the 1989 loma prieta earthquake quizlet

The 1989 Loma Prieta event originated on an undiscovered oblique-slip reverse fault that is located adjacent to the San Andreas Fault. Loma Prieta Earthquake Loma Prieta is the tallest peak in the Santa Cruz Mountains and it is common to see snow on the mountain during the winter. the 1989 Loma Prieta Earthquake How does the USGS tell the difference between an earthquake and a sonic boom? The added elements were longitudinal restraints at transverse expansion joints in the box girder spans, but no studies were made of possible failure modes specific to the Cypress Viaduct. The Bay Bridge: Competing Against Time [95] ABC then switched to episodes of Roseanne and The Wonder Years, which were on standby for a rain delay situation, while attempting to restore electricity to its remote equipment. However. The 1989 event's oblique-slip rupture was at 10km and below on a fault plane that dipped 70 to the southwest. [45], KNBR-AM (the designated station for the Bay Area's Emergency Broadcast System at the time) failed to communicate a catastrophe with the activation and instructions of the Emergency Broadcast System to the public after the quake because the engineering department at KNBR experienced major technical malfunctions and difficulties. Pacific Rim, bRise of magma from hotspots, such as those that formed the Loma Prieta 1989 earthquake: 15 seconds that changed [28] The Fraser-Smith et al. a. amplitude information until the At sites with rocky terrain, the duration was shorter and the shaking was much less intense, and at locations with unconsolidated soil (like the Marina District in San Francisco or the Cypress Street Viaduct in Oakland) the intensity of the shaking was more severe and lasted longer. $O./ 'z8WG x 0YA@$/7z HeOOT _lN:K"N3"$F/JPrb[}Qd[Sl1x{#bG\NoX3I[ql2 $8xtr p/8pCfq.Knjm{r28?. [63] Many residents slept outside their homes out of concern for further damage from aftershocks, of which there were 51 with magnitudes greater than 3.0 in the following 24 hours, and 16 more the second day. [66] Traffic on both decks came to a halt, blocked by the section of the roadbed. Of course, most "booms" that people hear or experience are actually some type of cultural noise, such as some type of explosion, a large vehicle going by, or sometimes a sonic boom, but there have been many reports of "booms" that cannot be explained by man-made sources. 0000001412 00000 n broadband stations with 24-bit digitizers. This Fact Sheet describes post-earthquake products and tools provided by the Advanced National Seismic System (ANSS) through the U.S. Geological Survey Earthquake Hazards Program. Helping with clean up and debris removal a)Produced little damage because most of the areas affected were [68] Employees from Pacific Pipe drove heavy lift equipment to the scene and started using it to raise sections of fallen freeway enough to allow further rescue. The earthquake struck Candlestick Park in San Francisco at approximately 5:04 p.m. on Oct. 17, less than 30 minutes prior to the Giants-A's Game 3 World Series game. Hans Solo on Twitter: "The last 'Big One' to hit the Bay Area There were no seismic activity in that area for years, therefore tension built up over a very long period, resulting in an earthquake. We are still, as we can tell, on the air, and I guess you are hearing us, even though we have no picture and no return audio, and we will be back, we hope, from San Francisco, in just a moment. It happened on October 17, 1989, at 5:04 p.m. local time. [18] In addition, there were 3,757 injuries as a result of the earthquake, 400 of which were serious. [26][27], After the earthquake occurred, a group led by Antony C. Fraser-Smith of Stanford University reported that the event was preceded by disturbances in background magnetic field noise as measured by a sensor placed in Corralitos, about 4.5 miles (7km) from the epicenter. Because of the unusual circumstance that both of the World Series teams (the San Francisco Giants and Oakland Athletics) were based in the affected area, many people had left work early or were staying late to participate in after work group viewings and parties. [40] Many San Francisco radio and television stations were temporarily knocked off the air. The 1989 Loma Prieta earthquake occurred on Californias Central Coast on October 17 at 5:04 p.m. local time. The shock was centered in The Forest of Nisene Marks State Park approximately 10 mi (16 km) northeast of Santa Cruz on a section of the San Andreas Fault System and was named for the nearby Loma Prieta Peak in the Santa Cruz Mountains. It isn't that simple. Complete these sentences with the tense and voice of the verb indicated in parentheses. "SFFD Fireboats: The History of the Fireboat Phoenix. Cars on the upper deck were tossed around violently, some of them flipped sideways and some of them were left dangling at the edge of the freeway. The first is that the geometry of the San Andreas Fault goes through a transition every several thousand years. 