Suspected serial killer Terry Rasmussen, her common-law husband, was convicted in her death. Anyone aware of a missing child or a missing child and mother from the time frame in the story is asked to contact the New Hampshire State Police at 603-MCU-TIPS or Sgt. Both had been killed by "blunt force" trauma to the head. Rasmussen was arrested, pleaded guilty to murder and was sentenced to 15 years to life in jail in 2003, still under the name Kimball. Rae-Venter told 20/20 the search led her to a man named Armand Beaudin in Manchester, New Hampshire, about 15 miles from Allenstown and Bear Brook State Park. The fate of Denise Baudin, most likely murdered by Rasmussen, is unknown. At the time, New Hampshire did not have its own Medical Examiners office, so the remains were flown to Maine. The suspected serial killer, who died in a California prison in 2010, is accused of having killed at least six people, including his toddler daughter. In 2003, San Bernardino County Sheriffs Department opened a case to find her biological family but without Rasmussens cooperation, it proved fruitless until Detective Peter Headley eventually came up with a new way to solve the puzzle many years later. In June last year, after all the DNA tests had been completed, and the names had been confirmed, New Hampshire Police Department convened a press conference to reveal the identities of three known victims in the Bear Brook murder case. As was the case previously, the bodies had been wrapped in plastic sheeting and both victims had died of head injuries. He recognized the man as his missing daughters boyfriend, Bob Evans. In a criminal investigation first, Barbara took DNA that Lisa provided and then ran it through popular ancestry websites such as, 23andme and the aggregate site GEDmatch, to try and find matches. I became completely consumed. Terry Rasmussen is pictured in an undated photo with one of his children. All the while the family wanted answers: how did he do it, why did he do it?. Jenson worked as a handyman and electrician at the park, authorities said. An artists rendering shows what the unidentified daughter of suspected serial killer Terry Rasmussen might have looked like before her killing. The couple, who soon relocated to Phoenix, had twin daughters in 1969. I havent been able to get back to tennis yet, she laughs. I was estranged from my family. He provided the DNA, which proved the biological link and told San Bernardino Investigators that his daughter, Denise, had left town back in 1981 with a man who called himself Bob Evans. Terry Rasmussen is pictured in a 1985 mugshot. After several months of searching, I turned the theory over to the State Police in December of 2014., Jayme Closs' Crime Scene Photos Revealed: Inside Murder-Kidnapping House of Horrors. She could easily get lost in research and was driven by deep empathy because, as she explains it, she could have a been a victim herself. Having grown up there I know that people are reticent to talk. The girls were estimated to be around two to three years old and a year old, respectively. The drum contained the decomposed, skeletonized remains of a young woman in her early twenties and a girl, aged around eleven. We didnt want to think he was out there, we felt he had come to some kind of end. Gruenheid learned a few weeks after the guilty plea that he was not Lisa Jensons father. As it turned out, police officials there were familiar with a man named Bob Evans. Rasmussen was born in 1943 in Denver but grew up in Arizona, according to New Hampshire authorities. by. By the next year, when Lisa reached out to him for an update, the amount of available data had exploded. The victim was not Denise Beaudin. Family and friends became consumed too. New Hampshire is a very conservative state, so people dont change and the whole burgeoning interest in cold cases and true crime didnt take off there as much as in other areas. Maricopa County Sheriff's Office Known by a lengthy list of aliases, Terry Peder Rasmussen has been dubbed "The Chameleon Killer" for assuming so many different identities as he infiltrated families and destroyed lives in New Hampshire and California. That feeling will stay with me for a long time. Fingerprints taken from inside his trailer came back as belonging to Kimball, the name under which he had been arrested in 1985 for drunken driving. People may receive compensation for some links to products and services. Thousands of Amazon workers returning to offices after 3 years of working from home, Upcoming Kraken home playoff games are more expensive than flight, ticket to game in Dallas, Seattle woman allegedly turns water on in apartment to intentionally damage other units, Canadian folk singer Gordon Lightfoot dead at 84. Here were these girls and nobody seemed to be caring for them. I tried to put myself in the place of the victims family using the scenario that they were not assuming the worst had happened but had just lost touch over the years and wanted to check back in. (AP Photo). Although New Hampshire authorities were unable to give the Beaudin family closure, they did make headway in the Bear Brook case. First barrel found in 1985 containing two bodies near Bear Brook State Park in Allenstown, New Hampshire. 