the loud house fanfiction lincoln broken arm

the Great Outdoors! Leni: But what if that other me has yellow slippers and green slippers and I chose the yellow slippers? Odine sits next to Lynn and they start eating. So cool! Who wants to go first? from Loni, and "Dairyland!" Say you wanna go rock out in the garage? Odine smiles grows bigger as she turns to Lincolns friends. Lisa: See, I told you my invention worked. Lincoln:Yeah but when you live with 10 siblings, you gotta have some thick skin. However Odine was completely dumbfounded by a baby getting a strike. Odine:Come on guys, Lincoln was about to get the remote. Rita:Okay, Make sure you get home before it gets dark. If they get one more strike, We lose! Odine opens one of her bags and pulls out a jar full of money. After all the hate and mistreat at Ronnie Anne's Party, The family mistreat him at The Loud House Disrespectful, Irresponsible, Hateful, Hypocritical, Ignorance, Unfair, Selfish Selves, Unpleasent, Nasty, Cruel, And lastly, No Love. (Laughs with a classmate). Lincoln:Oh, hey Lana! Linka: Yeah! Odine:(sighs)I understand and Im sorry I forced to go on a date with me and(to the sisters) Im sorry I called you guys jerks, youre really not . Loki: Hey guys, Mom is held up at the restaurant and Dad is working overtime at the dentist's office. If you choose the red then that creates an alternate timeline where you choose the orange dress. Rita: Aww, that sounds nice. Odine runs down the alley to help Lincoln and the Loud sisters stunned by what she said. For instance, Leni, lets you have only two dresses in your closet, one is red and one is orange. Lola:Not only were you running in the halls, youre also lying, which is also another violation. But Im sure hell get there. (Lori turned her attention away from Loki and looked at a bag, full of golf clubs, hanging on his closet door.). (looks at the clock on his wall) And is that Muskel fisch clock?! Lana:(picking her nose with her left hand)Really? Until when he came downstairs, The whole family was glaring at him). Luke: I dont know, dude. All of the sisters except Lily go downstairs and head in vanzilla. Lincoln opens up the cabinets and Him and Odine gets each a bag of Barbeque chips. Lincoln reaches for the remote from coffee table but Lori swipes the remote. Odine:Uuh,Sicher,that means sure in Germany. Ms. Johnson then asks in concern). Everyone goes inside.). Odine becomes even more love struck upon he was able get perfect strike. Lisa: Ah, Lincoln. Odine:(sighs)Ich glaube, ich bin verliebt(translate to:I think Im in love.). As Odine watches, her pupils turn into little hearts and then She then imagines a Halo over Lincolns head as he ties Arties shoes. (walks offscreen). (Luna and Luke went outside to the garage. We cut to all the kids lined up and Lincoln holding his bowling ball and Odine gaze at Lincoln with pure optimism. Lars: Before you go, what rhymes with sister? "No matter what happens, you'll always be our brother" says Luna comfortingly. Lincoln: Huh, I guess that does make sensekinda. Besides, there's a documentary on stem cell research to enjoy. (turns her head back to her head to her siblings)Have you ever heard of the Many Worlds Theory? (To Lily) Could you kiss my poor finger? Leni: It's okay, Maybe Lily's the only baby that doesn't bite. Odine:Wow, I guess I was wrong about your sisters. Lincoln:Yep, Im pretty at good social studies, arent I? Lexx: The pleasure is always mine, your highness. (run offs). Lincoln:Saint? Odine:Guten Appetit, thats our German way of Bon Appetit. I like to ask you a trillion questions about your dimension. Lincoln:Good.Come on Odine, Lets get you suitated. Leif: Uh, don't worry, guys. He then stands up, looks back at the portal and then he surveys the living room and it looks exactly the same. 5 years Later/Easily Broken 2/ And More. Lars: And the only that knows my secret is my sister, Linka. What I am gonna do? During the scuffle, Girl Lynn and Boy Lynn stop playing