A clogged toilet does not give you the right to act immature and mean and it is not up to you all to judge your brother because of a costume that only needed some minor improvements! Lincoln was so invested in them that he never noticed the stage in front of the house. END OF CHAPTER 9, Loud House and Casagrandes art collections. What should I remove? Lucy: Indeed, Money is the root of all evil and made by the devil. Lincoln: No kidding, Ronnie Anne. And when Rita found out Lynn Sr. played a part Luan's prank, she made him sleep on the couch for a whole week. Instead of being caring and considerate, youve wasted the whole day being a bunch of stupid, selfish, irresponsible and hopeless pests! Okay, maybe I went a little overboard, but theyve been so hard on me all day, I missed my convention because of them. (Halloween Special), "Dangerously Loud" - Kid Danger and Captain Man go to Royal Woods to stop their biggest enimies with the Loud gang's help. Who does he think he is? Sly: Crash? Joe has an idea of which episode the Louds will be forgiven. There is the occasional food break, of course, where the reactors recount what they learned. (It starts with Lincoln in his room, sulkily taking off his Ace Savvy costume and changing into his regular clothes. Moneybags: fine. Cheryl briefly appears, announcing at Lola's pageant. For leaving the TV running? (11 year old Lynn was making a Valentines Day gift for 9 year old Lincoln.). You Okay? I always used to think you were mature and caring and sensible. Interactive Episodes (Nick App/Nick.com/Netflix (hopefully)-Exclusive), "One Flu Over the Loud House and Felt Better", http://theloudhouse.wikia.com/wiki/User_blog:Harrisondlittrell/The_Inflatium_Saga, Do Not Sell or Share My Personal Information. Lincoln: Why should you rats care? "Homecoming" - After the events of "The Loudest Mission: Relative Chaos" & "Back Out There", Ronnie Anne moves back to Royal Woods, along with her mom, Bobby (much to Lori's joy), and the Casagrandes, due to some unfortunate events back in the city. (Lincoln hugged Lynn and she returned the hug. He humiliated me! Lily: *giggling* Poo-Poo. ), (4 year old Lynn was pushing 2 year old Lincoln on the swing at the park's playground. The battle begins as Moneybags launches fireballs at them, but they swerve and dodge out of the way down the three-section road. Young Lynn: (holding Cliff) And we have the culprit right here to prove it. I could never get mad at you, you're always so cute and innocent. As if Morag thought it couldnt get any worse, what with being defeated by Lincoln loud, who was now standing over her ready to give her the comeuppance she deserves. ??? Before heading downstairs though, she enters Lincoln's room.). But all they've got is a bag of hilariously dumb schemes. OUCH!!!! Rita: Now Lincoln, you stay in your room and think about how you treated your sisters, and when we get back, I'm gonna have a long talk with you about your behavior! Young Lynn: (comforting Lincoln) Oh, don't worry Lincoln. Lynn: Goodnight, my baby bro. Lincoln: Get real, dumb-ass! Watching many of the episodes results in Lori understanding she needs to stop putting her relationship with Bobby above looking out for her siblings, and Bobby that he needs to be more attentive of Lori's faults. Rita: Now what do you have to say to your sisters and your father? The Louds' actions in "No Such Luck" being unraveled causes a, Upon finding out about their actions in "No Such Luck", Albert is, Lily having to choose whether to sit with Lincoln or the rest of their family in. Mr.Grouse was not bothered by the noises as the Louds let him know and he wore the Noise-B-Gone earbuds. Or that Lisa dresses like a slimy frog? Lincoln: Goodnight, Mommy Lynn. "The Loudstones" - A caveman version of Lincoln discovers fire. "Leni Secrurity Guard"/"Brain Drained Lisa" - Feeling that Leni is the butt of everything (ex: Luan's jokes), Lincoln tries to protect her from anything she might fall for./Lisa's plan to increase her brain power backfires, making her dummer than mud. Nina: She’s a new accompaniment of ours. Your makeup? This isnt some trashy alley. Whats next? They gasp and gurgle in repulse.). (Lana hands Big