19 mins. I went over (to their house) to invite them here for Christmas and found out that they were already gone, Beaudin said. It was a puzzle, and Barbara liked puzzles. She said that she did, but they died from eating grass mushrooms when they were out camping, Headley said. Juns mummified body was found buried under cat litter in her basement in 2002. When friends reported her missing, Vanner was taken in for questioning, at which point he was fingerprinted. It seemed to take forever. What people dont understand is that when you upload to GEDmatch you are not uploading your DNA, that stays wherever you tested. The siblings interviewed the owner of the General store site several times. Who did he get her from?. In 2017, investigators named Terry Peder Rasmussen as the most likely suspect. He attended high school in Arizona but dropped out to join the Navy in 1961. As the first person involved in this new line of investigation, cops warned her she could potentially be a target for "any wingnut out there who had left his DNA somewhere he shouldnt have.". But I dont believe that she knew about his ability to kill women and children.. Inside, wrapped in plastic, were the badly decomposed bodies of Honeychurch and her 6-year-old daughter, Marie Vaughn. I wanted to give these girls a voice. The 1985 victims were exhumed. Rasmussen is suspected of having killed at least six people across the U.S., including Beaudin, pictured at right in 1976. 1970 RASMUSSEN family moved to Redwood City, CA. She was his girlfriend in 2002 when she. One came from a true crime podcast released that year, which explained how cutting-edge isotope tests had revealed where the victims had lived. It is also unclear when she might have been slain. With Lisa we had to do so target testing because we just didnt have the information. She flew to Florida to interview the cop in charge of the original case. An analysis of her bones suggests that she may have had anemia in life but this cannot be confirmed. bail amounts by crime florida; oxymizer vs high flow; puppies for sale in arizona under $200; terry rasmussen son eric . The three were among four victims found stuffed into 55-gallon drums in New Hampshire woods in 1985 and 2000. The system worked. He had been labeled "The Chameleon.". New Hampshire authorities opened a missing persons case for Denise Beaudin in 2016. Authorities believe Rasmussens daughter was between 2 and 4 years old when she was killed, putting her date of birth somewhere between 1975 and 1977. (New Hampshire State Police). His daughters name is unknown, as is the identity of her mother, who authorities believe is likely another of Rasmussens victims. I wanted to know why we have so many. Rasmussen was convicted of killing Eunsoon Jun in June 2003 and has been linked to five others deaths. A son was born in 1970 in Palo Alto, California, followed by a third daughter in 1972. The detective suspected that Rasmussen had pleaded guilty because he overheard her telling another detective she planned to request a paternity test to determine if Lisa was really the killers child. They contact Eric Rasmussen to let them know his abusive father, Terry Peder Rasmussen, who used to burn him with cigarettes, is a serial killer. Her response was, now you know what its like to have your privacy violated. As he helped Lisa, now grown with her own family, look for her parents, he began working with Rae-Venter, the same genealogist now trying to identify Rasmussens slain daughter. Eric Rasmussen Obituary (2013) - Mason City, IA - Globe Gazette Career Early years Born Harold Ralph Rasmussen, he was originally known as Harry until legally changing his name to Eric during the 1976 - 1977 offseason. Terry Rasmussen was arrested in California in 2001 as Curtis Kimball, for killing his common-law wife. Crystal Bonvillian, Cox Media Group National Content Desk, Authorities seek ID of serial killer's slain daughter. Mississippi relatives hold key to ID of last of 4 New Hampshire serial Using this technique, scientists were able to ascertain that the