and see them playing, they look each other and shrug, then they join the dirty twins' mud fight. Please,Stop before someone gets hur-(Odine accidently kicks Lincoln in the nose) OW! Lisa: Alrighty, how about we chat in your room. The Loud Brother except Leon: I'M A GIRL!!! I dont really have that many friends either, so thats why I decided to signed up for this program, so I can make a few friends. Hey, Lincoln! Odine:Lincoln? (Both fancy twins continue drinking their tea. Lynn Sr. :Well, Im glad your excited to stay with us.In fact, Im gonna make a special dinner tonight. So who am I going to be staying with? Luke: Sweet! (Luke plays the video on his phone and it shows Luke and a familiar looking boy on stage, rocking out to Miek Swagger). His hat also appears to have a more rectangular hole, compared to the more round hole on his female counterpart's hat. We have to get going! Luan: Well, I hope you won with Betty or else youd be tied! Then, he pulls out a bag, and puts most of his things inside, including Bun-Bun, his clothes, and his bed gear. I made some mud pies! You see, Lana convinced me to save the frog . Lola: So how long have you competed in pageants? (excited) FREE TICKET?! (in head)Ach du lieber, Lincoln was supposed to get a strike, like he said. With this watch, we can discover different versions of technology, architecture, (Everyone get up and they become excited about different versions of themselves.). Cut to an exterior shot of the house as time passes and back inside with Lincoln finishing explaining to the parents what happened today. Lincoln:Okay, I pick Lana, Lisa, Luna and Lily. (And finally, Downstairs, Lincoln and Linka are playing Muscle Fish, Lincoln is playing as Muscle Fish and Linka is playing as Chai Lin. Lincoln walked over Linka.). Plot Summary:Lincoln gets a new classmate who has a crush on him and so sees him as a saint and berates the sisters for being "mean" to him. All of his sisters laugh at him once again Lincoln: Just leave me alone, alright! Lincoln:Oooookay (stands up) Okay, lets go home. The siblings plays some games and then Leni and Odine playing a Dance Dance Revolution!, Odine plays Ski ball with Lynn and then she plays air hockey with Luan. Lori:Yep, Well do teams. As for my other stories, I'm working on them. Take a deep breath. Its look real to me. (Lincoln and Linka went downstairs to play video games. After it comes to light that Lincoln's heritage might not be what was thought, it will destroy their family. Bleeeeegh! the beacon of true love that's shining oh so bright. Loki: And since theyre gonna be coming home late, you what that means. The 14 year old boy looks similar to Luan Loud, as they both have braces and brown hair. Linka: (sneers)Well, I guess thats one of the differences between us. (passes everyone a test paper including Lincoln, Clyde, Rusty, Liam, Zach and Stella )Not for you, Odine , since you didnt know about this test. We cut to Lincoln and Odine reading comics, not just any comics, Ace Savvy and Muscle Fish crossover comics. He wears a white long-sleeved t-shirt tucked into his dark gray pants, supported by a brown belt, a pink scarf, a pink socks, brown boots and matching brown gloves. Odine: WaitWere just getting started. Lisa: I have a question for all of you. 1 hour later, the bell rings and Mrs.Johnson hands back everyones test. Heres mine, (clears his throat)Ravens. We cut to Lincoln and Odine going downstair and they go to the couch. Both Linka and her mom shook their heads.). Lincoln:(horrified) Y'know what Ms. Johnson, I think I'm fine. (Lola and Lexx walk upstairs to his and Leifs room. Agnes: That sounds Intresesting Penelope. Luna: You two probably have only few things in common, right? Lincoln: Huh? (Linka opens up her drawer, revealing many comic issues of a certain superhero Lincoln likes.). The siblings go back into vanzilla and they drive off. Lincoln:Sorry, My twins locked up for running and lying. Lisa:Nothing broken, just a few