!dz~ 000PX%XX5(CaPMm]j& Explain to your counselor the method and tools you used to sculpt the figure. Be able to name the parts of the floor and wall frames, such as intermediate girder, joist, bridging, subfloor, sill, sole plate, stud, and rafter. Run a course for at least a mile, showing procedures for overtaking and passing slower craft, yielding right-of-way, passing oncoming traffic, making turns, reversing direction, and using navigation aids. Using a safety checklist approved by your counselor, make an inspection of your home. Read the above paragraph one more time. Traffic Safety is a quick and easy five-requirement badge that'll help you learn driving skills that you'll use for life! Explain how to determine the amount of honey in the hive. Explain how burn injuries can be prevented. 2c. Take part in at least one troop mobilization. Each piece is to be painted, glazed, or otherwise decorated by you: Make a slab pot, a coil pot, and a pinch pot. 7a3b. home from accidents, fire, burglary, robbery, and assault. There are many adult and youth leaders are waiting to help you out. Catch at least one fish and identify it. 5i (cross-country). Get your counselors approval, then photograph (digital or film) your topic. If you disagree on the toughestrequirement for a certain merit badge, sound off in the comments section below. Merit Badge Chart - This is a PDF file of a chart that shows all of the 137 current Merit Badges offered by BSA displayed in a table in alphabetical order.Each badge is shown with the BSA ID Number and the badge name. Then, you should identify 2 or more possible escape routes, from each room, to use in case of an emergency. Take this information to heart and practice it regularly. Scoutbook ID#: In my opinion, Fire Safety is one of the most fascinating (and useful) merit badges a Scout can earn. Merit Badge document.getElementById( "ak_js_1" ).setAttribute( "value", ( new Date() ).getTime() ); This site uses Akismet to reduce spam. Learn about 3 career opportunities inRequirement 8 - Learn about 3 career opportunities in Explain what the National Terrorism Advisory System is and how you would respond to each type of alert. "they should leave for their own safety Write a one-act play that will take at least eight minutes to perform. 3. You should take the following steps if you ever catch fire, as theyll reduce your burn injuries and could even save your life: For more information on treating burn wounds, you can check out the Burn Section of My Guide to the First Aid Merit Badge. For more info on the seasonality of fires, Id highly recommend checking out this paper put out by FEMA (Federal Emergency Management Agency). Start reading! Aaron on Scouting is the official site of Scouting magazine, a Boy Scouts of America publication. Afterward, conduct an after-action lesson, discussing what you learned during the exercise that required changes or adjustments to the plan. c. Facts you have obtained concerning the frequency of accidents and of Present your records for review by your counselor. Play in a scholastic (youth) chess tournament and use your score sheets from that tournament to replay your games with your merit badge counselor. Suggested projects include an interior or exterior wall, a door, a piece of furniture, a concrete wall or floor, a porch rail, or a fence. endstream Pick one career and find out the education, training, and experience required for this profession. Suffolk Dept. Answer these questions in your own words, do further research, check out the included links, and I promise youll gain much more from every merit badge you earn! First, closely read through each of the requirements below so you know what youll be learning, as well as what youll need to do. Explain what safety is and what it means to be safe. Discuss this choice with your counselor, Swim continuously for 150 yards using the following strokes in good form and in a strong manner: front crawl or trudgen for 25 yards, back crawl for 25 yards, sidestroke for 25 yards, breaststroke for 25 yards, and elementary backstroke for 50 yards. Process your images. Participate in a whitewater trip using either a canoe or kayak on a Class I or Class II river. your family's emergency action plan for fire in your home. Do TWO of the following:Plant 100 trees, bushes, and/or vines for a good purpose. 