related victims the adult, oldest and youngest child were raised in and had been living in a swath of territory that covered all of New England and stretched down as far as West Virginia. Rasmussen is suspected of having killed at least six people across the U.S., including Beaudin, pictured at right in 1976. Terry Rasmussen Terry Rasmussen is pictured in an undated photo with one of his children. where does scott podsednik live. I went ballistic and had the woman pull the thread from Facebook. Terry Rasmussen Eunsoon Jun is pictured in an undated photo. terry rasmussen son eric. Both had been dismembered and wrapped in plastic sheets. I dont see it. By this time, Lisa had been adopted. By using this website, you accept the terms of our Visitor Agreement and Privacy Policy, and understand your options regarding Ad Choices. Victims of Terry Rasmussen are remembered, decades after their violent deaths in Bear Brook State Park. terry rasmussen son eric - Terry Rasmussen was born on December 23rd 1943 in Denver, Colorado, US. Terry Rasmussen was born in Colorado on Dec. 23, 1943. The couple, who soon relocated to Phoenix, had twin daughters in 1969. At that time, Denise Beaudin also had a 5-month-old daughter. He married in 1968 and had four children with his wife, living in Arizona and California. Timeline: The history of serial killer Terry Peder Rasmussen The brothers notified the police, who found the skeletal remains of a 23-33-year-old . In the late 60s, he moved to Hawaii, where he worked in his parents shoe store and married in 1968, according to the police timeline. Terry Rasmussen Terry Rasmussen is pictured in a 1990 mugshot taken under the alias of Curtis Kimball. Eventually, the first two victims were buried at Saint Jean Baptiste Cemetery in Allenstown. Meanwhile, Barbara used the same technique to reveal his true name a fact which, when publicized, allowed Rebekah to identify the other three victims. She was playing a little tennis, traveling and working on her own family history research. CELEBRITY NEWS. As far back as about 1977, Bob Evans was living in Manchester, where he worked as head electrician at the Waumbec Mill. I could have gone down a path that took me to someone like the guy who killed the Bear Brook victims. A conversation with one of Terry Rasmussen's surviving children. I think perhaps people felt uncomfortable about it., Brother and sister team, Scott Maxwell and Ronda Randall. After a courageous battle with muscular. THE CHAMELEON KILLER 'Unmasked' Serial killer Terry Peder Rasmussen Eric K. "Razz" Rasmussen (1964-2013) - Find a Gruenheid learned a few weeks after the guilty plea that he was not Lisa Jensons father. (New Hampshire State Police). He died of lung cancer in 2010, never having faced justice for all the lives he took. Rasmussen is suspected of having killed at least six people across the U.S., including Beaudin, pictured at right in 1976. Terry Peder Rasmussen It allowed me to give a voice to the voiceless. They are sure there are other Chameleon victims buried somewhere, waiting to give up their secrets. Terry Rasmussen Marlyse Honeychurch, from left, and her daughters, Marie Vaughn and Sarah McWaters, are pictured, along with artists renderings of their bodies before they were identified in 2019. Weekends and evenings. This guys a ghost. She had slightly wavy brown hair and stood approximately 3 feet, 3 inches to 3 feet, 9 inches tall. (New Hampshire State Police). That first cousin, Beaudins nephew, had asked his uncle to take a DNA test for California authorities. He dropped out of high school and enlisted in 1961 in the U.S. Navy. The Chilling Story Of Terry Rasmussen, The 'Chameleon Killer' RASMUSSEN's son is born. Learn about careers at Cox Media Group. Armed with these vital clues, Rebekah revisited a post shed uncovered earlier in her research. She became a constant thorn in the polices side, making sure the case never went too cold. DNA testing has also revealed she is primarily Caucasian with a small amount of Asian, Black and American Indian ancestry.. All four killings are believed to have been committed around the same time. WATERLOO - Eric K. "Razz" Rasmussen, 49, of Waterloo, died Saturday morning, Aug. 10, 2013, at Gunderson Lutheran Hospital in LaCrosse, Wisconsin. The couple was married July 20, 1968 in Hawaii. Our Leadership | Thrivent As it turned out, police officials there were familiar with a man named Bob Evans. It was astonishing to finally give those girls their names back, says Ronda. She scoured official records, searched the internet, pored over registers and formed a Facebook group where 80 former residents helped to re-create