scrapes (grabs his ankle and squeezes it), Odine:Well, arent you gonna laugh at him and say serves you right for trying to our stop our fight.". Lori typed in #GOLFERS!. Odine wants to know if you want to go the park. Leni: Oh, I work at the best department store ever! Lincoln: Well, I guess it's just you and me now. (They heard the door open and it shows their parents, but for their dad he wears pink sweater and dark brown pants while their mother wears her green shirt and light brown pants). You up for round two? Were can mean two or more people. (Lori and Loki posed with their golfs and Lori took the picture. (gets up from the table), Lynn(Girl): Don't worry, We'll be coming back soon. Once they catch their breath, one of the sisters speak out. (runs to the kitchen), Rita:In the mean time,Ill let you and the kids get to know each other. Linka: (gasp) Leon! (Five hours later, Lincoln and Linka still playing video games, until her watch starts beeping, She stops to look at it.). Odine stops Lincoln from walking. Lola: Oh yes. Odine peeks into Lori and Lenis room and sees Lincoln is modeling for Leni, who accidentally pokes him with the needle. Rusty:Saving Frogs from being dissected. Odine:Oh mein Gott! Liam: This summer, I'm going toDairyland. He quickly changed his clothes for school,He quickly brushed He quickly ate breakfast, and cleaned his bed. You play Video Games?! I'm also aware of the changes in season 5, I'm just treating my fanfics like the Loud House comics . We cut to the siblings having lunch at their lanes tables. Odine then hears laughing and turns around to see Luan standing by the doorway. View source. We cut to bowling alleys arcade and we see Lincoln and Odine playing Muscle Fish: the arcade game. (The boys dog pile on their dad. His living room had gotten smaller as all of them slowly grew up. Odine:Great! Linka: I had the same dream where I encountered these same girls. Odine starts gagging for 2 minutes and then when she stops, she lightly pushes the basket. Lynn(Girl): Thanks, (lifts up her foot and takes off her shoe)It's thanks to my lucky socks. Lincoln becomes the unconvinced that her invention worked.). moody and dark take on their life. Auntie B in the loud house! Luan: Looks like He got his just desserts, (laughs) Get it? In this alternate reality, the Louds are, for lack of a better word, broken. She looked straight at him with a horrified expression and lincolns sisters has the same reaction as well. Loud Boys and Girls except Lily and Leon: Really? When Lola won that pageant I only I got season passes. from Lana, "Seriously?!" Odine:(whispers)Good thing I lost some teeth, did a lot chores, got money for my birthday and opened up a lemonade stand. What's more warm than a Sauna? Much to their dismay, Lana and Leif laugh at them. Lincoln:I guess the boys have rubbed off on them. (sticks her tongue out showing mushed up pieces of pizza on it.) Odine is surprise by what the sisters did. Odine puts her arm around his neck as theyre walking but Lincoln becomes absolute confused. Odine: Mrs.Loud, do you mind, Me and Lincoln go to the park, you knowjust the two of us. Lincoln opens the fridge, only to get punched in the stomach by a punching glove attached to a spring. Lincoln:So Odine, Did you like your first night here? Almost instantaneously, Lincoln's sisters broke down as well. (wraps herself with Lincoln and blows a fart so big it inflates the blanket with them underneath it.). Lincoln:I only helped that old lady, so I can prove Im respectful to have a sleepover and Our parents forced me to pick up trash and save that turtle to have some well rounded time. along on the way. Lisa: Now before we get started, I want everyone to stand back. Odine was about to smile but Lynn burps next to her. So help yourself. The Twins grabbed Lincoln and dragged him into their bedroom. Lincoln:(gasps and his excitement turns to disbelief.) *Lana, Lola, Leif, Lexx , Lisa and Levi are seen eating Funnel cakes. Lincoln:Now