7. After successfully completing requirements 1 through 5, use the equipment you prepared for the welding process in 5b to do the following: Using a metal scribe or soapstone, sketch your initial onto a metal plate, and weld a bead on the plate following the pattern of your initial. endobj Take a hike of 20 continuous miles in one day following a hike plan you have prepared. Otherwise, acquire a fish and cook it. Discuss with your counselor how you contribute to the safety . Spell your first name using semaphore. By taking proper safety precautions to ensure flammable materials and unsafe conditions dont exist in your home, youll be much more safe from fire-related emergencies! They also learn how to be aware of things like fire exits and alert to dangerous situations when they are doing activities elsewhere. As you of our youth members: Carefully notate all "Prerequisites", Supplies needed, costs, homework, etc. Tidewater BSA, Do not sell or share my personal information. List the equipment and utensils needed to prepare and serve these meals. or your place of worship) in the event of an emergency. When this interaction between oxygen and volatile vapors occurs, heat and light energy are produced in the form of a flame! Spend as much time as you can observing the veterinarians and their staff. Before doing so, share with your counselor a six-month maintenance plan for the geocache where you are personally responsible for the first three months. 3. employment, or community.employment, or community. Sea Scout becomes first in council to earn Duke of Edinburghs award, Report to the Nation delegates challenge U.S. representative to push-up contest, Read an excerpt from the new book about Northern Tier, then preorder your copy today, Scouts lay wreath at Tomb of the Unknown Soldier, reflect on beautiful experience, Report to the Nation is underway at our nations capital, Click to email a link to a friend (Opens in new window), Click to share on Facebook (Opens in new window), Click to share on Twitter (Opens in new window), Click to share on Pinterest (Opens in new window), Click to share on LinkedIn (Opens in new window), Click to share on Pocket (Opens in new window), Click to share on Reddit (Opens in new window), Click to share on Tumblr (Opens in new window). 4b. Include any important sectional drawings, notes, and considerations necessary for construction. << /Length 16 0 R /Filter /FlateDecode /Type /XObject /Subtype /Form /FormType Lead a discussion on what can be done to help various groups understand one another better. Before you start- Get Basic Leadership Training: 3. After 60 days of observation, discuss with your counselor the life cycles, food chains, and management needs you have recognized. 1. Newspaper and other stories, facts, and statistics showing common in your home. Help your parents understand how to have fun and learn things 2. Scalds are burns from hot liquids or steam that often occur when cooking. Its important! 7. inspection of your home. Indicate any sidewalks, structures, trees, and plants within the study area. Each scout can explore topics from American Business to Woodworking as they have interest. As an Amazon Associate I earn from qualifying purchases. your counselor the three3d: Discuss with your counselor the three Neckerchief slides: Whats your go-to look? Play a minimum of two nine-hole rounds or one 18-hole round of golf with another golfer about your age and with your counselor, or an adult approved by your counselor. Study a hive of bees. A home safety survey will require a thorough inspection of your house, with the help of a parent, to ensure there are no fire hazards. 7e. 40 Explain what steps you have taken to comply with BSA Safety Afloat and the American Whitewater safety guidelines. Identify the contribution made by the Boy Scouts of America to environmental science. Visit a truck terminal and complete items 4a through 4e. Make drawings or a model of your base. Make a floor plan wiring diagram of the lights, switches, and outlets for a room in your home. 757-335-2502 An assessment by qualified supervisors determines what personal protective equipment (PPE) is required. There are currently 138 merit badges that can be earned in Scouting, but have you ever wondered which ones were the rarest and most obscure? Attend a public event and do ONE of the following: Write two newspaper articles about the event, one using the inverted pyramid style and one using the chronological style. Rather than reading a good book with a cup of coffee in the afternoon, instead they cope with some harmful virus inside their . accidents, fire, robbery, and assault. each type of alert.each type of alert. 8. 10b. 4b. To reduce the harm of burn injuries after catching fire, its also important to thoroughly examine the skin after cooling down. Im certain this resource will be helpful to Scouts on their road to Eagle! Tell about the basic principles of digital techniques, and then build a digital circuit. Report your results to your family and counselor. 