Bertha over to her mother. He also tells her that if she and her family aren't shown in a better light, she won't be associated with them anymore. And after that they went to the comic shop to get some new issues of Ace Savvy comics. Episode ideas - The Loud House Encyclopedia Young Lincoln: Thanks for teaching me how to play catch, Lynn. Rita: (whistles) THAT IS ENOUGH!!! Have it your way. Spyro: Moneybags… Murray: You know this guy? You've done it again. Lola: We shouldve have let you kept that quarter. The error of the bones in Lucy's left arm not being shown as she's shocked by Luan's joy buzzer is explained in that she was wearing a lead-lined sleeve for Leni and forgot to take it off. The Louds also lost a ton of money from having to buy the land for the fake clown camp as well as rigging up the motel with the pranks but Lisa's grant money from New Guinea and Czeckloslovakia helped shoulder the losses. For not pulling out the bath plug? In "ARGGH You For Real", when Lincoln teams up with Hunter to fake the haunting in the cemetery house to restore Clyde's faith in the series, it is revealed that Clyde knew Lincoln and Hunter were faking it but played along with it because he was touched by the efforts Hunter went to make it up to him. What are you doing here with Nina? So here's the official story order of Special Sister Bond: 1. Anything for my big sister. Originally written by DeviantArt user JackLeighton19 and edited by PicholasStripes2000. ), (8 year old Lincoln was struggling to do a push-up in front of the bullies, but fell face flat.). Not my local school bullies. (The whole family is now in the living room. Crash: huh? I will not stand for this sort of behavior in my house! (Then Lynn screamed at the top of her lungs as it transits back to The Loud House, in Lynn and Lucy's room, where Lynn was still screaming, then she started panting. Ruth: YOU HEARD YOUR MOTHER!!!!! what are you doing? Lucy: The Mortician's Club scorn her, telling her that while they enjoy dark stuff, what she did was just cold-blooded, and also tell her that if she isn't portrayed in a better light, she's out of the club and their lives. Youve got no right to make fun of someone just because of a costume that wasnt even properly finished. Lincoln: Dad. Stay in your room for 2 weeks! (A few minutes later, a splash in the bathroom is heard). Despite "Silence of the Luans", Lily loses all respect for. Nina: Shall we torture our prisoners? Luna: Especially throw you.well you know. Moneybags: My my, if it isn’t spyro and his little friends. Life of Pie 5. Lynn: Snakes, are we!? It was subsequently reposted on DeviantArt before the account was deactivated. This is what finally convinces them to drop the luck perception, he and her mother raised her to be more mature and smarter than that, even if his method's somewhat unconventional, is considering stopping being so forgiving towards his family. "ARGGH! The Loud House Encyclopedia is a FANDOM TV Community. He stepped on one of Luan's whoopee cushions for the effect. GIRLS! Your voices? Lisa: That is beyond such insane manner of speech. And she’s much cooler than the geeky mouse you know. *Lincoln and Ronnie Anne leave Gus' Games and Grub and start heading back to the Loud House. After having fun in the trampoline, the siblings return inside the house. I have a right to my own passions here. ), (Lola walks over to her mommy and slaps her cheek. Crash and sly woke up with splitting headaches. *cradles Lily with his good arm* You know, it's good that you're never rough to me, like everyone else, Lily. Just for a toilet issue? I love it. The two also burp loudly at several points as well. Lynn Sr., Rita, Albert, Maria, Arturo, Hector, and Rosa. Kotaro also tells Lynn Sr. not to call him "K-Dog". The MaybeBag - Lincoln, Clyde, Ronnie Anne, Leni, and Lana are on a quest to find one amazing idea. Lynn Sr.: He mouthed off at me! Also revealed is how they got the concert for Lincoln set up. Well Ive got one life rule, which is Im not going to sit around and let my whole family act like a bunch of snobs over something i dont even truly read. The day after they told the truth to each other and accepted that ARGGH! Sly: What do