girls, Odine is only going to be living with us for two weeks and by friday, shell be going back to Germany but for now while shes staying, I suggest you treat her like shes member of the family. The Loud House: We've Had It 7 parts Complete Lincoln has had it. Lincoln:And Im sorry but Odine, I dont feel same way. On the way, he befriends with 3 kids that kept him safe and in search of finding his family. Anyone want to explain? Then before he could blink, two pizzas fall off the table.). Lincoln:Okay, I have cheese sticks and a granola bar, What do you have Clyde? Lincoln:Yeah but Im sure shell lighten up. (Both Lynns start playing soccer again. ), (Outside in the backyard, both Lynns, boy and girl, are playing soccer while Lana and Leif are playing in the mud puddles. The fishmans shake their heads. Loki: You know what's a great way to end it? We cut to the Lunchroom Where Odine is siting at a table with Lincoln and his friends. What if Lana was in Lynn's role in Space Invader? Odine starts stroking her hair and she keeps doing it as they keep walking. Zach:Okay, trade you.some tater tots for some of those onion rings. (It was peaceful morning; Lisa is in her room and tinkering with the same watch that Lincoln broke. They got their (Charles woke Lincoln up for school) Lincoln: Morning, Charles. Leif: We'd like twenty Big Belchers and Two Baby Belchers, please. Linka: Yeah! Linka: Well, since I'm the only girl in this house, I gotta put some rules in place. Odine:Awww, We didnt get to watch anything. Loni: Thanks, so where are you working these days? Lori:(Eyes widen)Really?! Mrs.Johnson:Alright class, Its time to meet our Foreign Exchange Student. We see a 11 yeard old red haired girl with pigtails, wearing a orange and blue striped short sleeve bolero, a blue shirt , light blue sweat pants and white sneakers come into the class. Lincoln: Wow, these burgers taste just like the burgers in our dimension. Lucy: No problem,(whispers)and Don't Worry your secret's safe with me. Lincoln: No fair ,You cheated! Hey, Lincoln. Linka: I'm Linka Loud and these are my brothers, Loki, Loni, Luke, Lane, Lynn, Lars, Leif, Lexx, Levi, and Leon. (walks off). What you thought was merely imagination was a psychic memory of their real exploits. Loni tries on a Dairy Land Muscle-T and Leni tries on a Dairyland Tank Top, they both squeal in excitement and they take a selfie. Now Ill have plenty of money for us to go anywhere We want. Nor robbery, drug use or domestic abuse. Lincoln: No way! Lucy: Prince Pony? (runs to the kitchen). (Girl Lynn and the boys got off of Lincoln. Lynn Sr. :Well not only have you lied, forced Lincoln on a date but throughout this week, youve been trying keep his sisters away from him. Lynn gets out from under the blanket, laughing. I like your white hair. It cuts to a montage of the 22 Loud kids having fun in Dairyland.). (Lincoln quickly runs for his life, but nine boys dog pile on Lincoln, Girl Lynn joined them as well.). Odine:If you want him then come and get him! Linka: Yeah, not all girls are thin skin emotional crybabies people make them out to be. Lincoln: Yeah, mom packed extra. Lynn:Well, they have been gone for eight, so maybe theyre not at the park, maybe theyre somewhere else. Lori smiled back at him.). Once Girl Lynn kicks the soccer ball into Boy Lynn's goal, she shouts in victory. (They heard the door open and it shows their parents from Lincoln's dimension. He immediately became horrified how all of the boys that looked like his sisters.). Linka: Actually, Im gonna let Lincoln pick. *Lisa and Levi are in the Shake Lab, making milkshakes and experiment with different flavours. Lincoln: Well, almost. He tries to kill hims. Lincoln and Odine take out some PB&J sandwich then they take a few ships of their juice and then a Squirrel just happens to come down from the tree and heads next to them. Mrs.Johnson:Alright, Lets get started on our History Test. Its not what it looks like! *Luan and Lane are in the