10b. Heres a great home safety checklist you can use for your own survey! Review your familys emergency action plan for fire in your home. Pick one career and find out thethe field of safety. If you have something to add to the BSA's selection of current merit badges, start by downloading this Award Submission Summary Word document (clicking this link will download the .doc file). Plan and complete a safety project approved by your counselor for your home, school, place of worship, place of employment, or community. Electrical fires from holiday lights are one of the most frequent causes of fires each year. Safety Scout's Name: _____ Safety - Merit Badge Workbook Page. After your visit, share what you have learned with your counselor. MAIL: 1325 W. Walnut Hill Lane, Irving, TX 75015-2401. 1. The National Terrorism Learn how your comment data is processed. Using motion picture shooting techniques, plan ONE of the following programs. and explain why this profession might interest you.and explain why this profession might interest you. To earn this badge a Scout must, among other things, explain what it means to be safe, plan for emergencies, and learn about career opportunities in the field. Although working with fire can be a lot of fun whether youre cooking, having a campfire, or popping fireworks on the Fourth of July, its important that you always consider the safety of yourself and others, first and foremost. Required fields are marked *. Learn about three career opportunities in the field of safety. Stay low to the ground and call 9-1-1 at a safe distance from the burning building. Share photos, brochures, and what you have learned with your counselor. and reasons for the correction you propose in each plan. Identify any hazards found and how these can be corrected. x+TT(T0 BcsSs3Tp}\c|@ S /I true /K false >> >> Pick one career and find out the However, if the scent remains, turn off anything that may cause combustion (such as a candle or even the overhead lights) and quickly get outside to safety. Include at least five entries and two photographs or illustrations. You need not post the blog to the Internet; however, if you choose to go live with your blog, you must first share it with your parents AND counselor AND get their approval. Belay On is available online in PDF format at no cost to BSA members, who are free to use it in BSA programs for non-commercial [] x;/Cq[sN^51oHl&,&$h|-WZi}x;P>D1'J|9rl]@+ro,'|/Q=X`.4@ Z! Each plan should include an analysis of possible hazards, proposed action to correct hazards, and reasons for the correction you propose in each plan. plural noun: safeties Include information about the history, cultures, and ethnic groups of your community; its best features and popular places where people gather; and the challenges it faces. This page was last edited on 6 October 2019, at 20:04. Use an architects scale and show dimensions to communicate the actual size of features. Online Live Class, Instructor Alim Shabazz, cost $15 per Scout, 15 participants max. endobj 2a. With the assistance of your merit badge counselor or a librarian, select six books of four different types (such as poetry, drama/plays, fiction, nonfiction, biographies, etc.). 8a. 2.2. If you smell smoke, you should put your fire escape plan into action. effective Perform a hockey stop. The "three R's" of Youth Protection Click here. Collect 10 different fossil plants or animals OR (with your counselors assistance) identify 15 different fossil plants or animals. x+TT(T0 BcsSs3Tp}\C|@ G Give an impromptu talk of at least two minutes eitheras part of a group discussion or before your counselor. )identity theft. 7. Prepare a list of your regular home duties or chores (at least five) and do them for 90 days. However, arson isnt always committed for the same reasons. 4d2. Show a degree of stamina that will enable you to keep up with an average ski-touring group your age. To learn more about the science of fires, Id recommend watching the quick and informative video (2:38) below: Fires grow when the heat given off by its flames causes other nearby fuel sources to also emit flammable vapors. Discuss this choice with your counselor, and explain By being careful, remembering what you learned in earning your Firemn Chit, and knowing how to react in an emergency, fire can become a helpful and safe tool! identity theft. If the cause of the illness is actually carbon monoxide, getting fresh air will help you feel better very quickly. 6g. people or is against the law. Safety and Risk Manager The likelihood of fires changes throughout the year. There are more than 135 merit badges, and any Scout, or any qualified Venturer or Sea Scout may earn any of these at any time. (cont.) 8a. Using proper call signs, Q signals, and abbreviations, carry on a 10-minute real or simulated amateur radio contact using voice, Morse code, or digital mode. However, youre not gonna be making the same mistake because, in this guide, Ill be walking you through each of the requirements so you can earn your own Fire Safety merit badge. 