a plan of the park. She had a slight overbite that may have been noticeable, the news release said. She mused about what could have happened to her or her siblings. The good old boys. Eric Rasmussen, Jerry Rasmussen's son, said his father was a "jack-of-all-trades." "My dad was like my best friend," Eric Rasmussen said. (National Center for Missing & Exploited Children), It tore my mom up. And Rebekah, Ronda and Barbara all agree on one chilling fact. Juns mummified body was found buried under cat litter in her basement in 2002. The incident forced Barbara to re-examine her involvement in investigative work. Using DNA taken from Kimball/Vanner/Jenson/Evans in California, they discovered that he was the father of one of the child victims, who over the years had become known as the middle child because of her age in relation to the other girls. One day Eunsoon told Renee that she was letting some . I sent her a message asking if she was still looking for the girl and she replied within minutes and said yes, she was still looking for Sarah. May their souls find peace in Gods loving care.. They were with me every day. Bear Brook Barrel Murders Update: Bodies Identified, Terry Rasmussen is I was really centered on the little girl, on Lisa, Gruenheid told 20/20 last year. Long before genetic genealogy was used in 2018 to crack the infamous Golden State Killer serial murders, California authorities were using ancestry websites to search for Lisa Jensons real identity. In the early days, on her first visit the site where the bodies were discovered, she took four stones from the scene, one for each victim, and vowed to one day write their names on them. Terry Rasmussen Terry Rasmussen is pictured in a 1985 mugshot. This station is part of Cox Media Group Television. And to do this, she took a step back in the investigative process. terry rasmussen son eric - The suspected serial killer, who died in a California prison in 2010, is accused of having killed at least six people, including his toddler daughter. The suspected serial killer, who died in a California prison in 2010, is suspected of killing at least six people, including his toddler daughter. But a year later, in July 2017, he was unmasked, thanks to the pioneering work of another amateur sleuth who discovered his real name was Terry Rasmussen. Rasmussen was born in 1943 in Denver but grew up in Arizona, according to New Hampshire authorities. They refused to name themselves. Knowing the region well, she has her own theories about why the crime faded into obscurity and why there was little effort to publicize it over the years. As far back as about 1977, Bob Evans was living in Manchester, where he worked as head electrician at the Waumbec Mill. In the intervening 15 years, forensic science had evolved and examiners were able to ascertain from DNA taken from all three victims that the adult was related to the oldest and youngest child, but not the middle one. He was born May 30th, 1964 in Madrid, son of. (New Hampshire State Police). It was from a woman looking for her husbands half-sister who had disappeared in the late seventies when she was just a toddler. His name was Bob Evans (one of Rasmussens aliases). He was also confirmed, via DNA, to be the father of a 2-to-4-year-old girl who was one of the Bear Brook victims. He was Ed Gallagher, and initially he was unforthcoming. After so many years, the contact address given on the post was discontinued, so Rebekah used social media to trace the female writer. State police investigators also began constructing a timeline for the man Strelzin described as a chameleon. She was raised and educated in Joice, graduating from Joice High School with the. Mississippi relatives hold key to ID of last of 4 New Hampshire serial Kloepfer last saw her father in either 1975 or 1976, when she was about 6 years old. I didnt realize how attached I was to the victims, she says. It included an "uninhabitable," "vacant" and "vandalized" mobile home, anabandoned, rusty Chrysler four-door sedan, wires, pipes,construction debris and old machines. Who did he get her from?. As a genealogist, it bothered me that these girls had no identity. Rasmussen had been convicted of the murder of a romantic partner in 2003. It was unbelievable.. I checked for electrician licenses in that name but records didnt go back that far. terry rasmussen son eric Honeychurch and her family have no ties to Mississippi, and they had no connection to New Hampshire before the murders, authorities said. It was a robbery.. She sent me more details. The suspected serial killer, who died in a California prison in 2010, is accused of having killed at least