House of Moo and they each decorate a cow face to match the picture and they both win. Lincoln removes the blindfold and he becomes surprised by where are they are. (1 hour later, Loki gets a text from Mom and Dad.). Odine:(whispers and crosses)Dont say Lincoln, Dont say Lincoln. Check this. This person , He or She could from any country like Mexico. Lori:And then Carol said You cant have that skirt with those slippers but then He said, Lucy:(reading a poem)In the darkness of my soul there is a shining light. Lincoln:Oh, she visits a family, named fishmans. Odine: Isn't this nice, Lincoln? (Pats him on the head). Agnes: Okay then.Alright, class. And finally, much like his counterpart, Lily, the 1 year old has light blonde hair and usually wears only a diaper most of the time. Leni then hits 7 pins and Lori hits 8 pins. Stella:Only if you trade me your Chili chips for my BBQ chips, Liam:Sold! Were in the wonders of nature! Odine:I told you to stop calling him that! We cut to Lincoln sitting in class with his friends, Clyde, Rusty, Zach and Stella. We cut to Lincoln and Odine on a picnic blanket with their picnic basket in Tall Timbers Park, by the pond. Linka: I bet you are. Lori: Well, thats because Me and Leni have been to Dairyland more times than We can count. Odine then leads Lincoln into the woods that him and Clyde camped in. Odine:(growls)Diese Schwestern! Luna: Thanks dude, It was nice rocking with you. Lincoln: Yeah, Im fine but what with Odine at the Bowling Alley? Lisa: Looks like they're getting along quite nicely. Poor kid, Lincoln Loud runs away from home heading straight to New York after having experiencing a big explosion of embarrassment as it rises up off of a video that went viral and way too far. A/N: This is a sequel to "One of the Boys. Im glad youre not one of those boys who think pageants are for sissies. (The other teens went upstairs, leaving Lincoln, Linka, Lisa, Levi, Lily and Leon downstairs. (Both scientists pick up their younger siblings and went to upstairs to chat, leaving Lincoln and Linka.). The ride starts and everyone on it gets green around the gills and Lincoln and Linka throw up and get hit by their own vomit. Lola: I like extra cheese! Luan: Oh, I have a crush named Benny. It was a drawing of him and Ronnie Anne kissing. Clyde:I know, My dads said I had enough sugar. Just in time for my latest creation. Why were you late? (TV shows multiple women, such as a beautiful blonde girl, a black girl, a Filipino girl, a Hispanic girl and etc. Lana:Yeah, I came here to see my fish friends. Odine:Wow, Lincoln, I didnt know they were this caring. Lisa: Perhaps you had a subconscious link to this earth. 10, 9, 8, 7, 6, 5, 4, 3, 2, 1! We cut to the kids at the bowling alley, wearing bowling attire. (runs off), Odine:Hey, dont call him that! He was being used as a slave and gets constantly bullied. But this isn't a direct sequel, this takes place in season 4. Plot Summary :Lincoln gets a new classmate who has a crush on him and so sees him as a saint and berates the sisters for being "mean" to him. The students walk out of class and Odine goes to see Lincoln about him passing his test. (She walks to the kitchen). Roughly eight hours later, around 6:30 p.m. and Rita and Lynn Sr. are worried. The Loud House Fanon Wikia is a FANDOM TV Community. Unlike Leni, the 16 year boy's blond hair is shorter, and his sunglasses aren't as circular. Lori:(giggling)Okay, Okay, come on, girls lets-, Odine:No! (stomach growls) Im hungry. Just like Lisa, the 4 year old boy wears large glasses to help him see. LOOK WHOS GONNA BE STAYING WITH US! So am I! Lincoln:I know, I hope they make this story into movie. Odine:Wow, Lincoln, You have good taste. Linka: (puts the controller down and gets off) Guys, come down here, please! Lincoln:Really? Lori: No problem, Try to go easy on your girlfriend. Lincoln pulls out a chair and sits in it and then Odine sees an empty chair next to him and she rushes to chair as quickly as