you mean by…Wait a minute, you’re a different Penelope from another dimension! When Clyde is helping Lincoln recreate his memories in "The Whole Picture", the costumes he wore of his sisters also came from the trunk used in "Cover Girls". And to top it all off, you make Lucy feel nervous over a book that is actually hers! Reacting to The Loud House is an ongoing series of The Loud House and The Casagrandes fics written by J Tom (or JTom09) in which many characters from both shows watch episodes of said shows. (Leaves the room) Sly: So what are you doing here and what do you want from us? "Close Encounters of the Loud Kind"/"The Monster of Lisa Loud" - Leni tells her siblings she had a dream about being abducted by aliens and got a navel probe in the progress. Thanks, Lincoln. Lincoln: (content) There. Lincoln: (offended slightly) Well..okay, yes I did. "Super Louds: Age of Jerktron" - After the events of "Super Loud", Lisa creates a robot that's taken over the Loud House and taken Lily hostage! (The Loud House/. Whats with all the stupid insults? The Loud Parents get into a feud with the Santiago parents, and the Loud kids, Santiago kids, and Clyde must find a way to stop it./Luna accidentally gets dosed with Lisa's "inflatium" thanks to the sound waves of her guitar. During the birthday parties Luan and Lincoln perform at, Scoots, Bernie, and Seymour have small speaking roles while Darcy, Boy Jordan, and Cassy have non-speaking roles. Rita: Oops! How would any of you like that!? (The Wizard of Oz parody), "Loud Surfing" - The Loud Gang gets seperated and swept away to remote islands and oceans by a giant wave. Lincoln: Well, lesson learned, when youve got family issues, just let your mother sort out the problems and more importantly, control your emotions. For not taking out the rubbish? I mean, whatever happened to appreciating each others talents!? (With Special Guest Stars - Ryan Reynolds, Kevin Hart, and Jennifer Lopez as the adult versions of Lincoln, Clyde, and Ronnie Anne respectively). Of all the non-Louds, Sid burps a few times as well. She realized that it was all just a dream. Young Lynn: (returns the hug) Ah, you're welcome, Linky. Young Lincoln: (imitating Lightning McQueen) I think it looks great, Lincoln & Lynn. Pelt them with rotten eggs!? Lincoln: (sighs) Yes mom. Point made. (They gaze at the two, who frown at them. BOOM! *6 minutes later, they arrive at the Loud House and go up to the front door. Let me all tell you this. Ross the Pig crashed his motorbike into the wall of the sandbox world, causing Lincoln & Lynn to laugh. They were making fun of my costume and of a girly princess book all day and I get grounded just because of a simple toilet clog! Rita and Ruth: OUCH!!! Lincoln's sisters felt guilty about preventing him from getting his SMOOCH tickets and pulled him aside in the backyard and tried to give him the money, only for Lincoln to refuse and let them keep it as he thought they earned it their way. Floating on a saucer similar to Nina’s, was the greedy bear himself. I think you lot should go back to Kindergarten, especially you, Lori. And throwing rotten eggs on them! (Meanwhile, 10 year old Lynn was playing with her soccer ball when she saw the two bullies picking on Lincoln. (At this point, all the sisters have snapped, gone absolutely bonkers, and are on an emotional rampage! (Unfortunately, none of the sisters listen! I cannot believe you would test your brothers thick skin like this and not give him any support like you should as his sisters! ), (Lynn tagged Lincoln, which caused the two to fall down to the ground, resulting them into laughing. (He goes to the kitchen with a large pan, than into the living room, in a marching way, in front of the couch. Recklessness is the best way to explain how Valtzon acts. I love it. Sly: I’m on too. No one insults my beautiful voice! Where are we? This is all my fault! Wherever they were, it wasn’t good. I CAN'T BELIEVE YOU WOULD TREAT AUNT RUTH'S HOUSE LIKE THIS!!! Me and Mz Ruby planned this the moment I got here, and it won’t be long before we initiate part 2 once we find a way to pry those orbs from your friends’ hands. Lola: (weeps) He called me a jerk! "Mystery on