proportionate to the level of regulatory breach. Discover more about our natural environment, bushcare, waterways, pollution and our commitment to a clean future. (b) This is not comparable with historical QuickStats, as applicable households included in this calculation have changed. Anytime, anywhere, you can report an issue with a Council service online. a penalty notice, any representations about the penalty notice must be directed in the first instance to. This is a welcoming online space. (a) Incomes are collected in ranges. Local Government Elections and Mayoral Election, Director Shire Infrastructure and Operations - Brooke Martin, Director Corporate Support - Clare Phelan, Director Shire Services - Michelle Whitehurst, Director Planning and Growth - David Milliken, Council and committee business papers and minutes, Council and committee business papers and minutes 2023, Council and committee business papers and minutes 2022, Council and committee business papers and minutes 2021, Council and committee business papers and minutes 2020, Council and committee business papers and minutes 2019, Council and committee business papers and minutes 2018, Council and committee business papers and minutes 2017, Council and committee business papers and minutes 2016, Update your details for rates information, Rates and general enquiries - Frequently asked questions, Work Experience Building and Construction form, Work Experience Communications and Engagement Form, Work Experience Construction Project Management Form, Work Experience Early Education Centres Form, Work Experience Leisure and Fitness Industry Form, Work Experience Nursery Bushland and Parks Form, Work Experience Public Relations and Media Form, Commitment to community celebrated on Australia Day Community, Celebrations in sight for Seniors Festival, Sandy Point boat ramp upgrade delivers improved access to local waterways, Sutherland Shire Councils Cinema Under the Stars set to return, Sutherland Shire community set to come together for Australia Day events program, Courts win support after significant upgrade to local netball facilities, Council steps forward in support of campaign against domestic violence, A pawfect family day out at Sutherland Shire Councils Animal Shelter Open Day, Council Lifeguards ready to respond this summer beach season, Return of Grandparent's Day celebrations set to bring smiles to faces of local youngsters, seniors, Queens legacy set to grow, with Council, students leading leafy tribute, Council flicks the switch on renewable energy, Spring into Sutherland Shire Councils Bushcare Fair, Statement on behalf of Sutherland Shire Mayor, Celebrating creativity among all abilities through new ShireABILITY Art Award, Extraordinary efforts of ordinary people to be celebrated in local community awards program, Council sets the scene for creative concepts to become prize winning projects, Share your vision for the future of key community areas, Slide, glide or stride around Sutherland Shires latest playground upgrades, Legacy of Dharawal woman Biddy Giles honoured in Kirrawee park, Funding boost from Council set to support local not-for-profit programs, Come find your furr-ever friend and save Council shelter from cat-astrophic overcrowding, Joint tree planting project to provide big benefit for small creatures, Wheels in motion for educational program to promote active transport, Treat your-shelf at Councils Annual Library Book Sale, Community once again unites for Meeting of Two Cultures event, Gymea Village set to shine for another evening of community entertainment, Care and commitment of local nurse honoured at Engadine Town Park, Cronulla to come alive with upcoming celebration of Indigenous culture, performance and history, Seniors set to be spoilt for choice with exciting program of events lined up for Councils Seniors Festival, Council urges residents to play their part to tackle burning issue with waste, Council to deliver added funding to worthy not-for-profit projects, Business set to benefit from upcoming Small Business Month Summit, Council leads initiative to combat social isolation, Promoting the value of inclusion across the community, Excitement ramping up for Sutho Skate event, Devotion to going above and beyond the call of civic duty celebrated in Councils Australia Day Awards, Opportunities far and wide to mark Australia Day 2022 in Sutherland Shire, Energy and enthusiasm led by experience, as Councillors sworn in for new term of Council, First sod turned in major overhaul of Mirandas Seymour Shaw Park, Boon for boaters and beaches as Port Hacking dredging gets underway, Nurture your green thumb at Councils Community Nursery Open Day, Stars set to shine for grand opening of The Pavilion Performing Arts Centre Sutherland, Deserving local community groups encouraged to apply for grant funding, Sutherland Shire Council shore up another win in engineering excellence, Connect. Sutherland Shire % Sutherland