possible but then Leni sits next to him. Rita and Lynn Sr. come out of their room. A MUD FIGHT! Lane: Oh, our parents are completely obvious. Lori: And then he wore the most ridiculous Ace Savvy costume Ive ever seen. (The Loud Sisters and Brothers all say "I do" multiple times as they completely clean up the tray. Odine: We could also use a picnic basket. Odine:(whispers)I got it! )Its noon and its time to go to Dairyland! *Girl Lynn, Boy Lynn, Lana and Leif bumping each other on the bumper cows. How could they be real and a dream at the same time? Lisa opens the portal that leads them back home and they walked through. I love that comic series! Meanwhile, Chandler threw a paper ball at him. Linka: This is a special occasion, We have guests, guests that look like us and tell me thats not special. Food! See your fish friends and go. Odine and Lincoln run away from the sisters and then the sisters chase them through out the forest. In Loki and Loni's Room, four teenagers are laughing as they are talking about their own business.). Thats where We went for our first date. Odine:In my country that series is called Muskel Fisch. Dankeschn! Lisa: And counting. Loki:See theres plenty of room for everyone. Yknow I have Mick Swaggers sweaty T-Shirt, it still has his pit stains! Like I said when you live 10 siblings, you gotta have some thick skin. (jumps in excitement) Yes! Odine:(in her head)Okay, Lily may have gotten a strike but Im sure the boy of my dreams will get a strike. Leni: Sorry, but, like, I DARE not miss a single episode. You were gonna to make us late. (Meanwhile in the dining room, they're all sharing some pizzas, eating them and talking to each other at the same time. Lisa finishes a screwing in the last bolt and finally, the watch is finished. I learned by myself and I taught my sisters how to play. (uncovers main dishes) I made a Bratwurst , Rolls, Schnitzel , Spatzle , and for dessert(uncovers the dessert)Spaghettieis. Lori:Yeah, Lynn get him a blanket! My gum collectionapple corerabbit's footah, here it is. Luan get him a pillow! ), (Lincoln and Linka screams in horror and then they heard some loud footsteps. (Lori showed her phone to Loki that he looked at the photo of Bobby and herself. (walks past her) Okay, You wil get your tests at the end of class. Both Lily and Leon looked at each other with smile. Lynn(Boy): I guess We were having some much fun, We didn't notice. Lynn: I suggest that you should go first. Lincoln also had a cast around his ankle. Lincoln:(gives the squirrel the acorn)Here you go, buddy. Lana:Its true and I did that by showing him how me and hops met. So with so much distress, and also horror, he decided to give up and keep the note to himself). Let's move kids! (pulls out her phone)Their numbers on my phone(Lynn Sr. takes the phone) and Ill go pack my bags and Ill be going back to Germany. 1. Itll be perfect(smiles slyly). (The siblings stare blankly at Lisa for a second.). Levi: So tell me, what's it like to have your only brother in your dimension? 59 parts Ongoing after no-Luck for Lincoln his whole family kicked him out of the house force him to sleep outside b. Lana: Oh, me and Lola lost our baby teeth at the same time. Won Five games without breaking a sweat! Odine: No problem, I showed those bullies. Luke: Yeah, but at least We something in common like we do like rock. Luna:I know, bro! He quickly changed his . (In Luke and Lane's Room, Luan and Lane are watching his blog video where Lane is at the store and he throws a pie at man's face, then the man falls on top of a cake and then he runs away.). ), (Then moments later, Luna and Luke are seen sitting in metal chairs and looking on their phones.). (Lars goes under his bed and pulls out a Prince Pony comic.). Lincoln and Odine go downstairs to the kitchen and they find Lynn Sr. cooking in the kitchen. (pulls a cassette tap out of her pocket)Yknow I got a mix of Mick Swaggers best hits!

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