six people, including his toddler daughter. Fingerprints taken from inside his trailer came back as belonging to Kimball, the name under which he had been arrested in 1985 for drunken driving. terry rasmussen son eric. Prior to her involvement with the Bear Brook murders, she had never solved a case but found the process engrossing; therapeutic even. It was quite the puzzle.. She is also a member of the Thrivent Board of Directors. We found 73 records in 27 states for Terry Rasmussen in our US directory. murray frum net worth When his daughter and granddaughter left Manchester with Evans, Beaudin said, Evans told him they were leaving town because they owed people money, 20/20 reported. Cold but not forgotten: Front Page Detectives set to host a week of stories about cold cases, Police Make Arrest In Three-Decade Cold Case In Which Woman Was Raped, Murdered, New York Serial Killer May Still Be Roaming Free And Police Fear Finding More Butchered Victims. The killer had not only taken their lives, hed stripped them of their identities, and that made me angry. He never saw his daughter again but got to experience an emotional reunion with the granddaughter who had been missing for 35 years. Eric has been studying his discharge paperwork, a form called a DD-214. Salamon told the network that he and his family never stopped searching for his sister or his nieces. Ronda, 55, and a mother-of-three grown up children, was a childrens counselor when she first heard about the bodies in the barrels from an old newspaper report. Terry Rasmussen is pictured in an undated photo with one of his children. Terry Rasmussen is pictured in a 1985 mugshot. It is an argument she vehemently rejects. She went with Terry. All four killings are believed to have been committed around the same time. Suspected serial killer Terry Rasmussen, her common-law husband, was convicted in her death. Sarah was the youngest, her half-sister Marie Vaughn, was the oldest. View bio The details immediately aroused her interest. Rasmussen, whose true name was not discovered until after his death, was sentenced to serve 15 years in prison as Curtis Kimball. My starting point was not who are these people, it was how do I find the people that are looking for them,' because I figured there must be someone. Her retirement is now on hold and, along with a newly formed team of colleagues, she is working on 50 active cases. As a test, Barbara recently reworked the Lisa case using the same methodology. She mused about what could have happened to her or her siblings. New Hampshire authorities opened a missing persons case for Denise Beaudin in 2016. It was just a situation where, every time we searched, (we) came to a dead end, he said. Terry Lu, the daughter of Vernon and Marjorie (Stewart) Williams, was born on January 14, 1935, in Garner, Iowa. son of Phillip and Terry Rasmussen Eric K. Razz Rasmussen, 49, of Waterloo, died Saturday morning, Aug. 10th, 2013 at Gunderson Lutheran Hospital in LaCrosse, Wisconsin. There they were. Due to his use of many aliases, most notably "Bob Evans", Rasmussen is known as "The Chameleon Killer". Rebecca had discovered the key piece that unlocked a grisly decades-old mystery. Jun vanished in June 2002, according to police. But the technique also offers surprising details about organic life, as plants and animals absorb isotopes through their diet, which are then stored in tissue such as bones, hair and teeth. At that time, Denise Beaudin also had a 5-month-old daughter. They searched his home and found Eunsoons dismembered body hidden under a large pile of cat litter. Her father said the family had never reported her missing because they had no idea where to look for her. Terry Rasmussen Pictured are the metal drums in which four suspected serial killer victims were found in 1985 and 2000 in the woods near Bear Brook State Park in Allenstown, N. H. Three of the victims have been identified as Marlyse Honeychurch and her two daughters. Investigators, amateur sleuths, professional genealogists and others continued their dogged pursuit for answers and identities. She picked a case, researched it thoroughly and then searched genealogy website message boards dating back decades for posts from people searching for long lost relatives who fitted the profile of her "misper." Rasmussen, who was arrested for child abandonment in 1988 and served less than two years in prison as Kimball, was released on parole in October 1990 and disappeared. The project evolved to require 20,000 hours of work and over 100 volunteers, all focused on finding the family of a woman by now in her twenties who had been kidnapped by a man who died in jail