Shire New South Wales % New South Wales Australia % Australia; Aboriginal and/or Torres Strait Islander: 3,273: 1.4: 278,043: 3.4: 812,728: 3.2: Non-Indigenous: 220,723: . Who to contact in relation to issues with electricity, gas, flood, street lights, power poles and supply, water, sewerage, telephone cables and pits, damaged bus shelters, and more. Take the survey to share your own requirements Explore your own current and future housing preferences. Each payment, once made, is non-refundable, subject to law. In Sutherland Shire, Christianity was the largest broad group religious group reported overall (61.1%) (excludes Not stated). Sutherland Shire Council acknowledges the Dharawal people as the Traditional Custodians of the land within Sutherland Shire. Other 2021 Census products available for this area: To view more QuickStats or Community Profiles for a different area, see, Aboriginal and/or Torres Strait Islander people QuickStats, Type of educational institution attending (TYPP), Level of highest educational attainment (HEAP), Australian Standard Classification of Religious Groups, 2016, Comparing 2021 Census and Labour Force Survey, Unpaid assistance to a person with a disability, health condition, or due to old age (UNCAREP), Voluntary work for an organisation or group (VOLWP), Unpaid domestic work: number of hours (DOMP), Type of long-term health condition (LTHP), Count of selected long-term health conditions (CLTHP), Labour force status of parents/partners in families (LFSF), Number of bedrooms in a private dwelling (BEDD), Number of persons usually resident in dwelling (NPRD), Number of registered motor vehicles (VEHD), 2021 Sutherland Shire, Census All persons QuickStats. Please sign on using your username followed by Change Password. Report it online Contact us online to raise a request or issue. (b) Excludes dwellings being occupied rent-free, this is not comparable to 2016 QuickStats data. For 2021, registered marriages include all couples. ', More information on Total household income (weekly) (HIND) Table based on place of enumeration. (c) Comprises dwellings occupied rent free, occupied under a life tenure scheme and other tenure type. Learn more. Council issues certificates for planning, fire safety, titles, building inspection and more - find out more about how to arrange a certificate for your property. (a) In December 2017, amendments to the Marriage Act 1961 came into effect enabling marriage equality for all couples. endstream endobj startxref For more information Please call Public Safety and Lifeguards Unit via 9710 0333 or email hb``c``f Y8% A1-*7O>@"f@- DJ l Allow up to 5 days for home delivery to commence. We value and celebrate Dharawal culture and language, and acknowledge the Dharawal peoples continuing connection to the land, the sea and the community. We report on the implementation of the Delivery Program and Operational Plan. endstream endobj 410 0 obj <> endobj 411 0 obj <>/Font<>/ProcSet[/PDF/Text/ImageB/ImageC/ImageI]>>/Rotate 0/StructParents 0/Type/Page>> endobj 412 0 obj <>stream When do I need consent? Home delivery is not available in all areas. Complaints and Reporting Issues - Sutherland Shire Council Skip to content Pay link reveals payment options below Contact Us link reveals report options below Track link reveals tracking options below Apply link reveals apply options below Media Centre link reveals apply options below Contact UsFacebookTwitterInstagram DA Tracker allows you to follow the progress of development applications (DAs). More information on Religious affiliation (RELP) Table based on place of usual residence, More information on Language used at home (LANP) Languages used at home data is based on place of usual residence Households where a non-English language is used is based on place of enumeration. Everything you need to know about planning and building processes, how we manage land use and development across Sutherland Shire. Local Government Elections and Mayoral Election, Director Shire Infrastructure and Operations - Brooke Martin, Director Corporate Support - Clare Phelan, Director Shire Services - Michelle Whitehurst, Director Planning and Growth - David Milliken, Council and committee business papers and minutes, Council and committee business papers and minutes 2023, Council and committee business papers and minutes 2022, Council and committee business papers and minutes 2021, Council and committee business papers and minutes 2020, Council and committee business papers and minutes 2019, Council and committee business papers and minutes 2018, Council and committee business papers and minutes 2017, Council and committee business papers and minutes 2016, Update your details for rates information, Rates and general enquiries - Frequently asked questions, Work Experience Building and Construction form, Work Experience Communications and Engagement Form, Work Experience Construction Project Management Form, Work Experience Early Education