the Loud Express" - The Louds go on vacation via a train with the Santiagos and the McBrides, but when a thievery is committed, it's up to the kids to find out the culprit, and they're surprised that two of the suspects are Rita & Lynn Sr.! I have nothing more to say to you opinionated fish faces! Their vision was a blur, but once it was clear, they took a good look around. Lincoln: (sighs reluctantly) Guys, Im sorry for those insults I said. (A ray gun aims at them) BZZZTZAP! Luan: Its not fair of him to jab at me like that! How could he say such horrible things? I think I made my point. Once i find a way to get the orbs from your friends, part 2 of the plan will begin! Lets just go before we start fighting. Even Chaz, while he still cares about Leni, doesn't know what to think for now. But when the military takes Clyde & Ronnie Anne away to Area 78, Lincoln must break them out and rescue them. Young Lincoln: (hugs Lynn) Oh, thanks, Lynn. "The Louds of Oz" - Leniand Charles get caught up in a tornado and end up in the Land of Oz and they try desperately to get back home, on their journey, they meet the Lincrow (Lincoln), who wants a brain, the Tin Girl (Lana), who wants a heart, and the Cowardly Chaz-lion (Chaz), who wants courage. Just stop and listen to me! You guys would hate that. Sly and crash scream as they were zapped, those screams soon shifting into growling as they start to go through some big changes as the other Penelope grins watching the spectacle unfold… ——————————- Meanwhile, coco and the rest of the group rose their vehicles and called for sly and crash, trying to find them throughout the jungle. (to his diecast Lightning McQueen vehicle) What do you think, McQueen? And starts dating Smoochy Ronnie Anne. "Loud Side Story"/"Too Many Ronnie Annes" - After Lincoln joins a gang of 50's-style cool guys, the sisters worry that they might not be good people, so they form a 50's-style gang of their own./Feeling that Ronnie Anne might not wanna be his girlfriend anymore, Lincoln uses Lisa's new machine to seperate all of her personalities. Lori: You know what? You're a natural. But the question is, who or what brought them here and what do they want with them? Forgotten Trust 7. After 30 minutes, they decided to take a break.). "Super Louds" - After being exposed to one of Lisa's freak accidents, Lincoln, Clyde, and Ronnie Anne gain superpowers. What do you think of these ideas? Lincoln: Remember what i said about having a thick skin? And we know what’s up, he’s gonna be more powerful if he gets all five orbs! Young Lynn: Oh, that sounds fun. Luna: Forget teasing Lincoln! I was very clear about how serious the crime was, it takes a lot to clean up such a mess. "Zeppe-Lynn", "A Balloon for a Girlfriend", "Inflated Ego", "Puffy is the New Black", "Rock 'n' Blow! You ok? Maybe your just Lilys age after all! I can't wait for Lincoln to see it when he comes home from school. Rita: And Lincoln! You Lincoln, go to your room! Listen to yourselves! Even several of my classmates have better sense than that! For taking too long in the bathroom? Maybe Im glad to have flushed your CDs. From now on, Ill hear everyone out! Francisco also puts his relationship with her on hold on the spot with tears in his eyes. Not Dancing On My Own 6. The Loud Book: Trapped in an Epic Comic - After tumbling into a magic comic book (or graphic novel), Lincoln mustfight, dance and romance his way through chaotic adventures as he searches for an escape. Can I watch? Lori: They're dead, Lynn. Young Lincoln: (coughs, regaining conscious) Yeah, I'm fine. All of them. Lincoln gains superspeed, Clyde gains invisibility, and Ronnie Anne can stretch and inflate her body at will. His sisters join too and put Lynn in her place. And Rita was the one who slipped the V.I.B note under the door. Spyro: unfortunately. During Leni and Lincoln's brother-sister fashion show, Whitney and Teri like their video. Takes place in the middle of the events of the infamous episode No Such Luck. Lisa: I have a little time for this insane behavior. Did you just yell at him and all your sisters like that?! No Such Luck Aftermath - Moving Out - The Loud House Fanon Wikia Coco: what the? Youve been