in 2010. And as it wasnt known until she was 20 that she had been abducted there had been no press about it, so when police called people and asked if theyd take a DNA test, they Googled it, didnt see anything and thought it was some kind of scam. The headstone above the grave read: Here lies the mortal remains known only to God of a woman age 23-33 and a girl child age 8-10. As Jenson, he had abandoned a 5-year-old girl, who he claimed was his daughter, Lisa Jenson, while they were living together in 1986 at an RV park in Cypress, California. Terry Rasmussen is pictured in a 1990 mugshot taken under the alias of Curtis Kimball. Denise Beaudins body has never been found. But when the tests came back proving she was not, Rasmussen refused to tell detectives who she really was. terry rasmussen son eric In the course of their work, Ronda and Scott helped solve two other missing persons cases while a third case is still being investigated in Texas. One was found to have human legs sticking out of it. It took agonizing months. Gruenheid knew that Rasmussen, who was arrested in Juns killing while using the name Curtis Kimball, had also used other aliases, including Larry Vanner and Gordon Jenson. He doesnt exist prior to his (DUI) arrest in Cypress.. When Beaudin last saw his daughter, she introduced her family to her boyfriend, who she knew as Bob Evans. The girl was one of four victims found stuffed into 55-gallon drums in New Hampshire woods in 1985 and 2000. Their slain bodies were found on November 10, 1985 in Bear Brook State Park. After years of fruitlessly searching a persistent detective Peter Headley theorized a new way to solve the puzzle and, in 2015, contacted Barbara Rae-Venter, a retired attorney who worked as a volunteer "adoption angel," helping adoptees find their birth relatives using genealogy website databases. In 2012, they flew to Florida to interview the chief officer in the case when the first bodies were first found. In press briefings the District Attorneys office revealed that investigative genealogy has been used in the case. It is also unclear when she might have been slain. Rasmussen died in prison in California, where he was serving a sentence for killing his girlfriend, Eunsoon Jun. We interviewed several people who remembered Evans. Offers may be subject to change without notice. Terry Rasmussen's 1973 mug shot. In the meantime, Rasmussen lived out his days in jail, still under the name Kimball. She surmised that he was afraid she would look too closely at his past. When I walked away from the cult and started my life over, I was alone. The three were among four victims found stuffed into 55-gallon drums in New Hampshire woods in 1985 and 2000. Which says, yeah, theres more victims out there, definitely.. Isotopes are atoms with either too few or too many neutrons. DNA testing has also revealed she is primarily Caucasian with a small amount of Asian, Black and American Indian ancestry.. Detectives who went to the couples home looking for Jun found her mummified body buried under 10 bags worth of cat litter in their basement. Terry Rasmussen served in the Navy from 1961 to 1967, he was stationed at bases along the west coast and also at Okinawa in the Pacific. It was the name that grabbed her attention. 1. Jun vanished in June 2002, according to police. Rebekah Heath at the scene of the Bear Brook State Park. Terry Peder Rasmussen was born in Colorado in 1943. She attended anniversary memorials for the victims and kept the four blank stones at home as a reminder, unaware that a faltering investigation on the other side of the country, and another genealogist, held the other keys that eventually unlocked the mystery. He dropped out of high school and enlisted in 1961 in the U.S. Navy. I got the call that he was not biologically related to Lisa, and that confirmed a lot of what my suspicions were, the former detective said. I talked of nothing else. She, Rasmussen and the girls, who were then 6 years old and 11 months old, left after Honeychurch and her mother got into an argument. She passed any tidbits she uncovered to police. It made the plight of these unidentified little girls resonate even more. It also included parts of the upper Midwest and West Coast. ABC's '20/20: The Chameleon' examines the life, crimes, and impact of Terrence "Terry" Peder Rasmussen, a serial killer who the authorities believed used "at least five different aliases in a decades-long run of crimes across the country, including at least five homicides, and likely more." But unlike most killers, instead of targeting strangers, Terry committed []
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