20km How deep was the focus? [64], Damage to the Salinas River rail bridge and subsequent repairs led to reduced traffic on the Monterey Branch Line, which contributed to the discontinuance of freight rail services in western Monterey County. Well, folks, that's the greatest open in the history of television! Local History. The shock was centered in The Forest of Nisene Marks State Park in Santa Cruz County, approximately 10 mi (16 km) northeast of Santa Cruz on a section of the San Andreas Fault System and was named for the nearby Loma Prieta Peak in the Santa Cruz Mountains. More moderate damage resulted from the August 8, 1989, shock (intensity VII, Very strong) when chimneys were toppled in Cupertino, Los Gatos, and Redwood Estates. [5] From the perspective of Loma Prieta and other mountains atop the Sierra Azul block, the Pacific Plate is trying to shear them off the North American Plate but can't break them off. Hawaiian Islands, c. Magma extruded from rift valleys which are developing Michaels: Yes, it certainly did! Highway 17 was blocked for several weeks by a large slide and one person was killed by a rockfall along the coast. largest amplitude waves had passed. Projected losses from a major California earthquake soar. From 1976 through 1990 amateur astronomer Donald Machholz set up his telescope an average of 120 times a year on the south slope of this mountain to search for comets. Eastbound drivers stuck on the lower deck between the collapse and Yerba Buena Island were routed up to the upper deck and westward back to San Francisco. 1989 Loma Prieta Earthquake - University of California, Highest peak in the Santa Cruz Mountains in Northern California, For the 1989 earthquake that affected the San Francisco Bay and Monterey Bay regions, see, List of summits of the San Francisco Bay Area, National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration, "Exhumation history of the Sierra Azul Block of the Santa Cruz Mountains Revealed Using Low Temperature Thermochronology",, Mountains of Santa Clara County, California, Short description is different from Wikidata, Pages using infobox mountain with language parameter, Creative Commons Attribution-ShareAlike License 3.0, This page was last edited on 23 February 2023, at 17:40. Starting near Uvas Canyon, the fault stops trending northwest but instead bends west-northwest for about eight miles before continuing its northwest direction. Hans Solo on Twitter: "The last 'Big One' to hit the Bay [73] Dubbed "Lucky Buck" by the local radio, Helm lived for another 29 days on life support, but then died of respiratory failure at the age of 58. However, experts claim that more people would have died had it not been for the World Series as many were watching the game rather than sitting in traffic on freeways, where most of the casualties occurred. Language links are at the top of the page across from the title. It was a tragic reminder of the destructive power of earthquakes. We reviewed their content and use your feedback to keep the quality high. The last 'Big One' to hit the Bay Area occurred in 1989, with the Loma Prieta #earthquake. What percentage of Watsonville downtown was damaged? There is not one magnitude above which damage will occur. What was the rating on the Mercalli Scale? [76], Immediately after the earthquake, Bay Area airports were closed so officials could conduct a visual inspection and damage assessment procedures. the state of california is overdue for another big earthquake. The largest recorded earthquake-induced offset in a well is a one meter rise. Local History. Oral History: The epicenter was located in the Santa Cruz mountains, near Loma Prieta peak, about 70 [50], At the intersection of Beach and Divisadero Streets in San Francisco, a natural gas main rupture caused a major structure fire. [43][44] KCBS-AM (CBS News Radio) switched immediately to backup power and managed to stay on air despite a subsequent generator failure. Also in Los Gatos, one man died when he fell or jumped through a window and impacted the ground five stories below. Three scenarios were presented that might explain this disparity. [8][14], The June 27, 1988, shock occurred with a maximum intensity of VI (Strong). October 17 marks the 33-year anniversary of the Loma Prieta earthquake that jolted the San Francisco Bay Area in 1989. Building design [50], To assist with transportation during Bay Bridge repairs, Bay Area Rapid Transit ran 24-hour