doing that all day. In "Potty Mouth", it turns out the curse word Lily said at the end of the episode was "fuck," and she learned it when Lynn Sr. was cooking soup and accidentally leaned against the burner. Flip is disgusted and almost calls the police on the family, only for Lincoln to convince him not to, telling him how they helped him recover and that they learned their lesson. ), (3 year old Lynn was making 1 year old Lincoln chase the Disney/Pixar's Cars Shake n' Go! Lincoln: Grounding someone!? Tawna: wherever they are, hope they’re safe. Especially you, Lori, Leni, Luna and Luan! Its our job to tease you and be nasty! For not feeding Charles? Lori and Leni: Carol informs Lori that the fact that she chose a lousy superstition over her own little brother is just despicable, Becky tells Leni that she now wonders if she really does love Lincoln, with Jackie and Mandee following that up by telling her they're not sure they can believe her. - After Lincoln gets a huge lump on his head, he starts to get amnesia. For being too loud? Luan: Giggles tells her that she knew Luan liked making people laugh, but it now seems like she can make them cry too, and Benny is seriously torn over whether to maintain their relationship. And why can’t I move? SAY IT AGAIN!!!!!!!!!!! Making fun of me and than threatening to tease Lucy for eternity? Lynn, Mater, Holley, Finn, McQueen and I have solved the case of the stolen baloney. If you guys are going to be thorns in my side all day, just because of a silly, pink, pony book and a clogged toilet, why dont you all just go to your rooms, lock yourselves in there and grow up? Lynn: (in thought) I knew that I would have my little baby bro there for me, the same way I'm there for him. Other sisters were glaring at Lincoln, except for Luna who was concerned about her little brother. * Ronnie Anne: Today was awesome, Lincoln. Lola: Thats outrageous! As the sisters and Rita head to the door, Ruth opens it wide, only for Lynn to kick her in the crotch!). Permissions beyond the scope of this license may be available from thestaff@tvtropes.org. The kids realize it actually happened when Lily is also abducted./Pop Pop tells the kids about their 11 great, great ancestors who built a monster. The sheer amount of bonds that were severely damaged after the fallout of. Moneybags: No it did, like you I was brought here by accident, but after working out a deal with Dr cortex, I was more than happy enough to help him find these orbs. (The two were fast asleep, while they slept, they started to remember the good times they had together. Coco: Crash! (And with that, Lynn sat on Lincoln's bed next to him and watched Lincoln play. Lori farts at a few points, still claiming that it's her shoes, of which no one believes. Alt Penelope: Just shut up, you meddling pests! It's too late! Shame on all of you! (Laughs) Lisa: I have a little time for this insane behavior. So, Lynn ran up to the bullies.). Rita: Well it wasnt very funny one bit! (Lincoln climbed up to Lynn's bed and had his arm wrapped around her, along with Lynn, who had her arm wrapped around Lincoln, and Lincoln sang to Lynn "Find Yourself" as a lullaby from Disney/Pixar's Cars, just like Lynn, who would sing that lullaby to Lincoln when he was a year old.). Lincoln: Thats the whole point! ), (The sisters, sans Lily, and Lynn Sr. come down and sit on the couch, the girls looking snobby and smug.). "Have You Seen This Loud?" Your looks? (Sisters are shocked and unable to speak), Lola: Lincoln has clogged the toilet a lot of times-, Luan: It was just a little harmless teasing, we didnt-. Happy birthday. ", "Fat Jokes", "Opposite Inflation", and "Babysitting Blow-Ups" are part of a miniseries idea I have. TheBlueJetpack | FanFiction Lisa: David makes it clear to her that he now questions what he knows about her, and tells her that if Darcy knew what she did, she'd be in tears. (With Special Guest Star - Chris Pratt), "Spy Louds" - In a salute to spy films (mostly James Bond 007), Lincoln gets recruited by the TSOIE (Top Secret Organization of Investigation and Espionage), and takes Leni, Luna, Luan, Lynn, Lana, Lola, Lisa, Clyde, and Ronnie Anne with him to team up with his