Centres Form, Work Experience Leisure and Fitness Industry Form, Work Experience Nursery Bushland and Parks Form, Work Experience Public Relations and Media Form, Commitment to community celebrated on Australia Day Community, Celebrations in sight for Seniors Festival, Sandy Point boat ramp upgrade delivers improved access to local waterways, Sutherland Shire Councils Cinema Under the Stars set to return, Sutherland Shire community set to come together for Australia Day events program, Courts win support after significant upgrade to local netball facilities, Council steps forward in support of campaign against domestic violence, A pawfect family day out at Sutherland Shire Councils Animal Shelter Open Day, Council Lifeguards ready to respond this summer beach season, Return of Grandparent's Day celebrations set to bring smiles to faces of local youngsters, seniors, Queens legacy set to grow, with Council, students leading leafy tribute, Council flicks the switch on renewable energy, Spring into Sutherland Shire Councils Bushcare Fair, Statement on behalf of Sutherland Shire Mayor, Celebrating creativity among all abilities through new ShireABILITY Art Award, Extraordinary efforts of ordinary people to be celebrated in local community awards program, Council sets the scene for creative concepts to become prize winning projects, Share your vision for the future of key community areas, Slide, glide or stride around Sutherland Shires latest playground upgrades, Legacy of Dharawal woman Biddy Giles honoured in Kirrawee park, Funding boost from Council set to support local not-for-profit programs, Come find your furr-ever friend and save Council shelter from cat-astrophic overcrowding, Joint tree planting project to provide big benefit for small creatures, Wheels in motion for educational program to promote active transport, Treat your-shelf at Councils Annual Library Book Sale, Community once again unites for Meeting of Two Cultures event, Gymea Village set to shine for another evening of community entertainment, Care and commitment of local nurse honoured at Engadine Town Park, Cronulla to come alive with upcoming celebration of Indigenous culture, performance and history, Seniors set to be spoilt for choice with exciting program of events lined up for Councils Seniors Festival, Council urges residents to play their part to tackle burning issue with waste, Council to deliver added funding to worthy not-for-profit projects, Business set to benefit from upcoming Small Business Month Summit, Council leads initiative to combat social isolation, Promoting the value of inclusion across the community, Excitement ramping up for Sutho Skate event, Devotion to going above and beyond the call of civic duty celebrated in Councils Australia Day Awards, Opportunities far and wide to mark Australia Day 2022 in Sutherland Shire, Energy and enthusiasm led by experience, as Councillors sworn in for new term of Council, First sod turned in major overhaul of Mirandas Seymour Shaw Park, Boon for boaters and beaches as Port Hacking dredging gets underway, Nurture your green thumb at Councils Community Nursery Open Day, Stars set to shine for grand opening of The Pavilion Performing Arts Centre Sutherland, Deserving local community groups encouraged to apply for grant funding, Sutherland Shire Council shore up another win in engineering excellence, Connect. Sutherland Shire Council acknowledges the Dharawal people as the Traditional Custodians of the land within Sutherland Shire. Find out if you need to need to make an application to Council before you build, and the type of approval needed. Information, support and services for people living or working in Sutherland Shire. Warning to Sheep Graziers We're crunching the numbers. Learn more. (c) Excludes families where at least one family member aged 15 years and over did not state their income. We pay respect to the Elders and their families, past, present and emerging, and through them, to all Aboriginal and/or Torres Strait Islander peoples. Community Satisfaction Survey 2021 | Join the Conversation - Sutherland Shire Council Community Satisfaction Survey 2021 Consultation has concluded Council is committed to delivering services and facilities that best meet the needs of our community. Sutherland Shire Council Jan 2018- Present5 years 4 months Leading an integrated communications team to deliver strategic corporate communications and stakeholder engagement to support a. Nurture your green thumb at Councils Community Nursery Open Day. Everything you need to know about planning and building processes, how we manage land use and development across Sutherland Shire. for Snowy Mountains forecast district. Join Bushcare Officer Grace at Coonong Creek Reserve, Gymea Bay, one of our earliest Bushcare sites for a morning of Bushcare and history. Sutherland Shire Council A connected and safe community that respects people and nature, enjoying active lives in a strong local economy. Sutherland