1 /BBox [0 0 387 576] /Resources 10 0 R /Group << /S /Transparency /CS 11 0 R Visit Our Trading Post at www.ScoutingBooks.com. how they can be Respond when someone is doing something that goes against your gut or against the For the previous requirements, Click here. Have your counselor evaluate and critique your prototype. hazards found and Any game medium or combination of mediums is acceptable. Be sure you have your counselors approval before you begin. com Explain the steps individuals can take to help preventExplain the steps individuals can take to help prevent The Winter Camping feature teaches Scouts to prepare for a fun and safe campout in cold weather. Keep a log of your fitness program activity (how long you exercised; how far you ran, swam, or biked; how many exercise repetitions you completed; your exercise heart rate; etc.). 8a5. Plan and weave EACH of the following projects:A square basket,A round basket,A campstool seat. The 7 Rarest, Strangest & Most Obscure Merit Badges In Scouts BSA. Tell how your community attempts to control the mosquito population and why. Adjunct Instructor - 5a. Identify any hazards found and how these Heres a great printable home fire escape plan that you can use to draw a map of your house. The second project may come from the pamphlet OR may be one you select on your own that has been approved by your counselor in advance. We are compensated for referring traffic and business to Amazon and other companies linked to on this site. 5d. your counselor, make for this profession. If the hot liquid gets absorbed by your clothing, immediately remove the clothing or add cold water over the hot spot. Show how groins, jetties, and breakwaters affect these patterns. Prepare a budget reflecting your expected income (allowance, gifts, wages), expenses, and savings. theCareer Opportunities in the the steps individuals can take to help prevent identity theft. Review 6b. terrorism threat advisory scale Remove the combs and find the queen. Decide upon the time of day, length of time, and appropriate areas Cookies help us deliver our services. Explain what the National Terrorism Advisory System is and how you would respond to each type of alert. Reserve your Event Dates. Explain the steps individuals can take to help preventExplain the steps individuals can take to help prevent endobj 40 The Fire Safety Merit Badge Pamphlet recommends the following for preventing scalding: Whatever the source of the scald, its important to stop your skins contact with the heat as quickly as possible. Share your blog with your counselor. 4b. Show your family members how to protect themselves and your home from accidents, fire, burglary, robbery, and assault. Until next time, I'm wishing you all the best on your journey to Eagle and beyond! (More on this requirement here.). Four elements must be present for a fire to start and continue to burn: fuel, oxygen, heat, and a continuous chemical chain reaction. 7 0 obj Make a model tooth out of soap, clay, papier-mch, or wax. 1226 0 obj <> endobj Note: The site lists137, because Computers, discontinued Dec. 31, 2014, is still listed. give out personal information such as my address, telephone 2d. Discuss the components of a medical history and physical examination (an official BSA health form may be used to guide this discussion), and become familiar with the instruments used. friends) other than your parents. About Merit Badges You can learn about sports, crafts, science, trades, business, and future careers as you earn merit badges. Using the MyPlate food guide or the current USDA nutrition model, plan a menu for three full days of meals (three breakfasts, three lunches, and three dinners) plus one dessert. According to the US National Library of Medicine, some of the most common causes of burn injuries include: I dont want to see you or your friends getting burnt, so be careful! http://en.scoutwiki.org/index.php?title=Safety_Merit_Badge_Activity_Planner&oldid=42876, Prepare rough draft of plan - purpose and calendar of events. Be a good online citizen and not do anything that hurts other 2020 Exploring Safety can be a fascinating youth adventure when done right. jawsjolly@gmail. Earn an Open Water Diver Certification from a scuba organization recognized by the Boy Scouts of America scuba policy. While some scouts may be adept at self-study, others may do better in a small group setting and taking notes on worksheets. Present evidence that you have cared for a pet for four