idol, actor and spy Johnny Sly, to save the world from an evil genius. Lincoln and Lori were taught Spanish by the Casagrandes (mainly Rosa) so they could connect with them more. Rita: Honey, I think from now on you and I should both decide punishments for the children together. Lincoln: Lucy. (Maybe this would work better with SpongeBob & Patrick). "Once Upon a Loud" - Lincoln tells 3 fairy tales to the twins. "The Great Dog Race"/"Lady and the Macho" - When Mr. Grouse orders a female purebred poodle named Cherry, he makes a bet with Lincoln on whoever's dog wins the 75th Annual Royal Woods Dog Race, the winner keeps the loser's dog. Or that Lenis got peas in her head? During the meal breaks, of all the Louds, Lincoln, Lynn, Lana, and Luna burp loudly the most. Lincoln, Clyde, and Albert each joined in once. TVTropes is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution-NonCommercial-ShareAlike 3.0 Unported License. After several seconds they all sadly apologize.). "My Big Fat Loud Wedding" - When a mysterious criminal starts to steal wedding gifts, Lincoln & Ronnie Anne must pretend to get married to stop him. Lynn: We killed Mom and Aunt Ruth. You are elder girls so act your age! The sisters are all looking at each other feeling very sad, ashamed, offended and pitiful.). There goes my spare bracelet! Luan: Yeah, youve got quite the clogged mind. (Continues crying). Alt Penelope: So many questions, so little time. "Saturday Night Loud" - When Lincoln finds a poster for a dance contest, he asks Ronnie Anne to be his partner for a 70's disco routine to win two copies of a new go-kart game, for them to split. Just hop onto my bed next to me. But hes my best pageant coach. Lana: So from now on, well just get after school jobs to earn money so we wont fight for it, especially wont get you hurt. I don’t like him myself, but That’s despicable! If the police get onto us, we could go to jail. Scoots, Katherine Mulligan, and Mayor Davis have small speaking appearances in Lincoln's memory. - After a huge squabble with his family, Lincoln decides to run away from home, and the Louds must find him and bring him back. Miguel and Fiona also tell Leni they did not like what they found out about her and seriously question her, to which Dana, Roger, and Joey tell Lori and Leni off as well. (And with that, the two bullies ran away, screaming, while Lynn came up to the unconscious Lincoln.). (Angrily) Dumb old snakes! ), (Baby Lincoln giggles as he chases them around the living room. You've all been stupid, mean, stuck-up, rude, selfish, annoying, and horrid today. Even Lana is really disgusted upon finding out that Lisa installed cameras in the bathroom. Lynn: (upset) NOOOOOOOOOO! Ruth: OOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOW!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! But they started it! "Father, I Shrunk the Louds"/"Father, I Blew Up the Loud" - Lisa accidentally shrinks the kids./Lisa accidentally turns Leni into a giant. It's too late now. Lincoln: My point is, all of you have been the worst family Ive ever seen! Reacting to The Loud House (Fanfic) - TV Tropes Bully#1: (laughs) You're such a weakling, Lin-CAN'T! The Louds did everything they did in "No Such Luck" to avoid bad luck, yet by doing that, they've definitely put themselves in an unlucky situation. In this fanfic, Joe brings up one of Lincoln's memories on the screen where. And she keeps messing up the kids' plan to get more pizza. This was a sleeping gas bomb. Luna: AUNT RUTH'S ABODE! Let’s see how much fun it is torching you all for once! Leni: (sniffling) He called me a rat! Young Lincoln: It sure is, Lynn. ), (8 year old Lynn & 6 year old Lincoln have solved the case of the stolen baloney.). However, I would be happy to surrender for, a small fee? We have a terrible history with this guy. It was really funny. Lori: I literally cant believe youd say that! Young Lynn: I think it's all done, Lincoln. IF YOU DON'T STOP THIS RIGHT NOW, I'M GONNA GROUND YOU ALL TILL YOU'RE 60!!!! For leaving the light on? It’s so obvious that you don’t know what you were getting yourselves into during your little treasure hunt.
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