service in the Transbay Tube between the date of the earthquake and December 3 that same year. 1989 Loma Prieta earthquake - Simple English Wikipedia, Loma Prieta Earthquake 1989 Flashcards | Quizlet [58] Santa Cruz beach lifeguards assisted in moving the victims. Community preparedness [37] The Ford's department store in Watsonville experienced significant damage, including a crack down the front of the building. WebForewordThe 1906 Great San Francisco earthquake (magnitude 7.8) and the 1989 Loma Prieta earthquake (magnitude 6.9) each motivated residents of the San Francisco Bay During the quake, the epicenter slipped up to [42] A Goodyear Blimp had already been overhead to cover the baseball game, and ABC used it to capture images of damage to the Bay Bridge and other locations. The 1989 Loma Prieta earthquake occurred on California's Central Coast on October 17 at 5:04 p.m. local time. Jim Berkland [47], Four people died in San Francisco's Marina District, four buildings were destroyed by fire, and seven buildings collapsed. [8][13], The ML 5.3 June 1988 and the ML 5.4 August 1989 events also occurred on previously unknown oblique reverse faults and were within 3mi (4.8km) of the M6.9 Loma Prieta mainshock epicenter, near the intersection of the San Andreas and Sargent faults. Oakland Athletics players wait in confusion at Candlestick Park just after the Loma Prieta earthquake suspended World Series Game 3, October 17, 1989. Game 3 of the series was scheduled to begin at San Francisco's Candlestick Park on October 17 at 5:35 PDT, and American TV network ABC began its pre-game show at 5:00 PDT. [79], San Francisco Municipal Railway (Muni) lost all power to electric transit systems when the quake hit, but otherwise suffered little damage and no injuries to operators or riders. Loma Prieta Earthquake, October 17, 1989 From the Archives: ABC7's Peabody Award winning coverage of 1989 Loma Prieta Loma Prieta Earthquake How many people did the bridge collapsing kill? Other ground effects included downslope movement, slumps, and ground cracks. In the magnitude 6.9 Loma Prieta earthquake of 1989, a brick wall in San Francisco fell onto a parking lot, leaving cars crushed; five people died. The ground was unconsolidated rock, so seismic waves got through easier, causing more disruption. If traffic had been normal for a Tuesday rush hour, injuries and deaths would certainly have been higher. Parts of the fault line moved as much as 6.4 metres (21 feet) during the 1906 earthquake. The great majority of Californias population lives in the vicinity of the San Andreas Fault. Bryant Gumbel, Jane Pauley and Deborah Norville anchored from Chicago (where they had planned to originally do a special celebratory edition), with reports done by Bob Jamieson and Don Oliver in San Francisco, and George Lewis in Oakland. "KNBR's response on Loma Prieta's Emergency Broadcast System activation failure". San Jose International Airport,[77] Oakland International Airport and San Francisco International Airport all opened the next morning. Today the BDSN consists of 28 [35] At the Santa Cruz Beach Boardwalk, the Plunge Building was significantly damaged. In total, Otto Nuttli reported more than 200 moderate to large aftershocks in the New Madrid region between December 16, 1811, and March 15, 1812: ten of these The Mayor of San Francisco, Art Agnos, later came on the air and provided an update on the earthquake.[46]. In 1989, the Loma Prieta earthquake severely damaged the Bay Bridge. The Loma Prieta earthquake caused a great deal of destruction in San Francisco, amassing to about $6 billion in damage repair. [100] Fans reported that the stadium moved in an articulated manner as the earthquake wave passed through it, that the light standards swayed by many feet, and that the concrete upper deck windscreen moved in a wave-like manner over a distance of several feet. Seismological Laboratory operated a small network of 16-bit digital seismometers. WebThe Loma Prieta, California, earthquake of October 17, 1989-- hydrologic disturbances : strong ground motion and ground failure The Loma Prieta, California, earthquake of October 17, 1989-- Marina District : strong ground motion and ground failure The Loma Prieta, California, earthquake of October 17, 1989 : lifelines No state legislature to ensure that every building is resistant. Official websites use .gov [60] Widespread search operations were organized to find possible victims inside the remains of fallen structures. On this Wikipedia the language links are at the top of the page across from the article title. The World Series resumed on Oct. 27 1989 and finished the following day. 00:04 UTC in the Santa Cruz Mountains of The probability curves were based