months. Start with a treatment and complete the requirement by presenting this program to a pack or your troop, patrol, or class. I believe theres also a section in your merit badge worksheet where you can draw out your own plan too. 9 0 obj Pamphlet Revision Date: Use a subject selected by your counselor that is interesting to you but that is not known to you in advance and for which you do not have time to prepare. Discuss this choice with your counselor, and explain why this profession might interest you. your home, school, place of worship , place of employment, or community. Do not waste time collecting personal belongings and evacuate the building immediately. Pamphlet Publication Number: Under the supervision of a knowledgeable adult, solder three copper tube connections using a gas torch. 12 4c. first checking with your parents. Hopefully, you'll learn a few things along the way and make the best of your time in Scouting. Thanks for reading! Learn about three career opportunities in the field of safety. Certified Food Safety Manager This site is made to support Scouts, Scoutmasters, and Scouting families. Blanks in this worksheets table appear when Find out what kind of maintenance program the company follows to help keep its fleet, drivers, and the roadway safe. 7. Read a biography (with your counselors approval) of someone who has made a contribution to Americas heritage. COPE AND CLIMBING SCOUTING COPE AND CLIMBING COPE and Climbing Resources Belay On Manual - The Belay On manual is a reference for challenge course and climbing programs operated within the BSA. Keep a daily weather log for one week using information from this instrument as well as from other sources such as local radio and television stations, NOAA Weather Radio All Hazards, and Internet sources (with your parents permission). counselor approves it: Explain what safety is and what it means to be safe. Differences, meHow to reach me 5f2. Thank you for reading Safety Merit Badge Powerpoint. If your clothing does catch on fire, its important to stifle the flames as quickly as possible to keep them from spreading and causing damage. Explain what the National Terrorism Advisory System is and how you would respond to each type of alert. take the trek you have planned and, while on the trek, complete at least one service project approved by your merit badge counselor. Get Scoutmaster Assistance as necessary. Explain what the National Terrorism Advisory System is and how you Explain the 7x1.MokF^?x(tg.az1,jBB7j~M jiEy):5]=FFLqhn1'zX@C#k`I0^),Z-?>8ei5b&@ The flyer will summarize all of your ideas on to one page in a colorful format. Build a sales plan based on its good points. 1. develop these plans with family members, share with them facts about While there, keep a journal documenting your day-to-day experiences. 5. Report what mammals and other animals came to the bait. 10. rules without their permission. Fire is a chemical reaction that occurs when oxygen and combustible (i.e. stream Scouts who started work on Computersbefore Dec. 31, 2014, maystill finish it. They are reproduced in part here under fair use as a resource for Scouts and Scouters to use in the earning and teaching of merit badges. The architectural drawing may be a floor plan;electrical, plumbing, or mechanical service plan; elevation plan; or landscaping plan. Show your family the exits you would use from different public buildings Make this ride in eight hours. The heat from the Summer months can cause blazes that are more difficult to put out due to the high temperature. (cont. Wow, we just made it halfway through this entire badge! Show your family the exits you would use from different public buildings (such as a theater, municipal building, library, supermarket, shopping center, or your place of worship) in the event of an emergency. Record your work in a game design notebook. In older children and teens, arson is usually a result of boredom or curiosity around fire. Field of SafetyField of Safety In some locations, death resulting from an arson can legally make the arsonist guilty of murder. The chart can be printed full size on an 11"x17" sheet, at a reduced scale on a standard letter size (8.5"x11") page, or oversize as a poster on a 22"x34" sheet (as a substitute . an analysis of possible hazards, proposed action to correct hazards, (Ask the Merit Badge Counselor which requirements are relevant here.). types of crimes and ways to avoid being a crime victim Talk with your parents so that you can set up rules for going online. Explain the steps individuals can take to help preventExplain the steps individuals can take to help prevent Conduct an energy audit of your home. Set up and hide a public geocache, following the guidelines in the Geocaching merit badge pamphlet. recognize child abuse.recognize child abuse. sd0/_wy>>o}o?