Shire LEP 2015 Refresh: Council initiated planning proposal to make changes to the LEP to align with the Sutherland Shire Local Strategic Planning Statement. This site uses cookies to analyse traffic, remember your preferences, and optimise your experience. Prices after the first 12 months may be varied as per full Terms and Conditions. Note: The ABS Labour Force Survey provides the official estimates of Australia's labour force. Download Annual Report 2021/22 - PDF - 4794 KB and Appendix A - Financial Statements 2021/22 - PDF - 4991 KB, Annual Report 2020-2021 - PDF - 11077 KB, includingEnd of Term Report 2016-2021 - PDF - 22305 KB, Annual Report 2019-2020 - PDF - 22855 KB. Everything you need to know about planning and building processes, how we manage land use and development across Sutherland Shire. Not in conjunction with any other offer. Discover more about our natural environment, bushcare, waterways, pollution and our commitment to a clean future. (a) Median rent calculations exclude dwellings being occupied rent-free, this is not comparable to 2016 QuickStats data. More information on Number of bedrooms in a private dwelling (BEDD), Household composition (HHCD), Total household income (HIND), Indigenous household indicator (INGDWTD)Table based on place of enumeration. Our Annual Report is the key point of accountability between Council and our community. hbbd``b`* @`6,[@m bRqH* .#5@b1#4Qo 0 wK But if your subscription or membership includes home delivery, then you can request to suspend your paper delivery through My Account. Information about Council, working here, our vision and our role and responsibilities. Use our planning tool to quickly build your housing plan Tell us what types of housing you would like to see in Sutherland Shire. (a) Median rent calculations exclude dwellings being occupied rent-free, this is not comparable to 2016 QuickStats data. Get in touch with us by phone or visiting our Customer Contact Centre. Each payment, once made, is non-refundable, subject to law. Therefore, the sum of all long-term health condition responses for an area will not equal the total number of people in the area. Information, support and services for people living or working in Sutherland Shire. We pay respect to the Elders and their families, past, present and emerging, and through them, to all Aboriginal and/or Torres Strait Islander peoples. Join Bushcare Officer Sabrina at Windy Point Reserve, Cronulla for a Bushcare session. Lodging your request online is the quickest way for us to get all the details we need to resolve your issue. Sutherland Shire Council acknowledges the Dharawal people as the Traditional Custodians of the land within Sutherland Shire. In 2016 QuickStats percentages were based on total number of responses and will not be comparable to this table. But once your delivery is activated, youll get the next edition, hot off the press. We value and celebrate Dharawal culture and language, and acknowledge the Dharawal peoples continuing connection to the land, the sea and the community. Deserving local community groups encouraged to apply for grant funding. Celebrate as NSW Youth Week back in full swing, Fraud and corruption and Public Interest Disclosures, Supplier payment security measures - Eftsure, Seymour Shaw Park - Stage 1 Recreational Youth Space, Cronulla Town Centre Stage 2 Plaza Upgrade, The Esplanade Sylvania - Foreshore Reserve, Woolooware Shared Pathway Public Amenities, Flora Street, Sutherland - Dine and Revitalise, Sutherland to Cronulla Active Transport Link, Casuarina Road Oval, Alfords Point playground renewal, Webber Street Reserve, Sylvania playground renewal, Akuna Avenue Reserve, Bangor playground renewal, Colwyn Close Reserve, Menai playground renewal. New customers only. Includes Royal Australian Navy, Australian Army, Royal Australian Air Force, Second Australian Imperial Force, National Service and NORFORCE. Note 1: Calculated percentages represent a proportion of people aged 15 and over who reported being in the labour force in the area. Note: In December 2017, amendments to the Marriage Act 1961 came into effect enabling marriage equality for all couples. Talk to us Get in touch with us by phone or visiting our Customer Contact Centre. If you are planning to carry out any building work or renovations, it is important to obtain the necessary approvals beforehand and ensure the work complies with standards. More information is provided in Comparing 2021 Census and Labour Force Survey. These adjustments may cause the sum of rows or columns to differ by small amounts from table totals. This automatically renews to be charged as $16 (min. %%EOF Information about Council, working here, our vision and our role and responsibilities. Sutherland Shire Council encompasses an area of 370 square kilometres, with a community of over 220,000 people, in Sydney's south. See full details. The data has not changed. Data is not up-to-date. Participate. Note 1: Respondents had the option of reporting up to two ancestries on their Census form, and this is captured by the Ancestry multi response (ANCP) variable used in this table. The Sutherland Shire Council administers an area of approximately 370 square kilometres located twenty-five kilometres south of Sydney's central business district. (a) Includes dwellings purchased under a shared equity scheme. please wait . Learn more. endstream endobj startxref Use the mapping tool to share your ideas across Sutherland Shire Local Government Elections and Mayoral Election, Director Shire Infrastructure and Operations - Brooke Martin, Director Corporate Support - Clare Phelan, Director Shire Services - Michelle Whitehurst, Director Planning and Growth - David Milliken, Council and committee business papers and minutes, Council and committee business papers and minutes 2023, Council and committee business papers and minutes 2022, Council and committee business papers and minutes 2021, Council and committee business papers and minutes 2020, Council and committee business papers and minutes 2019, Council and committee business papers and minutes 2018, Council and committee business papers and minutes 2017, Council and committee business papers and minutes 2016, Update your details for rates information, Rates and general enquiries - Frequently asked questions, Work Experience Building and Construction form, Work Experience Communications and Engagement Form, Work Experience Construction Project Management Form, Work Experience Early Education Centres Form, Work Experience Leisure and Fitness Industry Form, Work Experience Nursery Bushland and Parks Form, Work Experience Public Relations and Media Form, Commitment to community celebrated on Australia Day Community, Celebrations in sight for Seniors Festival, Sandy Point boat ramp upgrade delivers improved access to local waterways, Sutherland Shire Councils Cinema Under the Stars set to return, Sutherland Shire community set to come together for Australia Day events program, Courts win support after significant upgrade to local netball facilities, Council steps forward in support of campaign against domestic violence, A pawfect family day out at Sutherland Shire Councils Animal Shelter Open Day, Council Lifeguards ready to respond this summer beach season, Return of Grandparent's Day celebrations set to bring smiles to faces of local youngsters, seniors, Queens legacy set to grow, with Council, students leading leafy tribute, Council flicks the switch on renewable energy, Spring into Sutherland Shire Councils Bushcare Fair, Statement on behalf of Sutherland Shire Mayor, Celebrating creativity among all abilities through new ShireABILITY Art Award, Extraordinary efforts of ordinary people to be celebrated in local community awards program, Council sets the scene for creative concepts to become prize winning projects, Share your vision for the future of key community areas, Slide, glide or stride around Sutherland Shires latest playground upgrades, Legacy of Dharawal woman Biddy Giles honoured in Kirrawee park, Funding boost from Council set to support local not-for-profit programs, Come find your furr-ever friend and save Council shelter from cat-astrophic overcrowding, Joint tree planting project to provide big benefit for small creatures, Wheels in motion for educational program to promote active transport, Treat your-shelf at Councils Annual Library Book Sale, Community once again unites for Meeting of Two Cultures event, Gymea Village set to shine for another evening of community entertainment, Care and commitment of local nurse honoured at Engadine Town Park, Cronulla to come alive with upcoming celebration of Indigenous culture, performance and history, Seniors set to be spoilt for choice with exciting program of events lined up for Councils Seniors Festival, Council urges residents to play their part to tackle burning issue with waste, Council to deliver added funding to worthy not-for-profit projects, Business set to benefit from upcoming Small Business Month Summit, Council leads initiative to combat social isolation, Promoting the value of inclusion across the community, Excitement ramping up for Sutho Skate event, Devotion to going above and beyond the call of civic duty celebrated in Councils Australia Day Awards, Opportunities far and wide to mark Australia Day 2022 in Sutherland Shire, Energy and enthusiasm led by experience, as Councillors sworn in for new term of Council, First sod turned in major overhaul of Mirandas Seymour Shaw Park, Boon for boaters and beaches as Port Hacking dredging gets underway, Nurture your green thumb at Councils Community Nursery Open Day, Stars set to shine for grand opening of The Pavilion Performing Arts Centre Sutherland, Deserving local community groups encouraged to apply for grant funding, Sutherland Shire Council shore up another win in engineering excellence, Connect.
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