on complementary cumulative frequency distrib, Liquefaction features can be used in many field settings to estimate the recurrence interval and magnitude of strong earthquakes through much of the Holocene. It was even unclear if the As-Giants Bay Bridge Series would be able to resume at the time. a broadband seismometer and a strong-motion instrument in order to 0000001612 00000 n How old is Golden Gate Bridge? From 1955 to 2005, the mountain was the longtime site for the transmitter tower of San Jose television station KNTV. [98], Inside Candlestick Park, fewer than half of the more than 62,000 fans[22] had reached their seats by the time of the quake, and the load on the structure of the stadium was lower than maximum. At more than 44 miles (70km) distant, the San Francisco Bay Area recorded peak horizontal accelerations that were as high as 0.26 g, and close to the epicenter they peaked at more than 0.6 g. In a general way, the location of aftershocks of the event delineated the extent of the faulting, which (according to seismologist Bruce Bolt) extended about 24 miles (40km) in length. ", "Forecasts of the 1989 Loma Prieta, California, earthquake", "Main-shock and very early aftershock activity", "1 Dead as 5.1 Quake Jolts Bay Area: Man, 19, Leaps to Death in Panic; Damage Minor", "Near-source modeling of the Loma Prieta earthquake: Evidence for heterogeneous slip and implications for earthquake hazard", "Broadband study of the source characteristics of the earthquake", "Profile of mortality from the 1989 Loma Prieta earthquake using coroner and medical examiner reports", "Out of the Rubble. [41] KGO-TV, the local ABC station in San Francisco, was off the air for about 15 minutes, while KRON-TV (at the time the region's NBC affiliate) was off the air for about half an hour,[42] and KGO-AM (ABC News Radio) was off the air for about 40 minutes. 30 years later, we revisit the earthquake through the eyes of the scientists who experienced it. [65], The San FranciscoOakland Bay Bridge suffered severe damage, as a 76-by-50-foot (23m 15m) section of the upper deck on the eastern cantilever side fell onto the deck below. Minor lateral spreading was also seen along the shores of San Francisco Bay and to the south near Monterey Bay. Jim Miklaszewski and Bob Hager covered disaster response from Washington. One 50-foot (15m) section of the San FranciscoOakland Bay Bridge also collapsed, leading to a single fatality, Anamafi Moala, a 23-year-old woman. 1)The 1989 Loma Prieta Earthquake Just as there are safer and less safe places to be on the surface of the earth during an earthquake, there are also various characteristics inside caves that make some cave locations safer or less safe than others. Other areas with certain soil conditions were susceptible to site amplification due to the effects of liquefaction, especially near the shore of San Francisco Bay (where its effects were severe in the Marina District) and to the west of the epicenter near rivers and other bodies of water. Which plates caused these faults on the San Andreas Fault line? [9], While a Mercalli Intensity of VIII (Severe) covered a large swath of territory relatively close to the epicenter (including the cities of Los Gatos, Santa Cruz, and Watsonville) farther to the north, portions of San Francisco were assessed at intensity IX (Violent). The 1989 Loma Prieta Earthquake was an earthquake that took place in the San Francisco Bay Area. Because the rupture took place bilaterally, the duration of strong shaking was about half of what it would have been had it ruptured in one direction only. The units consist of alluvial fan, beach ridge, river delta topset and foreset beds, eolian dune, point bar, flood basin, natural river and alluvial fan levees, abandoned river channel, deep-water lake, lagoonal, We calculated liquefaction potential index for a grid of sites in the Evansville, Indiana area for two scenario earthquakes-a magnitude 7.7 in the New Madrid seismic zone and a M6.8 in the Wabash Valley seismic zone. Loma Prieta and other nearby mountain peaks are pushed upward by local collision forces associated with a left bend in the San Andreas fault. Magnitude 3 b.Magnitude [13], In early 1988, the Working Group for California Earthquake Probabilities (WGCEP) made several statements regarding their forecasts for the 225mi (360km) northern San Andreas Fault segment, the 56mi (90km) San Francisco Peninsula segment, and a 18.822mi (3035km) portion of that segment which was referred to as the southern Santa Cruz Mountains segment. [72] That same day, survivor Buck Helm was freed from the wreckage, having spent 90 hours trapped in his car. The 1989 Loma Prieta Earthquake

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