->%B_s}?wy|w|}_w? Updated in 2017 to add the Exploration merit badge. Home SafetyHome Safety Describe how sewage and solid waste should be disposed of under wilderness camping conditions OR visit the mosquito abatement district facility in your community. Basically, people who commit arson and harm others will get caught and stopped. Share your report with your counselor. /Rotate 0 >> Every second counts when responding to a fire, so read this section carefully! 4c. can be corrected. an inspection of your Make sure your vents are clear and that your HVAC ducts are free of any combustible material. With your counselors approval, choose two animation techniques and create the animation. (cont.). Never send a person your picture or anything else without first Some of these are options within alarger requirement, meaning Scouts unable or unwilling to complete the task listed below might have another way to earn the merit badge. 4. Merit badges give scouts the opportunity to investigate around 130 different areas of knowledge and skills. electrical appliances, and candles. why this profession might interest you. Traffic Safety If you're in the process of earning your driver's license, the traffic safety merit badge is a great way to learn how to maintain your vehicle and follow the rules of the road. (such as a theater, municipal building, library, supermarket, shopping center, Review and develop your family's fire prevention plan. Visit a municipal wastewater treatment facility or a solid-waste management operation in your community. SurveySurvey. 8c. After your sales talk, discuss with your counselor how persuasive you were. 8. Also, if youre interested in thedifficulty rankings for every Eagle-required merit badge, you can check out my full guidehere. "a safety barrier" home, school, place of worship, place ofhome, school, place of worship, place of Check with your parents before downloading or installing software (Licensed amateur radio operators may substitute five QSL cards as evidence of contacts with amateur radio operators from at least three different call districts.) There, youll also find the links to my other merit badge guides, as well as a description and summary of each badges requirements. of Fire and Plan and complete a safety project approved by your counselor for your home, school, place of worship, place of employment, or community. Excerpts and links may be used, provided that full and clear credit is given to ScoutSmarts with appropriate and specific direction to the original content. Who knows I hope youll never need to use it, but it might just come in handy! 7d. Interview a traffic law enforcement officer in your community to identify what three traffic safety problems the officer is most concerned about. With your parents permission and counselors approval, visit an active mine. Using clear adhesive tape, a pencil, and plain paper, record your own fingerprints or those of another person. To see the changes which were made, Xm\DD3nVfz'Cqs|>x[?pv`>[J\*`n@;C4aBWdDe=C#oKM"P@5`ShzU :48 P;Mw3oC d!M%f cY4 BhdnX*>w]V `F#vzc*H[@jiC:hZ5HMv Ayl #L1| lEdX'4C'6hfjztRLXeF 6RjSh%UoMW2&6a" UE}j;?!N6/]| nl8MBWTK7Te- MST^ bP(iZ1m-#2U28 xbN`P.rpP6)*Gp*@#B#QwNJkfYt G!2c5E\W|rxLJ#q hD |urM 'M+>qi q-E;Xm 8:Q'd`IVpjZA #MY|e}?k2:4 c ,K b &|!=2v0[.4 X. Camp a total of at least 20 nights at designated Scouting activities or events. What learning materials are needed for this meeting? 7. Then, as a minimum, modify the code or add a function or subprogram to it. For the purpose of this demonstration, use techniques that have little negative impact on the environment. If regulations and health concerns permit, clean and cook a fish you have caught. Write a plan for a backpacking trek of at least five days using at least three different campsites and covering at least 30 miles. Sound the following bugle calls: First Call, Reveille, Assembly, Mess, Drill, Fatigue, Officers, Recall, Church, Swimming, Fire, Retreat, To the Colors, Call to Quarters, and Taps., 9a. x+TT(T0 BcsSs3Tp}\#|@ M Most arsonists tend to be under the age of 20. Make Your Plan 2 B. 1a. Pick one career and find out the education, training, and experience required for this profession. 5b. )identity theft. Each plan should include Check the area of the project for any hazards, and clear workspace for tool use between participants. notebook to include 2a. endobj Create a short feature of your own design, using the techniques you learned. Some companies may also charge you money to pick up your waste, which Id only recommend if you have a ton of unsafe chemicals.
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